Konoha: I Have Kakarot Inside Me

Chapter 263 I Have Grown Into A Qualified Demon King

Chapter 263 I Have Grown into a Qualified Demon King

Naruto nodded: "Very strong, can even be described as invincible. If that guy comes to Earth, I'm afraid no one will be his opponent."

Not to mention Dales, even his subordinates, currently no one on Earth can be their opponent.

The value of 3000 combat power is still very good.

"Wow, so powerful?" Goku was excited after hearing Naruto's description. The aggressive factor from the Saiyan in his body made him very eager to fight against the strong.

Then Goku asked curiously: "Then Naruto, how did you defeat him in the end?"

"I also defeated him with the help of my Nambuster friends."

Then Naruto briefly narrated the Dales spirit tree incident. When he heard the strength of the fighting Nami nemesis fighters, Wukong sighed: "So there are so many powerful beings in the universe. I really want to fight them."

After hearing that Dales crushed Prue, Wukong sighed again.

"Saiyan low-level fighters are so powerful!"

After listening to Naruto's modified part of the story, Wukong felt his whole body's blood was boiling, wishing that he could replace Naruto as the target of fighting Dales.

Although Naruto is not seriously fighting with the opponent, most of them are calculating, but it does not prevent him from describing his blood.

"Don't worry, although there are not many surviving Saiyans, there will be opportunities in the future." Naruto patted Goku on the shoulder and said meaningfully.

As long as the general plot does not change, Raditz, Nappa, and Vegeta will eventually fight Goku.

"There are not many surviving Saiyans." Bulma keenly captured a piece of information, but seeing that Naruto didn't mean to explain it, he thought the information was not important, so he didn't continue to ask.

"Haven't Tianjin Fan arrived yet?" Wukong looked around and asked suspiciously.

"Aren't you practicing together in the Temple of Heaven?" Gui Xianren asked curiously.

"Shortly after Grandpa Turtle left a year ago, the temple was attacked by a group of monsters who claimed to be Garlic Legion (Carrick II took garlic)" Wukong told the story of being attacked by Carrick II and others.

"After defeating those guys, everyone felt that their own strength had reached a bottleneck stage, and it was difficult to make further progress, so they said that more rigorous training was needed. Except for me continuing to stay in the temple to practice, everyone left. So Now I don't know where they went."

"It turns out that you met a strong enemy again when I was away." Gui Xianren nodded, feeling the strength of his apprentices.

"Huh?" At this time, Naruto, Wukong, and Kamesenjin stopped talking at the same time, turned their eyes to one side, and said under the puzzled eyes of Bulma and others: "It's such a strong (good) breath, it seems to be Tianjin Fan and the others. coming."

As soon as the words fell, accompanied by a howling gust of wind, the figures of several people appeared in front of Naruto and others. Several people were wearing bamboo hats or coir raincoats.

It was Tianjin Fan, Yamucha, Kelin and others that I hadn't seen that year.

"Long time no see, Teacher Wutian." Tianjin Fan greeted Guixianren kindly. Although he was still wearing the yellow-green martial arts uniform of Crane Immortal Style, the word Crane in the center had been changed to Tian character.

This means that Tianjin Fan has completely left the Hexian style and found his own way of martial arts.

The same goes for dumplings.

"Kelin, Yamucha, long time no see." Wukong greeted everyone with his right hand.

"You are Wukong?" Kelin raised his head, staring blankly at Wukong who should be about the same height as him, but suddenly taller than him by a head.

"Is this kid Wukong?" Not only Kelin, but also Tianjin Fan and Yamucha were shocked, only Dumpling didn't respond.

Then Krillin circled around Wukong, trying to find any flaws: "We have only been separated for a year, and you have grown so tall?"

"Tell me, is there any secret recipe for growing taller?"

"Hahaha, I don't know either." Wukong scratched his head sharply: "I woke up and felt that my clothes became smaller. It seems that I have indeed grown taller."

What does it mean to grow taller as soon as you sleep?

Crean said he was hurt.

Obviously, everyone was of average height a year ago, but you secretly grew taller behind my back.

