Konoha: I Have Kakarot Inside Me

Chapter 3 The Fox Should Hand Over The House... Kakarot?

Chapter 3 The fox should hand over the house. Kakarot?

Not long after Third Generation returned from Naruto, a ban was placed on everyone in Konoha Village from talking about Naruto behind their backs.

Human beings are very strange. The more they are forbidden to do something, the more they want to do it, and then they find various reasons for themselves to justify what they can do.

Naruto returned from hunting and returned to the hut. Seeing the scene in front of him, he couldn't speak for a long time.

The nets used to catch fish were torn to shreds, the small fish pond was smashed to pieces, the fish and shrimp raised in it were trampled to death, all kinds of crops were uprooted, and the small wooden house was turned into a pile of debris. Some yellow liquid was smeared on the clothes and bedding

It took Naruto half a month to build these things bit by bit. Although simple, they are very warm.

But now there are none.


'It's gone'

The villagers dare not disobey Master Hokage's order, and dare not talk behind their backs, but it is understandable to pass by "occasionally" and "inadvertently" destroy the "magic lair" of the demon fox, right?

Perhaps someone else contributed to it?

Why do you say that?

Because when Naruto saw someone again, the malice on the other person doubled.

After all, a tool like Jinchūriki still needs to be in your hands to be at ease.

'I was so naive that I would have hoped for Third Generation with guilt. In his heart, the fact that I am Nine Tails Jinchūriki is more important than that I am Naruto the whirlpool. '

Nine Tails Jinchūriki, Uzumaki Naruto.

It seems that both are Naruto, but there is an essential gap between the two.

Simply put, Nine Tails Jinchūriki is the village's weapon, and Uzumaki Naruto is the son of the Fourth Generation.

Lost? angry?

Find the culprit?

No, it doesn't make any sense.

Naruto took a deep breath and let it out slowly. With a tone that doesn't belong to his age at all, he said hoarsely: "I really didn't expect human malice to make people sick to such an extent."

"It is possible to do this to a child who is harmless to humans and animals, or even has not done any harmful behavior."

"I really hate this place."

"This village is called Konoha."

"Fourth Generation, what have you guarded?"

Naruto returned to the place where he lived in the first place, an apartment, neither big nor small, with a living room and a bedroom.

Although it is an apartment, there should be people living in the neighbors, but in fact, there is no one living on this floor except Naruto.

Feeling the malice coming from all around, Naruto walked to the mirror, looked at himself in the mirror and said lightly.

"Stay here for now."

"Strive to be strong."

In the ninja world, big fists are the last word.


Compared with the wild, the only advantage of living in the village is that you don’t have to find food by yourself, and there is a third generation purpose to speak, and there are no weird things in the food.

It's just that Naruto can't go to restaurants to eat normally except for buying some basic daily necessities. Almost all shops don't welcome small Naruto, except for a ramen shop called Ichiraku Ramen.

If you don't know how to cook, the only thing you can eat is instant noodles and milk.

Fortunately, Naruto can cook.

The days of practice are very boring. Due to the lack of teaching, Naruto can only do some physical exercises.

Naruto knows everything about treading water, climbing trees, and Rasengan, but he lacks one of the most basic things, the premise to realize all these things.

He doesn't know how to extract chathra.

Without Chatonla, everything above is bullshit.

The current Naruto is not old enough for Jōnin's school, and besides, it is not necessarily agreed that he will go to the ninja school.

If Jinchūriki is not stable enough, it is quite dangerous to put it in a ninja school.

ding dong ding dong

The sound of water dripping woke Naruto up, and he opened his eyes, and what he saw was a place like a basement.

"This is here!" Naruto's eyes widened instantly, and he screamed excitedly.

"Finally... finally able to reach this place."

This is the space inside Naruto, where the sealed Nine Tails are held.

I can't practice it by myself, but as long as I find Nine Tails, I will find a way to perceive Chakra.

Naruto got up from the ground, as if he suddenly thought of something, looked at the ground and touched his body, obviously lying on the wet floor, but there was no trace of being wet on his body.

'so amazing. '

The surrounding light was very dim, and Naruto could only vaguely recognize the surrounding environment. Although the place is empty, there is only one way to go.

Soon, Naruto came to a huge iron gate.

In the center of the iron gate, there was a seal marked with incomprehensible symbols.

"It really is right here!"

Naruto suppressed the excitement in his heart, he had already thought about what to say next.

Finally, the wait came, my own plug-in.

The most powerful of the legendary Nine Tails - Nine Tails Kurama!

Seeing the approaching figure inside the iron gate through the dim light, Naruto took a deep breath, afraid that the other party would not hear him, and shouted with all his strength:

"Should the stinky fox pay the rent?"

When Naruto saw who was coming, there was a Nine Tails demon fox with nine tails in front of him, but a man in his 20s and 30s, with a hedgehog head and wearing an orange Taoist uniform.

The most important point is that there is something like a halo on the opponent's head.

'Who are you? ’ Naruto's first reaction.

'I seem to have seen it somewhere. ’ Looking at the somewhat familiar déjà vu, Naruto’s second reaction.

"Yo!" The man raised his left hand and greeted Naruto, "I'm Monkey King."

"Hahaha, I've been waiting here for a long time and I haven't seen a single person. I thought there were no humans here."

"Has the underworld become like this now? Where is Uncle Hades?"

"By the way, do you have anything to eat there? Although you don't need to eat after becoming a dead person, you always feel your stomach is rumbling."

The man seemed to have opened up a chatterbox, chattering a lot of unclear things like a cannonball.

Sun Wukong? Hades? Uncle Yan Wang still has an aperture.? ? ?

Where does it seem to have been heard?

Looking at the man, Naruto has a very strong sense of déjà vu, and gradually the image of the man overlaps more and more with a certain figure in his heart.

Suddenly Naruto's eyes lit up, he clenched his fist with his right hand and hammered the palm of his left hand, then pointed at him and shouted: "It's you! Kakarot!!!"


Unexpectedly, after hearing Naruto's words, the other party frowned and muttered dissatisfiedly at Naruto.

"Do you know my big brother Raditz?"

"Why do you call me by the same name as Raditz?"

"My name is not Kakarot, I am Sun Wukong, a Saiyan who grew up on Earth."

(end of this chapter)

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