Chapter 34 A Mangekyō

"It doesn't matter what identity you use in the future, don't call yourself Uchiha anymore."

"Otherwise I'll find you at Cape Tianya and kill you." After Fugaku finished speaking, he looked at Itachi as if he was looking at a stranger.

The scarlet Gouyu emerged.

"Hahaha, I can't protect myself, and even made such a big joke about expelling Itachi from the Uchiha clan." The masked men all said sarcastically, there were not many Uchiha elites left at this moment, and they were lying on the ground in disarray.

"After tonight, there will be no Uchiha clan in the entire ninja world."

"Father Fugaku-sama." Itachi just wanted to address his father, but changed his sentence under Fugaku's eyes.

"In front of these eyes, you have no chance of winning."

Mangekyō Sharingan emerges.

"Is this your confidence, Itachi." Fugaku was startled when he saw the pair of Mangekyō Sharingan.

The legendary Mangekyō Sharingan.

The eye that Uchiha Madara, the ancestor of the Uchiha clan, once had.

‘I’m afraid this masked man also has the same eyes. ’ Fugaku glanced calmly at the masked man on the other side who was slaughtering his tribe.

'It seems that I have to explain here. '

'But even so, the reputation of the Uchiha clan cannot be compromised. '

'Uchiha never backs down! '

At this moment, a sudden change occurred.

"One hit seven!"

There was a shrill scream, and Uchiha Izumi, who should have died long ago, stood up at some point, and the wound that pierced her heart disappeared as if going back in time, and one of her eyes was pale.

'Izanagi' can physically restore the caster's physical state, at the cost of permanent blindness in the eye used, the Forbidden Technique of the Uchiha clan.

Staring at Itachi with eyes full of hatred, in Quan's only one eye, three gouyu spun wildly like desperately.

Faster and faster, faster and faster until they become one piece.

Finally, a clover-shaped pattern appeared in Quan's only remaining eye.

A brand new Mangekyō Sharingan is born!

"Itachi, I swear to kill you!"

With a whoosh, Izumi Uchiha shot out like a spring, so fast that even Fugaku who activated Three Tomoe Sharingan could only see an afterimage.

The Kunai in Quan's hand stabbed fiercely in Itachi's abdomen, and blood spurted out like a spring.

"Where is it?" Quan, who succeeded in one blow, not only did not relax because of killing Itachi, but looked around vigilantly.

The weasel that had been penetrated by Kunai suddenly exploded and turned into crows flying away.

Crow avatar.

"Hmph, so what if you turn on the Mangekyō, but there's only one." Obito glanced at Izumi who had turned on the Mangekyō Sharingan and said disdainfully, the greed in his eyes flashed: "Here are two pairs of Mangekyō."

"Uchiha genocide tonight!"

Obito said that he gave up his opponent, and turned to besiege Izumi with Itachi.

It happened that one of my Mangekyō was missing.

"Your opponent is me."

The sudden change occurred again, a cold voice sounded, Obito only felt the wind blowing in the back of his head, a blast of blazing heat mixed with an aura of destruction came whistling at a very fast speed, Obito burst out with the sixth sense and opened the Hollow .

Instantly a powerful fist passed through Obito's head.

The wind of the fist passed by, tearing the air, and there was a whistling sound, which was terrifying.


The ground where Obito is located is sunken, with cobweb-like cracks constantly filling, soil mixed with gravel splashing out, and a huge pit several meters wide appears in front of everyone.

"This level of strange power fist."

If I get hit, even I will be seriously injured.

Obito swallowed secretly, fortunately he reacted quickly.

"I won't remind you next time." Naruto, who was also wearing a spiral mask, appeared in front of everyone, pointing his fingers at the position of Obito's head and making a gesture of shooting.

"People from Konoha?" Obito didn't care about Naruto's threat at all, he said and answered by himself: "Probably not."

If it was Konoha's people, they would not save Uchiha but kill Uchiha with themselves.

His Hollow ability is the nemesis of all Taijutsu ninjas.

Just be careful and don't worry about Naruto hurting yourself.

No matter how high your attack power is, it's useless if you can't hit it.

"Itachi kills her quickly and takes her eyes away." Not afraid of returning home, Obito was also worried that something would happen if he stayed any longer, so he ordered Itachi.

There are enough surprises today.

Just when Obito was about to join forces with Itachi, Naruto appeared again and stopped him.

"Your opponent is me."

Obito snorted coldly: "Overthinking one's abilities."

"Since you are looking for death" said Obito's body became unreal again, like a bubble.

And behind Naruto, another Obito gradually appeared, with a few wooden thorns looming in the palm.

Wood Style Cutting Technique

'Die! '

Just when Obito's palm was about to touch the back of Naruto's head, Naruto seemed to have eyes on the back of his head, and easily avoided Obito's attack with a slight side, and at the same time, he quickly punched with his left hand, hitting Obito's abdomen hard.

As if Obito had been hit hard, a mouthful of blood sprayed directly into the mask.

This punch almost made him meet Uchiha Madara of Pure Land.

Naruto does not know space-time ninjutsu. Theoretically, it is impossible to hurt the masked man Obito with physical jutsu alone. As long as Obito keeps the Hollow state, Naruto can do nothing to him.

It's a pity that this kind of Hollow has a shortcoming, that is, it needs to turn the virtual into reality at the moment of attack.

As long as it turns into a physical attack, it will generate friction with the air, and friction will generate gas flow.

Naruto can sense this flow.

This ability is a kind of energy perception. In the 23rd Budokai, Kakarot could easily perceive Tenzin Fan's movements with his back facing him.

So Naruto only needs to attack the moment Obito turns into a physical attack.

Others may not be able to react to this moment of turning virtual into reality, but Naruto can.

Naruto also used this information to almost catch Obito by surprise.

After Obito suffered a big loss, Hollow immediately hid aside.

Seeing this, Naruto stopped chasing after a successful strike.

For a moment, the two of you look at me, and I look at you. Very tacitly did not choose to continue to do it.

The current situation is that Obito can't do anything to Naruto, but as long as Obito doesn't attack, Naruto can't do anything to Obito for the time being.

The Hollow skill is really disgusting.

It is very difficult to hurt Obito without knowing space-time ninjutsu.

Obito didn't understand why Naruto was able to hit him, and thought it was some kind of secret technique. He couldn't find out what Naruto was and didn't dare to act rashly, so the two were deadlocked. But if Naruto is going to support Izumi, he will also intervene.

Fugaku without the Mangekyō Sharingan is not even eligible to join the war, and can only help the Uchiha people who are defeated but not yet dead.

"Long waiting everyone"

A voice sounded with the arrival of a figure, and the Fourth Generation, who rearranged the Flying Thunder God's enchantment, returned.

Continuing from the manga here, Fugaku has no Mangekyō.

Otherwise, with the lineup of Uchiha Shisui, Itachi, and Fugaku, not to mention Konoha, Obito would not dare to mess with it.

It's really a bad hand with a good hand.

(end of this chapter)

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