"That's right, that's right." Bulma suddenly thought of something, and looked at them with a malicious smile: "Let me see your fighting power."

Everyone was full of question marks, expressing that they did not understand what Bulma was talking about, while Naruto, the only one who knew what Bulma meant, just laughed and said nothing.

Under the surprised eyes of everyone, Bulma took out a combat power tester from his bag.

This is the one worn by Naruto before. I collected Dales and their combat power testers and gave them to Bulma to upgrade. Naruto’s own has been replaced with the latest one, and the upper limit of the test can exceed 3 million.

Bulma pointed to the combat effectiveness tester next to his eyes with a proud face: "This is a prop that can realize strength, and it is called a combat effectiveness tester in the universe."

"So amazing?" Everyone was surprised. It is hard to imagine that there is such a machine in the world that can realize the strength in a digital way, but it is a matter of course when they think that it is made by Bulma.

Ten thousand of them believed in the ability of the genius scientist Miss Bulma.

She said yes, so there really was.

"Then come and test our data." Everyone looked eager to try.

Although the people now are able to perceive and use qi, they can only perceive a general idea, and they can't stand the novelty of this thing.

"Old Turtle, let's test yours first." Bulma pointed to the Turtle Immortal and said, pointing the combat power tester at him, and with the beeping sound, a string of numbers appeared on the lens: "139 points. There's only so much?"

Bulma once secretly tested Naruto's strength, and the data he got was 500. Compared with it, 139 is indeed a bit less.

"I feel like I've been offended." Immortal Gui was not angry and said cheerfully.

Naruto glanced at Guixianren, he can be sure that Guixianren's combat power is more than 139 points, 139 is the original value of Guixianren, and now he has practiced in the temple, and his strength is definitely far beyond this number.

Naruto thinks that he, like himself, has always fixed his own strength at a certain value, and when he explodes at full strength, he will definitely exceed this value, such as when he is in a muscular form.

As a master of martial arts, he wants to control the combat power not to be too simple.

This is the so-called restraint, and it can also be called returning to the basics, but there is no great success.

When Guixianren doesn't deliberately control the combat power, but the combat power is no different from that of ordinary people, that is the state of returning to the original.

"Teacher Wutian's combat power is 139? What about mine?" Kelin pointed to himself, and said impatiently, "Bulma, let's test my data too."

"Okay." Bulma aimed the combat power tester at Klin, and quickly reported a series of numbers: "770 points, it's so high."

Guixianren has 139 points, and Naruto has 500 points. I didn't expect that Krillin, who is not very outstanding, has a combat power of 770.

So does that mean Krillin is stronger than Naruto?

But Bulma thought that Naruto had already completed the practice of one hundred times the gravity, could it be that Kling was even stronger than this?

Miss Bulma, who was a genius for a while, no longer knew whether she should believe the combat power figures obtained from the test.

"770, hahaha, so I have surpassed Teacher Wutian by so much." Ke Lin laughed excitedly.

"This machine must be broken." Guixian muttered, but he didn't refute Kelin. To outsiders, it sounded like he was talking stubbornly.

Kling is different from Kamesenjin and Naruto, he has not yet reached the state where he can control his own power freely, so the 770 combat power he shows is really only 770.

"I'll take a look at other people's." Then Bulma pointed the combat power tester at Tianjin Rice, Yamu Tea and Dumplings.

Dumpling's combat power is 410, Yamucha's combat power is 680, and Tianjin rice is amazing, with a combat power as high as 830. It is currently the highest value of combat power tested by Bulma.

"As expected of Tianjin fans, they are so strong." Kelin said with his hands behind his head, admiringly.

Ever since he knew his own strength, Kelin was a little drifting.

"Then look at Wukong." Bulma pointed at Wukong again, and the number displayed on the machine surprised her: "There is actually 1307?!"

Wukong is the first existence that Bulma has seen so far with a combat power of over a thousand.

"Wukong is so strong?" Hearing the series of numbers reported by Bulma, even Kelin was stunned.

Obviously everyone is practicing together, why is your strength so much higher?

"You guys must have practiced secretly behind our backs." Kelin said dissatisfiedly to Wu Sky's Path.

