Konoha: I Have Kakarot Inside Me

Chapter 255 Arriving At Nami Nemesis

Chapter 255 Arriving at Nami Nemesis

"Is this thing productive?"

Naruto pointed to the combat effectiveness tester. Although it is not good to rely on tools, this thing is really convenient, a portable Dragon Ball radar.

Each Dragon Ball fighter has one, which can also greatly reduce the time required for communication. Qi can communicate over a short distance, but once the distance is too far, they can only sense the change of each other's Qi and cannot communicate effectively.

"Manufacturing is not difficult, but the difficulty lies in the amount of calculation." Bulma explained: "For every increase of about 1W, the amount of calculation will double."

"I have developed this machine to the highest level. Its limit is to test the combat power of less than 300,000 points. If it is more, it will not be displayed."

Being able to transform the combat effectiveness tester that could only test less than 10,000 to less than 300,000, I can only say that Bulma is a real drop of leather.

It also reflects from the side that the dignified universe emperor, the largest real estate developer in the world of Dragon Ball, and the scientific research team under Frieza Legion are really weak.

"If I'm going to build a new machine to test more values, I'm still missing some parts."

It's not that Bulma can't modify the machine with a higher test value, but that there are missing parts, and many parts are not owned by the earth.

Here I want to emphasize again, Bulma is mighty.

300,000 combat power is almost enough, and there are not many in the entire universe that exceed this value.

At least before the cosmic emperor Frieza was defeated, there were not many characters in the entire universe with a combat power of more than 100,000, and tens of thousands were already considered rare.

Now all that remains is the coordinates of Nambuster.

Naruto's first stop is to go to the legendary Nami nemesis.

Don't look at the Frieza chapter, facing the attacks of Vegeta, Dodoria and others, the Nami nemesis was slaughtered wantonly like chickens. In fact, looking at the universe, the Nambusters are considered a race with high combat effectiveness.

Ordinary combat-type Nambusters have a combat power of several thousand points, and the ace Neru has a level as high as 42,000.

It couldn't be more suitable as Naruto's next training location.

It stands to reason that it is easiest to need Shenlong to ask for the coordinates of the Nam nemesis star, but as early as three months ago, the Z fighters found the god and asked him to repair the Shenlong killed by Piccolo, and then promised to be killed by Piccolo. A wish for the resurrection of all dead good people.

At this time, the Dragon Ball should be in the state of stone, and it will take another 9 months to fully restore to the Dragon Ball.

The rest can only ask the gods to take him to the underworld, and find the king of the world through the snake road.

In the end, you still have to go through the process of the underworld.

"By the way, this machine also stores the coordinates of a large number of planets." Only Bulma said.

Naruto: "!!!"

There is also such a good thing, if you really doze off, someone will give you a pillow.

After some inquiries by Bulma, the coordinates of these planets were specially left for Wukong by the Baddock couple when they sent him away. Without exception, they are all peace-loving races, such as the Nami nemesis, such as the sub-Della special star Another example is Metamosus.

"So you're going on an interstellar trip?"

Bulma's eyes lit up when he learned that Naruto was going to travel to Nami Buster.

As the daughter of the Capsule Company and the sole heir of the Capsule Company, she has been well-clothed and well-fed since she was a child. Wisdom), no matter what subject, you can basically read it once.

Over time, everything felt boring. In order to find something interesting (find a boyfriend), I searched through the books at home and found the secret of Dragon Ball, so Bulma started her Dragon Ball journey. This is the beginning of Dragon Ball. .

The Dragon Ball adventure with Goku and the others was her happiest day.

Now there is an opportunity to take an interstellar adventure, do you think she is not tempted?

So she asked Naruto for an adventure together.

However. Naruto decisively refused.

The reason is - Naruto doesn't want to take her.

Are you kidding, Naruto went to Nami Buster to practice, not to go on vacation.

Women will only affect the speed of my cultivation, unless they can practice against me.

"Do you know how dangerous interstellar travel is?" Bulma did not give up, trying to persuade with knowledge: "You should have never been to other planets, right? You know."

Bulma Balabala said a bunch of precautions about interstellar travel, the purpose is to convey a signal that interstellar travel is dangerous if you don’t take me.

"You're right." Naruto said you were right: "But I still have to go alone."

"Nothing, cheapskate." Seeing Naruto's determination, Bulma pouted angrily and ran away.

"Hmph, do you think that if you don't take me with you, there's nothing I can do? One day my old lady will definitely go on an interstellar journey."

Three days later, Naruto embarked on a spaceship to Nami Buster. During this time, he took a trip to Kalin Tower and got a bag of fairy beans from the Kalin Immortal.

It takes 6 days to travel from Earth to Nambuster.

Although it only takes a few days, in fact, Namick is very far away from the earth. If only the earth’s spacecraft is used, it will take 4339 years to reach Namk.

The amount of time required for interstellar travel in the world of Dragon Ball has always been a mystery, with Vegeta and Nappa taking a year to get to Earth.

It took Klin, Gohan, and Bulma a month to reach Nami Nemesis, but the aircraft modified by Dr. Brive arrived at Nami Nemesis in only 6 days.

Interestingly, it took less than a month for Vegeta to return to the Frieza Army base from Earth.

The setting is that the earth is at the edge of the galaxy.

I don’t know if Vegeta was too far away from the earth at that time, or the spaceship they took was too slow, or the base of the Frieza Legion was actually on the edge of the galaxy?

"Try the gravity chamber." The spaceship is auto-piloted, and Naruto doesn't need to do extra controls. What he has to do now is to hurry up and practice.

Saying that, Naruto came to the exercise room on the middle floor and turned on the gravity mode: "Try 11 times gravity first."

Naruto pressed the 11 switch, and the familiar pressure filled his whole body for a moment.

"feeling not bad."

6 days passed in a flash.

Everything went smoothly, neither met Frieza's Legion on the way, nor did the spaceship experience any malfunctions. When he was about to reach Nami Nemesis, Naruto had already adapted to the 13th gravity. After all, he was not the pervert of Wukong. He could adapt from 10 to 100 times the gravity in 6 days.

13 times G is already fast for Naruto.

Looking at the approaching giant green planet, Naruto couldn't help feeling a little excited.

The Nami nemesis Dragon Ball must be stronger than the Earth Dragon Ball.

Then can I wish to become the strongest in the universe?

(end of this chapter)

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