Konoha: I Have Kakarot Inside Me

Chapter 328 How Dare A Mere Demigod Peep Into The Will Of The Gods?

Chapter 328 How dare a mere demigod peep into the will of the gods?

Heinstein City, this is a beautiful environment, very quiet and warm castle.

"Two big brothers, here I come again."

Kerr, the goddess of fate, descended again in a secluded backyard of the castle, pushed open the door of a white room, and looked at the box with Athena's seal in the center.

"With the birth of Athena, the power of her seal has begun to weaken, and the two brothers can finally come out."

"Then, I'll do it." Kerr stretched out his hand towards the seal.

"No need, Kerr." Before Kerr finished speaking, the voice of the sleeping god Hypenus sounded: "No matter how weak Athena's seal is, it will have some influence on the gods. It is best for humans to seal it." Undo the seal."

"We have someone more suitable."

Kerr paused when he heard the words, and after scanning the castle for God's will, he immediately understood the meaning of big brother.

"It turned out to be Pandora?"

Tanadust followed up and said: "That's right, as the reincarnated sister of Lord Hades, she is the most suitable candidate to unlock the seal."

"Fate will lead her here."

As he spoke, Kerr pursed his lips and smiled lightly, before disappearing in place.

As the goddess of fate, it is simply too easy to play with the fate of a human being.

Soon, the door of the room was pushed open again.

Pandora in a foreign dress walked into the room curiously, and soon broke the seal.

Then two purple beams of light shot up into the sky, and with the release of the seal, Shinigami Thanadus and Sleeping God Shupu Nuos escaped from the trap.

After another period of time, black clouds enveloped the entire castle, flowers, grass, and trees gradually withered, rivers gradually dried up, and small animals died one after another. Finally, the humans living in the castle, including Pandora's parents , until all the life around the castle disappeared, becoming a completely dead castle of death.

Hades is reincarnated!

"Go, Pandora."

Hypnos handed a tightly wrapped swaddle to the young Pandora: "Take your brother, Lord Hades, to where he should go."

That swaddling baby is not a baby at all, but a small dark universe.

"Don't forget, there is this."

At the same time, Hypnos also gave Pandora a pendant, the pendant of the pentagram. It was a treasure that could guarantee Hades' normal possession.

So Pandora left with her baby in her infancy, looking for the host of Hades' life.

The twin gods who had done all this did not leave, but stayed in midair.

"Little mouse hiding in the dark, have you seen enough?"

"Is this the consciousness of God? The perception of harmony is quite similar."

As the words of the twin gods fell, a voice sounded, but no one appeared.

"It is impossible for human beings to deceive the gods." Thanadus waved at the air, and a figure appeared in the air: "Gods are all-knowing and omnipotent beings."

"Dare to spy on the gods, then you can only apologize with death."

He stretched out his palm and gave that figure a firm grip.

That figure didn't even have time to hum, it turned into countless particles and dissipated.

"Human. Huh"

After finishing all this, Thanadus smiled contemptuously and was about to leave.

"Thanadus, you haven't dealt with him." Hypnos, the god of sleep standing beside him, said coldly: "You are too careless, the other party is not a pure human being."

Hypnos waved his hand in the same way, and the figure that was wiped out by Thanadus appeared again.

"Our sister has been taken care of by you, demigod!"

Hypnos was much calmer than Thanadus, and recognized Naruto's identity at a glance.

Thanadus looked worried: "Even if you are a demigod, do you know the price of fooling me?"

"Wait a minute, I didn't come here to fight you."

"what you up to?"

Hypnos held Thanadus down, looked at Naruto and said. Unlike the Shinigami he doesn't like killing, especially senseless killing.

"There is a question that has puzzled me for a long time."

"Just a demigod." Before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted. Thanadus was about to explode when he was stopped by Hypnos again.

"What do you want to know?"

Hypnos talks about what you want, not what you can give me.

This is arrogance from God.

Saying that might just be curious about what Naruto wants, maybe he's investigating something.

Naruto: "I want to know what kind of state is above the eighth sense."

The seventh sense is called the ultimate small universe, the eighth sense is beyond the boundary between life and death, but the eighth sense is not the end, there is a brand new field above the eighth sense, which is called only God The realm that can only be reached is the realm that human beings cannot reach in their lifetime.

The reason why gods are stronger than humans is also because of that realm.

Of course, the strength of saints is still linked to the small universe. If the small universe is too different, even if they reach that level, they will still be beheaded.


The twin gods actually started laughing out loud when they heard the words, the laughter was full of disdain and contempt.

"How dare a mere demigod peep into the will of the gods?"

Above the eighth sense is a realm called the will of the gods. It is said that only true gods are qualified to reach it.

In the face of the will of the gods, even beings as strong as the Big Three, the Golden Saints, and the Seven Generals are as immature as babies.

Legend has it that only by wearing the sacred clothes can humans briefly touch the realm of the will of the gods.

Even the group of demigod elites in the heavenly world, the heavenly fighters, can't do it.

"It seems that you are not going to tell me."

Naruto sighed, although he knew it would be like this from the beginning, he still wanted to try.

Could it be that the negotiations broke down.

"Your body should still last for a quarter of an hour, so I'll go back first."

Hypnos looked at Naruto coldly: "Since he sent it to the door by himself, then kill him, Thanadus."

"Don't be careless this time."

After speaking, a different-dimensional passage opened in front of Hypnos, and with the shattering of the Human star on his forehead, a purple light cluster entered the space.

Originally, Hypnos' body fell rapidly, and finally fell into a ball of minced meat.

The bodies of the twin gods are not in the human world. Like Hades, their bodies only exist in the pure land of bliss.

The bodies they use now are just human bodies that they find randomly in the human world.

For the twin gods, the human body is just a container for receiving their will.

"It's long overdue, you're wasting your time, Hypnos."

Thanadus laughed and pointed his right hand at Naruto: "Aren't you going to wear a battle suit now? Forget it, it's useless to wear it anyway."

"Terrifying Destiny!"

"Since you don't tell me, I have no choice but to experience the difference in the will of the gods myself."

Under Thanadus's jaw-dropping gaze, Naruto smashed his own nirvana with a slap.

In the next second, Thanadus felt his neck being pinched and lifted up.

"Although I don't have any moves that are particularly good at dealing with souls, in the Dragon Ball world it seems to be the same regardless of the state of the soul."

A chilling voice sounded in his ear.

(end of this chapter)

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