Konoha: I Have Kakarot Inside Me

Chapter 261 Kurama: Hey, I'm Inflated Again

Chapter 261 Kurama: Hey, I'm inflated again

"It failed again. Even with the addition of Neru and Prue, we were still defeated head-on." The Nambuster lying in the bubble did not struggle, but lay in the bubble with an expression of giving up resistance.

"As expected of Naruto." The Nami nemesis, who was called Naruto by the opponent, pressed his hands on the bubble for a while, and quickly retracted it: "The power of your air escape has increased again."

This time it was not like before, Naruto pretended to be a qi escape with qigong waves, but a real qi escape.

The so-called Qi Dun is a move developed by Naruto after combining Chakra and Qi. It is both ninjutsu and a method of using Qi.

"Drink" Prue stretched out his right hand to point at the bubble and raised his hand to create a qigong wave, but the qigong wave disappeared before it touched the edge of the bubble: "I can't do it either."

"Even Neru and Prue can't break through this layer of bubbles? Then let's not talk about it." Another Nami nemesis also simply lay down in the bubbles.

"Okay, okay, let's call it a day." Naruto clapped his hands, the bubbles burst, and the Nami Busters were released.

In fact, after the strengthening of Bolunga's blood, Naruto no longer needs the trouble of making seals when using ninjutsu.

After two years, Naruto's childishness has faded away, and he has completely turned into a 16-year-old boy, but this boy is stronger than the average boy.

Although it is not as exaggerated as the muscular form, nor as domineering as Broly, but it can still be called strong.

It is worth mentioning that Naruto has become very familiar with the fighters of Nami Buster after staying on Nami Buster for two years, and they often train together when they have nothing to do.

Originally, with the personality of the Namics, even the fighting Namics didn’t like to fight, but after experiencing the Dales invasion and the spiritual tree incident, the desire for strength of these fighting Namics was aroused.

Naruto, as the main combat power to solve this incident, has been appreciated by the elders, and naturally becomes a role model for Nami nemesis fighters, even De Naruto, the strongest Nami nemesis, is no exception. And because Naruto has just activated his bloodline, he urgently needs a lot of actual combat to test his strength, and he is also happy to train with these Nami nemesis fighters.

Then there was the scene just now.

In two years, Neru's combat power has increased from 4.2W to 8.8W, and Prud's maximum progress has been increased from 8000 combat power to 6.2W. The remaining Nami nemesis with about 3000 combat power also have different improvements.

The combat power of the last one has also increased to about 1.5W.

It can be said to be the biggest increase in combat power in the history of Nambuster.

As for Naruto, he still maintains a combat power level of 500 normally. In fact, his combat power in normal form has exceeded 10W.

Of course, Naruto and the Nami nemesis are not the only ones who have improved, and Kurama in Naruto has also improved a lot.

The spirit tree seems to have some connection with the sacred tree of the Ōtsutsuki clan. As part of the Ten Tails, Kurama fell into a three-month-long sleep after eating the fruit of the spirit tree.

And after it woke up, it gained more than ten times the combat effectiveness of Naruto.

The exaggerated increase in combat power made Naruto envious.

So Kurama, who felt that he was awesome, approached Kakaro's special frame again, intending to avenge his shame.


Kurama with bald head crouched in the corner aggrieved.

"Brother Pru, Brother Neru, and Brother Naruto." There was a shout from a distance, and a petite Nami nemesis ran over from a distance while shouting.

I saw him trotting in front of the crowd with a pair of short legs, and before he could speak, he began to pant heavily.

This is the 108th child of the Great Elder. His name is Dandy. He has no interest in fighting, but he likes to watch Naruto and the Nami nemesis fighters fight.

Although most of the time he couldn't see the movements of Naruto and others clearly.

"Brother Naruto, this is for you." Dandy handed a jar to Naruto.

"Thank you, Dandy." Naruto took the jar handed over by the other party, which was filled with a slightly viscous green liquid.

This is very popular with Nambusters, a food called 'Tataka'.

