Konoha: I Have Kakarot Inside Me

Chapter 313 Kerr's Ominous Star

Chapter 313 Kerr's Ominous Star

Sanctuary, the astrological building opposite the Zodiac.

Pope Shion, who is in his twilight years, is pacing back and forth in the star building. Although he looks young, he is actually more than 200 years old.

"How can you doze off on such an important day, Tong Hu." Shi Ang was talking remotely with an old friend far away on Lushan Mountain through the small universe: "You have an important mission on your shoulders."

"I just took a nap." Under the Lushan waterfall, the purple 'Yoda' master wearing a straw hat slowly stretched his body, and replied: "I have been sitting for more than two hundred years, and my body is growing fast. Rusty."

Although one is serious and the other has a slightly frivolous tone, it can be heard from the conversation between the two that they are a pair of good friends.

"After a while, the chosen child will come to the sanctuary."

"After more than two hundred years, it will finally appear"

"I'm really curious, what kind of Saint Seiya will it be?"

Today is the day when the first golden saint arrives.

Unlike silver and bronze, which rely on selection methods, some of the gold saints are directly selected by the goddess from the earth after birth, and then passed on to the corresponding star palace.

The so-called Chosen Son.

In this way, he can better accept the best teachings of the Sanctuary, but the corresponding price is that he is an orphan at birth, and he doesn't even know who his parents are.

A shooting star streaked across the sky and fell towards the Gemini (harmony) house of the zodiac.

Meteor attracted the attention of Shi Ang and Tong Hu at the same time.

'Which golden saint is it? It will use the trigger to tell the star that it is wrong! '

Tong Hu immediately noticed the unusualness of this meteor.

After sitting in meditation for more than two hundred years, besides squatting in front of the big waterfall to guard the seal, he just looks at the sky and counts the stars. He is so familiar with telling stars, no one knows telling stars better than him.

'Not to inform the star! '

An ominous premonition and unspeakable anxiety enveloped the whole body.

"Hades' magic star?"

However, the seal of one hundred and eight magic stars under the waterfall shows that everything is normal.

"Old friend!" Tong Hu immediately called out to his only remaining companion.

"It's the transmission from the goddess." Shi On's voice was very calm.

"It turned out to be teleportation. Wait"

Before Tong Hu was relieved, he felt abnormal again. It was not a meteor but two wrong three meteors.

Hidden in the shadow of two meteors is a third.

'If two stars can still be explained by twins'

But there is a big problem with three stars. According to the records of the ancient books handed down in the sanctuary, one of the three stars must be the 'Keer's evil star'.

Thinking that it was the evil star of the famous 'Keer', the body of the bloated purple eggplant under the Lushan Waterfall was immediately drenched in cold sweat.

Kerr, the only goddess Ming in the Pluton army, the younger sister of the twin gods, the goddess in charge of fate.

She is not good at fighting and is good at playing with people's hearts. Her strength is in the middle and lower stages among the gods, but she has an extremely terrifying ability-"Keer's evil star", which can be attached to the positive star to resonate and bring disasters.

Simply put, it is possession. Soldiers with weak willpower will be directly controlled.

No matter how strong the willpower is, it will be gradually eroded until assimilated.

Make it difficult for you to distinguish who is a friend and who is an enemy.

Since the age of mythology, the "bad star of Kerr" has brought immeasurable disasters to the sanctuary, almost leading to the failure of several holy wars, and its threat is even higher than that of the twin gods.

'Oops! Shion must be notified! ’ Just when Tong Hu was about to call Shi Ang with the small universe, he noticed the abnormality again.

Another very obscure and strange small universe came from the meteor.

not three shooting stars

'Four or four? '

Uncle Tong Hu was dumbfounded.

At this time, Pope Shion had already rushed to the Gemini (Harmony) Palace to investigate the status of the 'Heavenly Chosen Son'.

Soon he found one of the babies, followed by a second.

‘Are there two Geminis in this generation? It is hoped that they will all be trained as the backbone of the sanctuary. '

'Wait.' Just as Shi On was about to leave, he felt a faint sense of the universe.

There is also a third baby in the house of Gemini (harmony).

'Three triplets? '

Could it be that this generation of Geminis is not two, but three?

Shi Ang took a closer look and found that there was no baby in the swaddle, but a mass of matter like a small universe.

"Shion, that's Kerr's evil star!"

"Kill it quickly! Otherwise, he will bring unimaginable disaster to the sanctuary!"

Tong Hu issued a stern warning to Shi On.

More than two hundred years have caused Shion to forget his determination as a gold saint.

He even hesitated.

At such a moment, a strange cosmic fluctuation emanated from the infant, Shi Ang was accidentally hit by the cosmic wave, and fell unconscious on the ground, no matter how Tong Hu shouted, he did not respond.

"This is the survivor of the previous jihad, the pope of the sanctuary, and the guardian of Athena? That's all." A beautiful female voice sounded from the Gemini (Harmony) Palace, and a woman in amethyst-like armor came out Well, glanced at Shi On, who fell unconscious on the ground, and his tone was full of disdain.

It was the goddess of fate, Kerr.

With a wave of his hand, an evil spirit-like substance jumped out of the third baby's swaddle, and wrapped itself around Kerr's wrist in a fawning manner.

"Go, complete your mission."

Kerr didn't appreciate it, and pointed to the two babies on the ground with a look of disgust, and an evil spirit was attached to one of them.

Kerr, who had finished all this, was about to leave when he suddenly felt something strange in the palace.


Kerr waved his hand, setting off a burst of explosions.

"It was discovered."

A voice sounded in the smoke and dust of the explosion, and Naruto appeared in front of Kerr, rubbing his head unsteadily.

He is the fourth planet that Tong Hu noticed.

This teleportation is different from the past, perhaps because of the time travel, Naruto felt his brain was dizzy and the pain was about to burst.

It feels like a hangover or fake booze from the day before.

"I said I was just a passing ninja, would you believe me?" Looking at Kerr, Naruto laughed and tried to get away with it.

When he came here, he met a guy who seemed not to be messed with, and Naruto didn't want to fight anyone until he investigated the situation he was in now.

But sometimes it's not what you want.

Kerr was unmoved, and waved again at Naruto.

There is a reason to kill called you know too much.

Kerr is not interested in knowing why Naruto is here, she only knows that she wants to erase his existence.

To her it was just an unplanned episode.

Naruto wanted to dodge, but he was unable to dodge in time due to the aftereffects of time travel. Kerr slapped him on the pillar, followed by countless black balls of light bombarding him in turn.

"Fear of the Abyss"

As the goddess of fate, although she is not good at fighting, she is also a god.

If it wasn't for the worry of being found abnormal, coupled with the protection of Athena's enchantment, Kerr could destroy the entire palace in an instant.

No human being can take the attack of the gods head-on.

'It's over, mere human. ’ Kerr smiled dismissively, and planned to leave without looking back.

"Hey, do you use the big move as soon as you come up?" A strange voice sounded behind Kerr.

"How is it possible?!" Kerr suddenly turned his head, and a ball of light met him.

Lights up the entire palace in the dark night.

PS: This plot is adapted from the rumors of Che Tianhua, because I think the settings he added are a bit ridiculous, so I changed some.

(end of this chapter)

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