Konoha: I Have Kakarot Inside Me

Chapter 358 Kurama: This Is So Cool, Teach Me

Chapter 358 Kurama: This is so cool, teach me

Killing the former pope and taking action, attempting to kill the young goddess, mutilating Aio Ross, who is also a golden saint, pretending to be the pope to control the sanctuary, and blinding other saints to try to kill the goddess again, any of these crimes are enough to convict him capital offense.

He committed all of them alone.

Even if it's because of the evil spirit's possession, he himself has an unshirkable responsibility.

The unsteady belief in the goddess, the unsteady belief in oneself, and the indulgence of the desire for power give the enemy an opportunity to take advantage of it.

Saga, who is well aware of the above serious crimes, stubbornly believes that there is only one way to atone for his sins.

That is one death.

"Saga, you coward!" Garen grabbed Saga by the collar and shouted excitedly, "Stand up again if you're a man!"

"Everything is the work of those beasts in the underworld. Instead of seeking death here, it is better to kill a few more underworld fighters in the future."

Saga didn't care about what Garen said, but just looked at his younger brother with a look of relief, with a bit of relief and relief in his eyes: "Garon, you will be the new Gemini Gold Saint from now on."

"What kind of gold saint fighter, Laozi Garon is not rare." Garen became even more excited when he heard that, since he was with Naruto, he has never lost his composure like he is now.

Seeing that no amount of persuasion was going to work, Saga still looked like she was begging for death, and Garen's temper also came up.

"Alright, since you want to die, I'll send you to the underworld now."

As he spoke, he raised his hands above his head, ready to launch a galaxy starburst at his big brother.

The gold people around wanted to dissuade but didn't know how to dissuade them, after all their goddess didn't speak.

"Garon." The sound of Naruto's voice stopped Garen's next behavior: "How do I usually teach you? Those who do great things must develop a character that is not surprised, even if Mount Tai collapses in front of them, they must keep a calm face If you are at ease, you have to be like Shisui in your heart.”

"How can I rest assured to leave the rest of the matter to you?"

"Your senior brother, the Piccolo Demon King, did a very good job."

'The name Piccolo Demon King doesn't sound like a nice person. ’ When hearing this name for the first time, a thought flashed through the minds of all Jin Jin.

"Now he is close even if he is not the Lord of the Demon Realm."

Calculating the time on the Dragon Ball side, about a year or two has passed, and the next meeting will probably be the timeline of the artificial human.

Comprehending the seventh sense has been able to develop one's own potential to Ultimate, and comprehending the eighth sense has a deeper understanding of the creativity of King Kai, how strong should one be after comprehending the ninth sense?

"The seventh sense, the eighth sense, the ninth sense and the small universe, the gods of this world seem to have embarked on another path that is completely different from that of the king of the world. Although I don't know whether it is good or bad, at least it is better than that. Saiyans are more righteous."

The voice of the old king god sounded in the sealed space at the right time, and he also spit out the Super Saiyan slot by the way.

"I think Super Saiyan is pretty good. You see, I don't have any eyebrows now." Kakarot's voice sounded along with the old king of the world.

"Hahaha, this is so cool, teach me."

Kurama held out a hand to Kakarot.

'The Lord of the Demon Realm? Sounds even less like a nice guy. ’ All the gold saints complained again in their hearts.

But no one said it out, and they, who recalled the memory of their school days, knew that if they said it, it would definitely end badly.

"Sorry, Teacher Naruto." If someone dares to speak to Kanon with this attitude, he will definitely face a big fight, but if Naruto Kanon is like a child who has made a mistake, he will honestly admit his mistake: " I still have a lot to learn from Brother Piccolo."

"Don't worry, our Miss Saori will not execute a loyal golden saint."

"That's right." Saori took over the words at this moment: "Saga, you are guilty, but the crime does not warrant death."

Saga's strength is obvious to all. Although he can't fight ten against one, his strength is far superior to that of ordinary golden saints. It would be a pity to die like this, especially now that the sanctuary is waiting to be revived.

The key point is that this matter can’t be entirely due to Saga, let alone Saga, the ‘bad star of Kerr’, if it were Aio Ross, he would be caught in the same way.

Just like Garen said, blame those bastards in the underworld.

Saga: "But I tried to kill you, goddess."

Saori: "Aren't I living well now? If you die like this, won't you fall into the hands of the underworld? They just set up a trick to consume the power of our sanctuary."

"But I still killed Lord Shion."

Even if the sin of trying to kill the goddess is forgiven, the killing of the pope is a real thing.

Mu is Shi Ang's personal disciple, so if you forgive Saga so easily, what do you make Mu think?

"Kill Pope Shion? Saga, are you taking yourself too seriously?"

At this time, a voice sounded in the pope's hall, which surprised all the saints again, and a strange person whose body was hidden in the cloak appeared in the hall.

"You, you, you are still alive!" Mu became excited immediately after feeling the other party's small universe, obviously recognizing the other party's identity.

The visitor just lightly said to Mu: "Hush"

Tong Hu, who was sitting far away in front of the Great Waterfall of Wulaofeng, stared wide-eyed.

Because he once again felt the small universe that he hadn't felt since thirteen years ago.

That old friend who has been with him for more than 200 years and is extremely familiar is Shi Ang's small universe.

Shi Ang is still alive, and the exuberant small universe in his body is just like it was more than 200 years ago, no... far stronger and deeper than it was more than 200 years ago.

I can't see through the other party at all.

What exactly is going on?

Tong Hu's head was full of confusion and doubts.

"The old man is living well here." Shi Ang, who asked Mu not to say it, said it himself.

"You old man, you finally couldn't help but come out."

Looking at Shi On, Naruto smiled and shook his head, he had already noticed Shi On hovering nearby.

"It's not that these guys don't live up to expectations. If it weren't for you to adjust secretly, even if these brainless guys pass the test, most of them will be killed or injured."

"The important thing is to investigate the truth first, rather than die foolishly."

Shi Ang said angrily, and then said to the golden people who had already recognized his identity.

"It's not convenient for me to show up now, you just need to know that I am alive and not dead."

The younger self is too frightening to the world, and in order to deal with those guys in the underworld, he can't show up easily.

"What if I say I forgive your capital crime too, Saga."

Listening to the familiar voice, Saga didn't know what to say for a while: "I, I."

"I, what, me, the bitch has been scribbling for a long time. Is it a man? Just like Garen said, write down this account for now, and when we crusade against the underworld together, what the hell are you doing Hades."

Seeing Saga who was still chattering non-stop, Saori swears impatiently. As soon as the words came out, the whole hall suddenly fell silent, and all the saints present widened their eyes, as if for the first time. Know her as well.

'Such a goddess seems to be very attractive. ’ All the gold secretly said.

Only Seiya remained calm, with an expression of "exposing his essence at last".

(end of this chapter)

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