Konoha: I Have Kakarot Inside Me

Chapter 281 Your Brother Is Much Better Than You

Chapter 281 Your Brother Is Much Better Than You

"Are you here to find your brother, Kakarot?" Under the oppression of Piccolo's powerful strength, Raditz easily succumbed. Although he was ready to die in battle, who would want to be alive? What about death?

'Humans with tails? '

Piccolo, who has all the memories of Piccolo, thought of Monkey King when he heard that Saiyans are characterized by tailed humans.

'Is this guy talking about Monkey King? '

"You know my brother?" Raditz asked quickly upon seeing this.

"If I'm thinking of the same person you're talking about, then that guy is indeed your younger brother."

After Piccolo finished speaking, he looked Raditz up and down for a while, a look of contempt flashed across his face.

"Your brother is much stronger than you."

As if recalling a past that he didn't want to recall, Piccolo snorted coldly, and then said:

"You have two choices now, one is to be killed by me."

The cold murderous intent on Piccolo made Raditz shiver.

"Second. Surrender to me. Be my subordinate, Great Demon King Piccolo."

"I choose two! I choose two!" As soon as Piccolo finished speaking, Raditz couldn't wait to answer.

‘It’s also quite interesting to accept Sun Wukong’s big brother as his subordinate. '

Piccolo glanced at Raditz: "Although the strength is a bit weak, the potential seems to be pretty good." It is worth cultivating. '

If it was the former Raditz, he would not surrender even if he died. Unfortunately, after a certain battle, Raditz has long lost the glory of the Saiyans. As soon as Piccolo said that he didn't need to die, he immediately agreed.

As for the price of betraying Vegeta

Haven't you seen Vegeta's deadly enemy, Qiu Yi, whose combat power is comparable to Vegeta's, has he been killed?

Piccolo seemed to have a volatile expression, but the information he discovered today caused waves in his heart.

'Saiyan? Nami Busters? Hmph, I didn't expect Sun and I to be both cosmic beings. '

'But it doesn't matter. '

'I am who I am, and I am Piccolo the Great Demon King. '

"Ashura" Piccolo's eyes fell on the dying Ashura.

Ashura looked up at Piccolo with difficulty: "King"

He knew what Piccolo's presence here meant.

Piccolo glanced at him, then turned around, and then his faint voice floated.

"Judice yourself"

Betrayers, especially those of the Demon King, have nothing but death.

Ashura betrayed Piccolo and he too must die.

But Ashura breathed a sigh of relief.

Suicide is the most merciful way to die for the traitors of the Demon Race.

With a burst of blood-red light, the vampire Ashura disappears forever.

The surviving demons of Axiu Luo Cheng were crawling on the ground trembling at this moment, not daring to breathe, as if they were waiting for Piccolo's trial. In a sense, they are also traitors.

However, Piccolo is not very interested in killing these low-level demons. He is a demon king but not a tyrant. These low-level demons can barely save their lives.


With a cry, the demon man descended from the sky with the mummy on his back.

Although Raditz lost the combat power tester and was unable to measure the opponent's strength, his Saiyan intuition told him that these two guys were not easy to mess with, although one guy seemed unable to fly.

I don't know if it's a race issue, but mummies can't learn Kong Wushu.

But in terms of combat effectiveness alone, he has already surpassed Raditz at this time.

"The subordinate is one step late, please forgive me, your speed is too fast."

The devil man hurriedly came to Piccolo and said hastily.

Piccolo waved his hand, indicating that he didn't care.

"Come out, I know you're nearby." Piccolo said to the empty place.

"Piccolo." Naruto's figure slowly appeared.

"You guys are always nearby!" The moment Piccolo saw Naruto, his face turned green with anger, turning from green to dark green.

The main reason is that staying in the gravitational space for the past few years is really hard. Apart from throwing some strange and powerful monsters into the gravitational space from time to time, Naruto let them fight with some strange cosmic people. Although the strength has improved rapidly, but basically They are all narrow escapes.

Just like throwing in a guy called Cosmic Demon before, he was almost killed by the other party.

"This is for you." Naruto didn't pay attention to Piccolo, but took out a sleeping child around four or five years old from somewhere, and threw the child to Piccolo.

"Who is this kid?" Piccolo caught it firmly, looked at the child's face out of the corner of his eye, and turned his gaze to Naruto again: "Could it be your illegitimate child?"

"But he doesn't look like you at all."

"He is the son of Monkey King." Naruto didn't mean to play a riddle, but directly revealed the answer: "It's called Monkey King."

"Sun's child?" Piccolo looked at Gohan's face seriously after hearing the words, and found that it was indeed very similar to Wukong: "What did you give me his child?"

'Monkey King? Kakarot? My brother's child? ’ During the conversation, Raditz learned that the Monkey King mentioned by Naruto and Piccolo refers to Kakarot, so he also took a curious look at Satoru.

Not quite like me, but somewhat like my father. But why do you feel so weak?

If Kakarot is strong, shouldn't his children be strong?

Naruto didn't answer Piccolo directly, but changed the topic: "One year later, two powerful Saiyans will arrive, and they are Raditz's companions."

Piccolo looked at Raditz, and Raditz nodded frantically, indicating that Naruto was right.

Raditz Honey is confident that Vegeta and the others must think that he died in battle and will come to Earth to avenge himself. After all, he is one of the few Saiyans. Although Vegeta and the others will indeed come to Earth, it is not to avenge him. On the contrary, if he knows that Raditz has turned to Piccolo, who is a Nam nemesis, then with Vegeta's pride, he will definitely take action to clean up the door himself.

Piccolo withdrew his gaze and turned to Gohan again. For some reason, Piccolo always felt that this kid looked a little friendly.

"So you want to train this kid? To deal with the Saiyans in a year's time?"

Before Naruto could speak, Raditz blurted out and answered first: "Impossible. Although Vegeta and Nappa are powerful, Vegeta, the strongest among them, is only at Qiu Yi's level at best, absolutely not Is the king's opponent."

Raditz's role was replaced very quickly, and Piccolo is already called the king.

Piccolo nodded and looked at Naruto again.

"They are indeed not your opponents in their normal state, but the Saiyans have mastered a move that can instantly increase their strength by ten times."

"Giant apeization."

"The combat power of the strongest of the two Saiyans is 18,000. If it is increased by ten times, then his combat power will exceed 180,000."

"Piccolo, this strength is stronger than yours."

Say update today, update today

(end of this chapter)

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