It's not really angry, it's just normal teasing among friends.

"No, it's just that after you left, the gods took me to a strange place and asked me to practice with Mr. Bobo."

As Wukong said, his face became very ugly, as if recalling some bad memories: "It's just that the conditions there are too harsh, and I often don't have enough to eat. I only stayed there for a month before I came out."

"Damn it, this god actually secretly trained Wukong behind our backs." Ke Lin was dissatisfied.

Yamucha said: "Even Wukong thinks the conditions are difficult. It seems that the environment in that place is really bad."

Only Naruto knows where the place Wukong mentioned is the legendary house of time and spirit.

The gravity there is ten times that of the outside world. If it’s just like this, it’s okay, but the air there is extremely thin, and it’s difficult to breathe after a little exercise, and the surrounding temperature is extremely hot, the temperature is about 50 degrees Celsius and minus 40 degrees Celsius. .

Those who are weak-willed and distracted are prone to hallucinations after staying there for a long time.

The most important point is that a year inside is equal to one day outside.

It is a top-level holy place for practicing will.

The only downside is that only two people can enter the "House of Time and Spirit" at a time, and each person can only stay in it for 2 days in a lifetime, which is two years inside.

Exceeding this time limit the exit will disappear.

Unless the strength is enough to break through the constraints of time and space, otherwise it really won't come out again.

But even with many restrictions, the House of Time and Spirit is still the top practice holy place in the world of Dragon Ball.

Don't look at Wukong just staying in it for a month, but the improvement in strength is very huge.

"How can we fight? Wukong is so strong." Kelin let out a mournful cry. The gap between him and Tianjin Fan is not that big, so even if he meets Tianjin Fan, he won't give up easily.

But the gap between 770 and 1307 is almost doubled.

Yamucha also said a little discouraged: "I thought the gap between us had been narrowed this time, but I didn't expect it to be even bigger."

In stark contrast to the frustration of the two is Tianjin Fan.

I saw Tianjin Fan staring at Wukong with burning eyes, and said with full of fighting spirit in his eyes: "Wukong, even if your combat power is far superior to ours, I will not admit defeat easily, let us have a good fight. "

"That's right. The so-called combat power value is just a dead thing after all, and the real victory or defeat can only be known after fighting." Gui Xianren nodded and said in agreement: "Kelin, Yamucha, you must remember that you must never go unfighted." Be timid first."

"This is a big taboo for martial arts school."

Although this method of comparing combat power is very popular in the universe, it doesn't work in front of martial arts masters. You can only know who is stronger or weaker after fighting.

"beep beep"

At this moment, Bulma's combat effectiveness tester rang again, and after seeing the number displayed on it, Bulma was stunned on the spot: "11500?!"

"How is it possible that the numerical value is stronger than Wukong? Could it be that the machine is malfunctioning?"

Bulma immediately took down the combat power tester and began to check, but found nothing abnormal.

In other words, the data measured by the combat effectiveness tester is accurate.

Wukong's eyes turned to one place, and following his gaze, he saw a tall man wearing the same style of Avanti's bag not far away, staring at him with hatred.

It is worth noting that the man's face is green.

Piccolo, the son of Piccolo.

When Kelin, Tianjin Fan and others saw Piccolo, they felt like they were facing a formidable enemy.

The oppressive feeling he had when facing old Piccolo reappeared in Piccolo, no, it was stronger than reappearance.

After all, Piccolo is countless times stronger than old Piccolo.

"Humph" Piccolo ignored the others, just looked at Wukong coldly, the murderer who killed his father in his memory.

The eyes of the two met in the air, and there seemed to be a fierce conflict, but soon Piccolo looked away, and stayed on Naruto for a second, then turned and left.

With the disappearance of Piccolo, Bulma's combat effectiveness tester stopped ringing, obviously the data measured by the combat effectiveness tester belonged to Piccolo.

'I will defeat you all, in the name of my father Piccolo... no, in the name of Piccolo. '

'I will let you see that I have grown into a qualified devil king now. '

'I am Piccolo, I am...'

'Magic Second Generation! '

(end of this chapter)

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