Konoha: I Have Kakarot Inside Me

Chapter 326 It Was Saga Who Rescued The Traitor Aio Ross

Chapter 326 It was Saga who rescued the traitor Aio Ross

Garen rolled his eyes: "Are you sick?"

Dismasker reflexively said: "Do you have medicine?"

The two exchanged a wave of mouth guns.

"I used to be an undercover agent. Do you know what an undercover agent is?" Garen looked at Dismask suspiciously.

"I know, I know, the big Instructor said it before." Dismask stretched out his hand like a gun, then pointed at Garen and looked at him with a serious face: "I didn't have a choice before, but now I want to be a good person. "

Gallon: .

"To be honest, if you just saved the reincarnation of the goddess, you can definitely get a lot of benefits."

Dismask had an expression of "I have lost too much, you have to make up for me".

"What time is it now that you still only care about the immediate benefits." Gallon said angrily, "You rescued her, and then what will you do? Are you going to hand it over to my big brother?"

"If you don't give it to my big brother, you plan to protect yourself? Can you beat my big brother who proclaims himself a god?"

"Hmm..." Desmask was at a loss for words for a moment, saving him was the most troublesome thing.

Even though his strength has improved rapidly after training with Garen over the years, he still has no confidence to beat him.

Garen patted Dismask on the shoulder, and said earnestly, "It's true that your duty is to guard the Zodiac, but the goddess is not in the scope of blocking, and no one will blame you."

"Also remember, from now on you are a firm follower of the 'Pope'. Do whatever the 'Pope' tells you to do."

"Even if you have to settle after more than ten years, you are at best blinded by the 'Pope', and it's not your fault."

"We are going to make contributions in the jihad, and I don't want to see you killed by some inexplicable person before that."

"It's really complicated. Uncle Dismask can't compare to the twists and turns in the stomachs of you cultural people. Just do what you say, anyway, I'm sure you're right." The ignorant Dismask dug After digging his ears, he complained dissatisfiedly: "According to me, why is it so complicated? If he wants to usurp the throne, let him usurp it? Just do it. Or just let him do it."

"Why do you need to go around such a big circle? Waiting for more than ten years."

Garen spread his hands: "You have to ask our beloved 'former' Pope Shion."

"He said that this is the test given to the saint by the goddess, and it is a process that must be experienced."

Dismask: "MD is sick!"

Naruto, who indifferently watched everything that happened in the Zodiac, was speechless when he looked at Shi On, who was standing beside him indifferently. He had already felt that Athena in the form of a baby girl had used her small universe to help Aio Ross out of danger several times.

Perhaps because of her reincarnation, Athena can still use a little bit of divine power, but she is now in the form of a baby, and using the small universe is too much of a burden on the reincarnation's body. Not being able to wake up is a problem.

‘If I were Athena, I would feel tired. '

Aio Ross has gone through a lot of trials and tribulations, and the journey was safe and sound, and finally brought Athena to reincarnate out of the Zodiac.

After finishing off a group of sanctuary miscellaneous soldiers, before Aio Ross breathed a sigh of relief, a golden light struck behind him.


Aio Ross narrowly escaped, and the place where the golden light passed by just now immediately showed a bottomless chasm.

"Shura!" Aio Ross looked at the chasing Shura in amazement: "You got hit by my Light Speed ​​Fist, how could you chase me so quickly?"

"Indeed, with the power of your Aio Ross, I shouldn't recover so quickly." Shura held the position where Aio Ross had just injured, and it was obvious that the injury had not healed: "It is my loyalty to the goddess that supports me. Come before you."

"I want to kill you traitor with my own hands."

Aio Ross stared at Shura closely, not daring to relax at all. Now Shura will not be as careless as before.

A fierce battle is probably inevitable.

But if you fight near the sanctuary, in case you are caught up by other golden saints

‘Even if you risk your life, you must send the reincarnation of the goddess to a safe place! '

Seeing the reincarnation of Athena who fell asleep in her arms, Aio Ross became more and more determined.

‘Should be able to hold on for a while with a single trick of the holy sword, right? '

Just when Aio Ross was about to fight to the death, a crack opened in the air behind him.

"Dimensional space?" Shura's pupils contracted sharply, and he instantly recognized this move.

I saw a hand protruding from the crack, grabbing Aio Ross's back collar, and pulling it back violently. Aio Ross didn't even react, half of his body had been pulled into the dimensional space.

"Want to go? Excalibur!"

Shura's reaction was also extremely fast, shouting and waving his right hand, he slashed towards the opened space of another dimension.

I saw another fist protruding from the space of another dimension, and it was a punch to Shura's 'holy sword'.

That punch seemed light, but the moment Shura's 'holy sword' touched the fist, it bounced off.

At the same time, Aio Ross's body has all entered the different-dimensional space, the cracks are closed at an extremely fast speed, and Aio Ross and the baby girl disappear together with the cracks.

"It's such a terrifying power, such a powerful small universe, I've only felt it on one person"

"You can't be wrong! It's that person!"

Shura braced his body and stood up, looking at the place where Aio Ross disappeared and muttering to himself. After a while, he couldn't suppress the injury in his body anymore, and a mouthful of blood spewed out.

Shura yelled at the surrounding Sanctuary soldiers before he fell into a coma:

"Quickly report to His Excellency the Pope."

"The Gemini Saint Saga who disappeared not long ago rescued the traitor Aio Ross!"


"I'm not dead?"

When Aio Ross opened his eyes again, he found that he was not in the underworld, but in a village not far from the sanctuary.

"Of course you're not dead."

A voice sounded, and he turned his head and saw Naruto.

"Master Instructor? You saved me?"

Although Aio Ross has been taught by Naruto unlike Gallon, he has been taught by Naruto for a year with others anyway, so he naturally recognizes the great (general) Instructor of the sanctuary.

"Otherwise? A passing Kamen Rider saved you?"

"If you're okay, get up quickly. You ate one of my fairy beans, and the skin trauma has already recovered."

It was only then that Aio Ross discovered that his body, which had been seriously injured before, had fully recovered at this time, and his whole body was still full of strength.

"Wait. Where's the goddess?"

Athena's reincarnation was not in his arms, and Aio Ross suddenly panicked.

"Over there." Naruto pointed to the front: "The old man looks at his own granddaughter, never leaving his body."

When Aio Ross saw the face of the old man in Naruto's mouth, he froze.

"You, you, the Pope?!"

(end of this chapter)

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