Konoha: I Have Kakarot Inside Me

Chapter 274 Huh? Not Kakarot?

Chapter 274 Huh? Not Kakarot?

The word peace cannot be more precious to humans in the world of Dragon Ball.

Five full years have passed since the 23rd Tenkaichi Martial Arts Conference, and most of the time during these five years has been peaceful, except for a group of dark demons headed by a vampire named Ashura.

However, this group of people only travels at night on weekdays, and they only operate in fixed areas, so the harm is not great.

So basically nothing happened in the past five years.

In the empty farm, an old farmer was hard at removing thatch, and then began to stir the feed to feed the huge hairless chickens around him.

Presenting a peaceful scene.

Suddenly, a meteor flashed across the sky, and with only a bang, it hit a place not far from the farm.

"What's that? UFO or meteorite?" The farmer was startled by the huge movement.

After all, it was near my family's farm, so I drove the truck all the way to the place where the 'meteor' fell.

Because the distance was not far away, the farmer came to the scene of the accident soon, and saw a huge hole in the ground smashed by the meteorite, and a ball-shaped thing lay there quietly.

The farmer brought a shotgun and stood above looking at the spherical unknown object.

"It doesn't seem to be a meteorite."

Just when the farmer was puzzled, the unknown object suddenly moved, and a gap was opened on it, and then a tall and strong man came out from it. He was wearing the combat uniform that Naruto had given to Bulma before. Get the position and wear the iconic Combat Tester.

The strong man jumped out of the pothole with a slight leap, looked at the farmer pointing at him with a shotgun and said, "Why are there still living people on this planet?"

Then he muttered to himself: "It seems that Kakarot doesn't seem to be serious about his job."

"Or, was killed?"

If it's the former, then as the big brother, I must teach him a lesson. If it's the latter, then you have to prepare to run away.

"Hey, hello! What are you?" The farmer pointed the shotgun at the strong man's forehead: "Don't come close to me, or I will shoot."

"Inferior race." What Raditz hates the most is when someone points a weapon at him, especially his forehead.

But just to be on the safe side, he turned on the combat power tester for the farmer.

The figures shown above reassured him completely.

"Huh, the combat power is only 5 residues."

"Touch!" At the same time, the frightened farmer also pulled the trigger.

Raditz grabbed it casually, and the bullet was easily caught.

The conventional weapons in the universe are laser guns, primitive weapons like bullets have long been eliminated. On the one hand, it is because the attack speed is too slow, and on the other hand, it is because the lethality is too low.

Then he pinched the bullet with two fingers and aimed it at the farmer who was attacking him.

With a light flick of the knuckles, the bullet flew back at an even faster speed.

With a plop, the farmer fell to the ground, dead from the bullets from his own shotgun.

"Weak nation." Raditz snorted coldly: "That guy Kakarot should not be killed by this kind of nation."

"It seems that he is passive and sabotage."

'beep beep beep'

The combat power tester worn by Raditz rang.

"There are powerful creatures ahead, about 9,000 kilometers away from here."

"Could it be Kakarot with a combat power of 600?"

Looking at the combat power value displayed on it, he smiled, and at the same time breathed a sigh of relief.

He was really worried about encountering an existence that surpassed his combat power.

'More than 600 combat power, but after turning into a giant ape, it also has 6000. Although not as good as me, it can still form a certain combat power. '

Thinking of this, Raditz flew towards the place where the combat effectiveness was tested.

By the way, Raditz's combat power is 1500 points, which is a relatively weak fighter in the universe. However, a Saiyan can become a giant ape. After transformation, Raditz has a combat power of 15,000. Although this figure was nothing when the Saiyan was at its strongest, there are not many Saiyans left now. , as long as it doesn't cause trouble, the 15,000-point trump card can still live very well in the universe.

The extreme west of the world of Dragon Ball, the entrance to the dark devil world, Xiu Luo Cheng.

This is the place closest to the darkness on the entire earth, shrouded in a layer of black fog all day long, even the sun at noon cannot shine in.

This is also a paradise for the dark demons. They have physique and strength far surpassing that of human beings, but because they are extremely afraid of the sun, they can only hide in this Luo Cheng.

"King Ashura." With a pair of wings growing from behind, a monster like a pink devil knelt down on one knee in front of the gorgeously dressed nobleman, and respectfully presented the things in his hands: "This is the Dragon Ball you want."

It was an orange-yellow bead with seven stars in it.

Seven Star Dragon Ball.

"Very good, this is the last one." Your young master took the Dragon Ball and nodded in satisfaction, then spit out another six Dragon Balls from his mouth, and put the seven Dragon Balls together. Looking at the seven Dragon Balls that were shining with light from time to time, your son could no longer hold back the excitement in his heart: "Finally... finally, I can realize my wish."

When the seven Dragon Balls gather together, Shenlong can be summoned, and he can fulfill any wish of the summoner.

"My lord, do you want to make a wish to find Lord Piccolo?" At this time, a long-horned demon standing on the left side of the nobleman asked, "Welcome back to our king."

This noble son is none other than Ashura, one of the three Admirals under Piccolo five years ago.

Five years ago, he did not enter the space leading to other dimensions with Piccolo, but chose to stay on the earth.

As soon as the horned demon finished speaking, a laser beam hit his body. After a while, the scorched corpse fell to the ground, and the wind turned into countless smoke and dissipated in the air.

"Hmph" Ashura snorted coldly: "My strength has grown day by day over the years, and now I am no longer the same me as before. As long as I am not afraid of the sun, no one will be my opponent."

"Piccolo? That's just an outdated demon king."

Ashura's strength has improved tremendously over the years, and he no longer pays attention to Piccolo at the beginning.

Although Piccolo unified the villains on Earth five years ago, there has been no news of him leaving for five full years. The villains under his command have already taken over the mountains and become kings. After all, as a villain, betrayal is a normal thing.

They only believe in the strong and the strong.

"Remember, I, Ashura, am the real Demon Lord."

The demons around were terrified by Ashura's hand.

The strength of the horned demon was comparable to them, and Ashura just wiped them out with a single move, so it was the same for Ashura to deal with them.

As soon as Ashura finished speaking, he heard a strange voice cut in.

"Huh? It's not Kakarot."

(end of this chapter)

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