Nami Busters can live only by drinking water, but it doesn’t mean that they can only drink water. The ‘Tataka’ given to Naruto by Dandy is a rare delicacy in Nami Busters.

Naruto drank the liquid in the jar in one gulp, and then returned the jar to Dandy.

"It tastes great." Naruto praised without hesitation.

The taste is really good. This food has a unique vegetable fragrance, which is especially helpful for clearing the stomach.

"Hey hey hey" Dandy took the jar with a smirk on his face.

"Hey, Dandy, your name is Naruto, Prue, and Naruto, what about us?" A short and stocky Nami Buster came over at this moment, held Dandy's head and rubbed his head. up.

"Brother Gan, I'm sorry, I didn't see you." Little Dandy apologized obediently.

"Hahaha, you guy was defeated first, of course you were ignored by Little Dandy." Another Nami nemesis laughed.

"Shut up, Shu, you are the second one to be defeated, how much better than me?" Gan retorted without showing any weakness.

"Dandy, your body is too weak. It seems that you need to exercise in the future." Another Nami nemesis warrior walked up to Dandy and patted him on the shoulder.

As a result, Dandy said without thinking, "I don't want to learn that rough fighting style, I want to learn the ability to breathe fire and water from Brother Naruto."

Yes, Dandy actually took a fancy to Naruto's ninjutsu.

After seeing Naruto perform ninjutsu once, he was deeply attracted by this magical power. Since then, he has often pestered Naruto to learn ninjutsu.

However, Dandy, who doesn't have any Chakra in his body, will never be able to learn ninjutsu in this life.

Even though he is a rare genius among the Nambusters.

Yes, don't look at Dandy now, just like the other Nambuster kids, just a little bit of nothing. In fact, Dandy is one of the rare Nambusters who is both a healer and an all-rounder, as well as an excellent Dragon Clan Nambuster.

Ordinary Nambusters only have one kind of talent. Nambusters like Dandy who have three talents are without exception the real favored ones among Nambusters. The two closest ones are gods With Piccolo's father, Kadaz, who was called a genius by the Great Elder, the other is the Great Elder himself.

Even if Dandy has no fighting talent, with a little training, he will become a great Nami nemesis.

It was such a noisy day.

At night, Dandy and other Nam killers fell into a deep sleep. Naruto sat on the chrysalis-like building, looking at the two stars above his head, one red and one green, which were not moons.

"Naruto, are you planning to leave?" A voice sounded beside Naruto, and Naruto didn't turn his head, and he detected the identity of the person coming through his breath.

It's Prue.

"I've been in Nami Nemesis for more than two years, and it's time to leave." Naruto said with his back to Prue.

After getting an affirmative answer from Naruto, Prue was silent for a while and continued: "When will you leave?"

"Just in these two days." Naruto said and turned his gaze to the other side, which is where the earth is.

'It won't be long before a show starts on Earth. You must not miss it. '

‘I’m curious, who is number one on Earth now. '

Prue fell silent again after hearing this, and it took a while before he spoke: "Meet the Great Elder before you leave, as he said before, I will take you to see him again when you propose to leave."

"Okay, let's go tomorrow."

the next day.

Naruto came again to the house where the Great Elder lived.

Compared to two years ago, the Grand Elder's complexion has changed significantly. The most obvious point is that his eyes are almost closed, which presumably indicates that his lifespan is coming to an end.

"Friends from Earth, thank you again for everything you have done for Nambuster."

Naruto understood that what the Great Elder was referring to was training the Nami Busters during this time.

Nami Nemesis Great Elder spoke slowly and slowly: "Although I don't know what your purpose is, I have a vague hunch that you are helping Nami Nemesis."

Looking at the old elder, Naruto suddenly had a bold idea.

Shenlong can't fulfill wishes beyond the creator's ability, so the Great Elder can't make a wish to restore his youth.

But the god of heaven and the big devil Piccolo are actually one. After the split, the god of heaven created the earth dragon, and the earth dragon restored the old Piccolo to his youth.

