Konoha: I Have Kakarot Inside Me

Chapter 300 Detective Vegeta

Chapter 300 Detective Vegeta

"Impossible, impossible, I am the strongest fighter under King Frieza. Ah!!!!"

Accompanied by a huge beam of light and the iconic roar of the villain.

Top fighter Apocart, pawn.

'It was so easy to be defeated. How strong are these earthlings? '

Although Vegeta was seriously injured and unable to move, it did not prevent him from observing the battle of several people. He saw with his own eyes that Apokat, the leading master of Frieza's army, was defeated under the joint efforts of the three of them.

‘Obviously a month ago, I was almost the same as me, how could it be possible that after a month, I am stronger than me who has recovered from a serious injury and has greatly improved? '

‘Earthlings, why should they? ! '

‘It must be that during this month, I don’t know what happened to these earthlings. '

‘Even weak people on Earth can become so strong, if it were me. I have to figure this out, maybe, this will be the key to my becoming a Super Saiyan. '

‘Just think of a way. '

"These Nami nemesis fighters are a bit seriously injured. Take them to the healing Nami nemesis." Klin inspected the injuries of the Nami nemesis fighters and said, "I'm afraid they won't be able to intervene in the next battle."

"Hey, your name is Vegeta, right?" Yamcha walked up to Vegeta: "Just now I heard from that pink fat man that Frieza destroyed your planet, and it happens that our target is also Frieza. It is suggested that we both temporarily truce and deal with him together, there is no reason for us to fight."

"Frieza is my opponent." Vegeta said with firm eyes.

"Very good, it seems that we have reached a consensus." Yamcha helped Vegeta up: "I don't like you very much, so I will always supervise you, and it is best not to do unnecessary things for a while. Otherwise, I will kill you immediately."

Vegeta snorted coldly: "I don't like you either."

The flying speed of the few people was very fast, and they arrived at the only village in the Nami Nemesis planet that still had people.

"Why did you come back after traveling for so long? Didn't you say that with your abilities, it's easy to deal with those guys?" As soon as they arrived at the village, they heard Bulmana's characteristic loud roar: "You know how to let a big beautiful woman Is it rude to wait here?"

Dandy whispered to the older Nami nemesis BB: "What is a beauty?"

"It seems to mean female."

Dandy: "Female? Aren't animals divided into male and female?"

"It should be unique to their earthlings."

Dandy: "That's weird."

'This blah woman is really annoying. '

Vegeta said after seeing Bulma's yelling.

It just so happened that Bulma saw Vegeta looking at him at this time. Vegeta looked a little dirty with blood mixed with mud at this time, and immediately said: "What are you looking at, haven't you seen a beautiful woman? Is it due to the fact that Miss Ben is naturally beautiful?" Do you want to cheat on me?"

"I can't even think about it, and I'm guilty of thinking about it."

"I warn you, don't fall in love with me!"

Vegeta frowned instantly, his face flushed, and he almost shouted: "Who would do such a thing! Even if there are no females in the entire universe, I won't like you."

Bulma: "This is the best, it is impossible between us!"

Vegeta: "Humph!"

"Dandy, how are their injuries?"

Yamcha looked at the injured Nami nemesis fighters with a worried face and said, after all, these are the people he took out.

"It will recover in about a minute." Dandy said confidently.

Under the treatment of another Nami nemesis, Vegeta, who was seriously injured, also recovered.

"What a magical ability."

Vegeta sighed, feeling the surging power in his body becoming stronger again.

At this time, Vegeta's combat strength has exceeded 50,000, and the Saiyan's ability to become stronger after dying is really a bug, and it is almost like becoming stronger across classes.

'The Fantastic Nambuster.'

‘If there is a Nambuster who is willing to heal me repeatedly, even without Dragon Ball, I can become the strongest in the universe. '

‘Following these earthlings can reap a lot of benefits. '

Vegeta began to observe the surrounding environment, and soon he found a blind spot. There were only Nami Buster fighters exuding a strong aura, and there was no trace of the old man with a weak breath. The actions of the people on Earth suddenly moved Vegeta, and decided to cheat to see if he could get any useful information: "You already knew that Frieza was coming, and the old people and children have already evacuated."

"Yes, Mr. Naruto told us." A Nami nemesis fighter next to him thought Vegeta was also a companion, so he replied very straightforwardly: "We were preparing for it a year ago. It's a pity that we are still too stupid, even if we try our best this year, we can barely reach this level, we are no match for Frieza and the others, and we have failed Mr. Naruto's trust in us."

The Nami Buster warrior lowered his head in shame as he spoke.

Vegeta continued to ask: "Mr. Naruto? Who is he? Also from Earth?"

"Yes, Naruto is a friend of Earth."

‘How could a mere earthling know about Frieza’s actions. '

Vegeta was running his head at high speed, constantly analyzing the situation.

Saiyans are like this. When they fly with the wind and the waves, they want to jump into many places that are obviously pits. They can't be persuaded.

‘If it’s not that Frieza’s army has traitors, it’s that this guy has some kind of magical ability. '

The possibility of the former is too small. Even the Galactic Patrol can’t do it to monitor Frieza’s traitor, so the probability belongs to the latter.

'A prophecy? Or rely on the power of the magic beads of the Nambuster? '

"Don't you Nami Busters have beads that can grant any wish? Since you knew Frieza was coming, why didn't you make a wish to solve him?"

"Your statement is wrong." The Nami Buster warrior smiled and shook his head: "The Shenlong can't do things beyond the capabilities of the creator. If the Shenlong is really so powerful, we Nami Busters won't even be able to do it. The mother planet cannot be guarded, let alone the population is only as small as it is now."

‘Can’t be beyond the capabilities of the maker? Still have this restriction? It turns out that no wish can be fulfilled’

'Then this thing is not very useful. '

Upon hearing the many limitations of Dragon Ball, Vegeta's interest in it suddenly dropped.

‘I, Vegeta, don’t bother to use defective defective products. '

"Relying on myself is the last word. Only when I become a Super Saiyan can I deal with Frieza." '

(end of this chapter)

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