Konoha: I Have Kakarot Inside Me

Chapter 334 The Great Instructor Killed God

Chapter 334 The Great Instructor Killed God

"A mere demigod utters wild words!"

"Don't think that you can be so presumptuous in front of me by sneak attacking Thanadus big brother with a small trick!"

"I tell you, illusion is useless to me!"

"This time I won't be merciful anymore, I will execute you impolite!"

Kerr was furious when he heard the words, and shot Naruto without thinking.

"Come on, taste the divine punishment from the goddess of fate!"

It's a pity that she forgot that the other party can easily play with her big brother Thanadus.

That's the god-tier who holds the real power.

Or she remembered, but she also easily resolved Naruto's mental attack on Thanadus, and she thought she could completely overwhelm Naruto.

Facing the full blow from the God of Destiny, Naruto easily resolved it with only one hand: "The last time you were able to escape was only because I just arrived in this world, and I am not familiar with the power system of this world, and I don't want to fight with this world." The gods of the world have turned against each other."

"Unfortunately, your two big brothers rejected my deal and shot at me."

Naruto spread his hands at this point.

"So we're enemies now."

Hearing Naruto's words, Kerr was furious, raised her hands high, and between her palms, a black light ball composed of small universes gathered.

"Don't underestimate me!"

Naruto didn't care about Kerr's actions at all. He glanced at the reincarnation of Athena who was still asleep, and put his index finger on his mouth calmly: "Shh, keep your voice down. It would be rude to wake up Athena."

After the words fell, a golden light flashed in Naruto's eyes.

Not an adjective, but a true golden glow.

“First feeling exploitative!”

The light passed by Kerr's side, and she was horrified to find that she couldn't make a sound.

She doesn't know what Naruto did!

But she was terrified that the other party could even deprive the five senses of gods.

"Although the small universe is not as simple and crude as Qi, it has many wonderful functions, just like this."

"A second sense of exploitation."

Kerr's eyes lost their luster, and her vision was taken from her.

Because of the loss of light for the first time, Kerr, who had turned pale due to excessive fright, fell to the ground with a thud, and the divine power he had just gathered dissipated.

There is more than one move in the Saint series that deprives the five senses, except Shaka's Tianwu Baolun. In the original book, in the battle of the Pope's Hall, Ikki was beaten by Saga's fist and lost all five senses.

"God. Hehe" Naruto looked down at Kerr on the ground with a sneer, his eyes full of disdain.

Having lost their proud divine power, these gods are not even as good as the lowest underworld fighters.

At least many underworld fighters are not afraid of life and death even if they know they are invincible.

Looking at the entire Saint series works, the performance of this group of gods is unsatisfactory. Chunchun is just crushed by the advantage.

Stand still and wait for the opponent to accumulate strength to launch a big move, or wait for the opponent to stand up and output. These are the basic operations.

Then it is a fixed routine to be instantly killed by the explosion of the small universe of Pegasus.

Just like Kerr, who claims to be the goddess of fate, she even forgot that she could use the small universe to 'see' around when she lost her eyesight, or she didn't know because she never lost her five senses.

Kerr, who lost his eyesight, used his space ability in a panic to open a passage to escape, but he knew that running was at least better than some gods.

But this time Naruto will not grant her wish.

Naruto shattered the entrance of the tunnel with a fist in front of her, and grabbed Kerr by the shoulder.

"A cute goddess like you should be able to cry for a long time with one punch?!"

Naruto's words sounded like a devil's whisper in Kerr's ear.

"Wait...wait a minute! I can give you anything

Maybe because he was pushed into a hurry, Kerr finally remembered that he could still use the small universe to communicate. The voice sounded in Naruto's head, but unfortunately Naruto had no intention of communicating with her at all.

Before she could finish speaking, she received a violent blow to her abdomen, and her whole body arched like a cooked shrimp, forcing Kerr to swallow back the second half of her unfinished sentence, and let out a mouthful of surprise. Blood.

Kerr's highest-level dark garment, which was as strong as the golden holy garment, was shattered by Naruto's blow.

'Next time I'll get a pair of gloves, otherwise this layer of bastard is still pretty tight. '

This punch also made Kerr deeply realize that the demigod in front of him not only has the ability to deprive the gods of their five senses, but also has the power to kill Shinigami.

As her idiot big brother Thanadus said, possesses terrifying strange powers

It also reminded her of the monster that made the gods tremble


‘Is it really Typhon’s reincarnation? '

At this moment, she was scared, really scared, and her whole body was shaking with fear.

Kerr hurriedly mobilized all his divine power to form a defensive barrier around his body, and then shouted at Naruto with all his strength: "Stop!"

"I reject."

"Third Sense Exploitation!"

It was Naruto's icy voice that answered Kerr. He had long been annoyed at this group of guys who casually played with other people's fate and claimed to be gods.

Unlike the gods in the Dragon Ball world, although the gods of the gods, the kings of the world, and the gods of the king of the world are not strong in fighting power, they are sincere in order to protect the stability of the world.

Shen Xin, the king of the world, traveled thousands of miles to the earth, even if he was afraid of risking his life, he would not hesitate to stop the evil magician Babidi.

On the other hand, the group of gods in the holy series

It's just not a good thing.

"Fourth Sense Exploitation!"

The defensive barrier formed by divine power is vulnerable to Naruto's fist.

"Fifth Sense Exploitation!"

The fist is accompanied by that streak of golden light.

Kerr, goddess of fate.


"God, that's all."

Looking at Kerr who lost the signs of life, Naruto took out a blank sealing scroll and sealed the corpse inside.

I heard that the blood of the gods can evolve the holy clothes, so it must be preserved while it is hot, so it cannot be wasted.

Even if you can't use it yourself, you can use it for others.

For example, Kanon and the others

Although Kerr is not a god-tier, even if it cannot form a holy cloth, it can at least make the holy cloth advance to a higher level.

By the way, unlike the twin gods and Hades, Kerr, the goddess of fate, uses her own body.

It is also one of the few gods in the entire God Realm that has its own body.

Too bad it's gone now.

Naruto walked slowly to the cradle where Athena was reincarnated, no matter whether he could hear it or not, he whispered to the baby girl in the cradle.

"Then Athena, I won't disturb your rest for now."

After finishing speaking, he said to Aio Ross, who gradually regained his sanity from the state of the underworld.

"Io Ross, come out with me."

"It's the big Instructor!" Aio Ross looked at Naruto blankly and said mechanically.

His mind was in a mess.

'I almost became a ghost fighter just now.'

'I've just been controlled'

'I almost attacked a goddess just now'

‘The big Instructor just killed God? '

(end of this chapter)

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