Does that mean that the Earth Dragon can restore the youth of the Great Elder? In the same way, the Namike star dragon can also restore the youth of the earth gods.

Is this a bug that can be stuck?

"I just hope that in the future, I can help the Nambusters get through a difficult time." Naruto said very frankly.

"Sure enough. You should know something." The Great Elder nodded and continued to ask: "Can you tell me what the cause is?"

Naruto: "Every man is innocent, but he is guilty. Nami Buster has beads that can fulfill any wish, and this alone is enough to make ambitious people in the universe flock to it."

"Dragon Ball. Is it? You who have used it should know that it is not that magical."

The role of Shenlong in the late Dragon Ball world is just a resurrection tool.

Too restrictive.

"I know it's useless, and the actual effect of the Dragon Ball is not important, what matters is what those careerists think." Naruto pointed to the crux of the problem: "As long as there is one careerist who doesn't think so, then Nami Buster will never have peace. "

The elder said again: "What if we destroy it?"

Naruto shook his head: "As I said, the important thing is what those people think, even if you destroy the Dragon Ball, they think you still have the Dragon Ball, then Nami Buster will suffer the same disaster."

When Frieza arrives on Nambuster, can you expect him to show mercy and let you go by telling him you don't have the Dragon Ball?

He will destroy the Nami Buster along with the Nami Buster.

Just like he destroyed Planet Vegeta back then.

Let Nami Buster turn into a firework in the universe.

"Escape is not the solution to the problem. Instead of choosing to escape, it is better to face the difficulties and be fully prepared. Take the initiative in your own hands."

"It's in your own hands." The Great Elder sighed: "The Nami Busters are a peace-loving race."

"There is no conflict between loving peace and defending one's homeland."

"Power is only to better protect the homeland and protect the cherished people."

The Great Elder repeatedly chewed on Naruto's words: "Strength is to protect the homeland and protect the cherished people"

"Friends of Earth, thank you for your advice."

"If you can, I hope you can lend a helping hand within your ability"

Naruto nodded solemnly.

"Before you leave, as an elder, I have nothing to give you. I heard that you made a wish to activate the blood in your body. Let me help you guide out the untapped potential in your body after so long. .”

finally coming?

Among the three development potentials in the Dragon Ball world, it is the most simple and crude old-fashioned head-to-head kill.

Naruto intends to leave on the one hand because he wants to go back to Earth to watch the show, and on the other hand he is also looking for Bulma to build a new gravity chamber.

Because Naruto's strength has been stuck at the bottleneck for more than three months.

The Great Elder put his palm on Naruto's head, and just as he was about to channel out all the power in Naruto's body, there was a sound of metal dragging in his ears, and he seemed to see a continuous circling Dark chains.

Then, the special air belonging to the Great Elder enveloped Naruto's whole body. Naruto only felt that the cells in his whole body were mobilized, and at the same time his body was warm and full of strength.

In the next second, Naruto felt that his body was stretched by something, as if his whole painting style began to change

If I insist on describing it, at this moment he seems to be developing in the direction of Beidou Shenquan.


Uzumaki Hundred Crack Fist?

But this feeling came and went quickly, and soon Naruto returned to normal.

Although the whole process was very fast, it took a full three minutes, which was much slower than when Kelin improved his combat power instantly in less than 2 seconds.

"Amazing." Naruto really felt that the power in his body was stimulated, it was huge.

The Great Elder panted slightly and said to Naruto: "Please call Prue and Naruto when you leave, forget it. The other combat-type Nami nemesis should also be called together."

Naruto was taken aback when he heard the words: "It seems that the elder has already made a decision."

"Although we Nambusters love peace, we are not afraid of war."

Maybe when Frieza's Legion lands on Nami Buster, the powerful Nami Buster fighters will definitely give him a big surprise.

After Naruto left, the elder looked at the place where Naruto left and muttered to himself.

"Your potential. Beyond my imagination."

"Maybe, I can only inspire part of it."

(end of this chapter)

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