Konoha: I Have Kakarot Inside Me

Chapter 295 Roaring Like An Energy Bomb

Chapter 295 Roaring Like an Energy Bomb

There are still twelve days until the January period.

At the 79th base of the Frieza Legion, a spherical spaceship landed quickly.

The miscellaneous soldiers of the legion who received the news quickly got up and lined up to greet them.

After all, although Vegeta was rejected by other high-level officials in the legion, he was not a big shot that this group of miscellaneous soldiers could offend. After all, he was still a cadre, and Vegeta had always had a bad temper. It's a routine thing.

These miscellaneous soldiers stood in place tremblingly, but the spaceship landed for a long time, but Vegeta was not found, and the miscellaneous soldiers around looked at each other in blank dismay.

Miscellaneous soldier A: "Why hasn't Master Vegeta come out yet?"

Miscellaneous Soldier B had to be smarter and turned on the tester: "Oops, the response of life in the spaceship is very weak."

Several people took a closer look and found that Vegeta was using a life support device to maintain his life.

"No, Vegeta-sama is in danger, organize a rescue quickly."

"A rescue must begin immediately, medic! Medic!"

There was a flutter of chickens and dogs jumping around.

Vegeta was also sent to the treatment cabin by several miscellaneous fish.

After a few hours, Vegeta's injury stabilized and treatment was quickly completed.

"Your treatment has been completed, you can open your eyes." Said the alien who looked like a dinosaur.

He is the chief healer of this planet.

"It's a pity that the tail didn't regenerate." The therapist looked at the severed tail behind Vegeta with a little regret.

Vegeta said nonchalantly: "It's okay, it will grow out soon anyway."

The tail of a Saiyan is like a gecko, and it can regenerate after a period of time. He already feels itchy in his butt, and I believe it will not take long for it to grow back.

‘Huh, the combat power has improved a lot. ’ Vegeta clenched his fists tightly, feeling the surging power in his body.

Saiyans will greatly increase their combat effectiveness after dying once, and become more aggressive and Immune to Death, which is why Saiyans are a fighting nation.

‘But it’s not enough, at least I need to double my strength before I can go back to Earth and find trouble with that brat. First find an idiot to try my current strength. Station No. 79, I remember this is the site of that bastard, if it's very good, I will choose you. '

"Where is that guy Qiu Yi? Isn't he in charge of this place?"

Vegeta, who put on the latest combat uniform, randomly found a random fish outside and asked about the information of the base.

"Master Qiu Yi left here a year ago and disappeared."

"Now this place is under Lord Karuna's jurisdiction."

Karuna, a gorilla-like alien, is an upper-level cadre of the Frieza Legion. It is said that his fighting power is not inferior to that of the Ginuit Squad, and he is also a top-notch figure among the fighters. A cadre of Qiu Yi's level can only exist as his deputy.

"Tsk, that bastard's mouth is so stinky, he should have been killed by some guy who didn't like him, haha, he deserves it."

After hearing this, Xiao Bing neither dared to echo nor refuted, and could only stand aside in embarrassment.

"Where's King Frieza?" Vegeta asked again.

"King Frieza has left. It is said that he is going to a newly discovered planet."

"Call Nam Buster!"

"What?" Vegeta was shocked.

Nami Nemesis is where he intends to go, and Frieza's first step means that the chats between himself and others have been eavesdropped.

‘If Frieza gets the Dragon Ball and his wish comes true, then I can only obey his orders for the rest of my life. '

'Careless! '

'There is only one way for now, we must find the Dragon Ball before Frieza! '

Vegeta hurriedly rushed to the spaceship area, set to go to Planet Namek, and the sphere exclusive to combatants flew out of Station 79.

"Kuran Berry, you did a good job." After Vegeta left, a slightly funny figure appeared.

"Lord Carter!" Kuran Berry immediately stood up straight when he saw the person coming.

Cadre Carter is an alien with thin arms and red skin. He has two horns and two big, pointed red ears on his head. He also has a twin brother named Carter. The numbers are not the same, almost exactly the same.

Regardless of his funny appearance, this guy is a powerful fighter in Frieza's army, and he once fought side by side with the Ginuit team.

It is the main competitor of the Special Forces.

"King Frieza is tired of the betrayal of these Saiyans." Art seems to be explaining to Kuran Berry or talking to himself: "Nami's nemesis. It is the place where Vegeta is buried."

"Instruct the logistics team to prepare the spaceship."

"We Apocat Special Forces"

"All set out."

The one-month period is over, and Frieza's huge spaceship slowly landed on the empty Namike planet.

"This planet is really desolate." Sabo said first.

Dodolia, the head of the sea cucumber, echoed, "It's not worth selling at all."

"If you make a wish successfully, destroy this place as a reward." Frieza finally said, "I'm very kind, oh oh oh oh~~~"

Classic Frieza is laughing all over the sky.

"Go, little ones. Find all the Nambusters!"

"Whoever finds the Dragon Ball first will get rich rewards when they go back."

Although Frieza is sometimes very brutal, but most of the time he is easy to talk to, and Frieza is very generous in his shots, and the welfare of Frieza's army is really good, and the miscellaneous soldiers behind him rushed out like a swarm of bees after hearing the news.

"Huh? That's strange, why can't there be a life reaction anywhere?" A miscellaneous soldier activated the combat effectiveness tester and searched for a while: "There isn't a single index that breaks through ten."

"Could it be that the detector is broken?"

"It's not your problem, I am the same." Another miscellaneous soldier who looked like a toad followed.

"The combat power of the Nambusters can't be single digits, right? Such a weak race? Hahaha, then you all go back, and Jimmy alone is enough." A miscellaneous soldier with two horns on his head Funny way.

His action caused the other miscellaneous soldiers to laugh.

"Hahaha, it seems that Jimmy wants to monopolize the reward Mr. Frieza gave us."

I thought there would be a fierce battle, but I didn't expect it to be this?

The miscellaneous soldiers breathed a sigh of relief, and some even took off the detectors, as if they were on an outing.

Think about it too.

Who in the entire universe can stop the footsteps of our Frieza Legion?

Even the Galactic Patrolmen can only survive in the cracks in the face of Frieza Legion.

We are the invincible Frieza army.

It can't be that these Nami nemesis people expected that they would come, and the whole family can control the energy in their bodies, this will be ambushing in the dark to give them a 'surprise', right?

How is this possible? It's just ridiculous.

'what is that? '

One of the miscellaneous soldiers stared blankly at the light balls emerging from the water.

It sounds like an energy bomb.

He pressed the button of the combat power tester casually.

"Energy response. More than ten thousand!!!"

The miscellaneous soldier only had time to say these words, the ball of light emitted a strong light, and a huge light curtain enveloped the sky where the miscellaneous soldiers were.


All the miscellaneous soldiers disappeared, and all of them were wiped out.

Gududu, accompanied by a burst of steam, a head popped out of the water, whether it was Yamucha or someone else.

'The plan was successful. '

Gududu, Yamucha dived into the water again.

(end of this chapter)

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