Konoha: I Have Kakarot Inside Me

Chapter 37 The Day We Return Again Will Be Konoha...

Chapter 37 The day we return again will be Konoha...

An island built on the sea, the Ruins of Uzumaki Country.

"Fugaku!" The figures of Fugaku and others appeared in Uzumaki Country, and Mikoto, who was waiting anxiously there, immediately rushed up and hugged her husband tightly.

Fugaku patted Mikoto's shoulder lightly, indicating that he is fine and don't worry.

"Thank you, Fourth Generation" Fugaku first thanked Fourth Generation for sending them back.

However, because the distance from Naruto is too far, the current Fourth Generation is in a downtime state, and there is not much response to Fugaku's thanks.

"Where's Itachi? Where's Sasuke?" Mikoto, whose mood gradually stabilized, looked around for his two children.

Unfortunately, there were no two people among the people who came together.

Mikoto had a bad premonition in his heart.

"Are they?"

"Sasuke is fine, Itachi is fine" Fugaku said and patted Mikoto on the shoulder. As Fugaku's wife for many years, Mikoto naturally understood the significance of this move. Husband is in trouble.

Then Fugaku bowed deeply to all the Uchiha present: "Everyone, I'm sorry."

All the Uchiha present were taken aback by Fugaku's actions, and they looked at each other for no reason.

Taking a deep breath of the slightly salty sea breeze, Fugaku began to slowly tell the Uchihas what happened tonight.

Fugaku spoke slowly and in detail, adding some thoughts of his own from time to time.

When they heard that all the Uchihas of the family had sacrificed, all men, women, and children all turned red in their eyes.

Uchiha, the family that has been passed down for thousands of years is gone.

There are more than a thousand tribesmen, and only their current number of more than one hundred is left.

Friends, relatives. They were eating and drinking together the day before, and they are gone in this second.

Few people can accept this fact.

Thinking of this, a few of the more than one hundred Uchiha people present directly opened the three-goat jade, and more than ten people opened the double-goat jade.

To Fugaku's regret, there wasn't a pair of Mangekyō in it.

Think about it too, the Uchiha clan has experienced three ninja world wars, and the number of clansmen who died in battle is countless, but there are only a few Mangekyō in the history of the Uchiha clan.

If it was so easy to activate Mangekyō, Uchiha would have become the strongest ninja world.

Mangekyō Sharingan is something that cannot be met.

A few pairs of three-gou jade and double-go jade are not bad.

It's better than the whole family being killed to open the single gou jade.

"Itachi is my child. He has become like this now. It is because I, the father, did not teach him well."

"It is precisely because of this that it leads to today's tragedy."

"As of today, I resign as the head of the Uchiha clan."

Fugaku's language was not surprising, and he spoke with an unprecedented solemn tone.

Someone has to be responsible for what happened tonight, someone has to take the responsibility, and as the patriarch Fugaku is to blame, especially since one of the culprits is his son.

Facing Fugaku's resignation, all the Uchiha present were stunned, looking at each other, not knowing what to say.

Granted, Itachi is Fugaku's child, and Uchiha is to blame for what happened to him. But if it wasn't for him, I'm afraid Uchiha wouldn't even have this few people left, and the family would really be wiped out.

Uchiha of Uchiha learned about Itachi's power, Obito's power, and Mangekyō's power from the surviving Uchiha elite.

No matter how powerful Sangouyu was in the family before, he couldn't go a few rounds in front of those two.

Only in the face of absolute strength can one discover one's own weakness.

It turned out that Sangouyu was not invincible.

It turns out that there are more powerful eyes on the three hook jade.

Mangekyō, the legendary Mangekyō.

The evaluation of Mangekyō Sharingan in the official formula book is even more - the strongest eye of the sky that sees through the three realms, and the earth-shattering pupil technique.

Everything before was just sitting in a well and watching the sky.

The coup was simply an impossible victory, doomed from the start.

Leaving is the right choice.

Not all Uchihas are high-sighted and domineering, more Uchihas are just a group of arrogant and arrogant people who are not good at words.

They don't know what to say and what to say in this situation.

The most important point is that the Uchihas present are all Fugaku's confidantes and loyalists, otherwise they would not have followed Fugaku to this vortex country.

"Serious uncle, you shouldn't be blamed for this." Naruto's voice sounded in the sky, and Naruto fell from the sky, and with a bang, he smashed a deep pit on the ground like a meteorite falling. Naruto stood in the deep pit with his hands folded In the center, the aura is full like a god, just listen to him slowly say:

"It's not your fault, but Konoha."

"If there is no Konoha's continuous oppression, if there is no Konoha's repeated persecution, if there is no Konoha's unreasonable exclusion."

"How did Uchiha end up here?"

"Throughout the three ninja world wars, Uchiha came out in full force every time, and the number of Uchiha casualties was the highest every time."

"Uchiha has made great contributions to Konoha and made an undeniable contribution to the establishment of Konoha, but what have you got? Honor? Power? Or the status of a leader?"

"There is nothing you get, only betrayal."

"It was Konoha who pushed Uchiha to the edge of the village step by step. It was Konoha who induced your people (itachi) to fight you. It was Konoha who set up a game against Uchiha. You are just implicated innocently. By."

"You are not wrong, Uchiha is not wrong, and Fugaku patriarch is not wrong for you."

"The culprit of everything is Konoha."

Naruto's voice is like the whisper of hell devils, guiding the Uchihas

Although what he said was the truth.

And Naruto's words also made many Uchiha react, and said to Fugaku one after another.

"Yes, Chief Fugaku."

"If it weren't for you, maybe all of us would be here today."

"Chief Fugaku, you can't."

It is impossible to say that the Uchiha who were present did not blame Fugaku. Anyone who has their relatives and friends disappeared overnight will not mind. But they are more confused, confused about future life, confused about the future.

The only thing they can rely on is Fugaku. At least when the other clansmen are thinking about a coup d'état and making troubles, Fugaku rationally chooses to preserve Uchiha's blood. Facts have proved that Fugaku's choice is right.

"But I don't have the ability to be a patriarch anymore." Fugaku shook his head dejectedly.

After seeing how powerful Mangekyō was, that power turned into a boulder that weighed on Fugaku's chest, making him breathless.

In the face of such power, no matter how many three gou jades come, it is useless.

It is too strong.

Looking at Izumi in a coma, Fugaku seemed to have made up his mind.

"She is our hope for Uchiha."

Only Mangekyō can deal with Mangekyō.

If Uchiha before the genocide was extremely irrational, and there were many parties who were not united and each had their own abacus and small things, then the surviving Uchiha in the Vortex Kingdom is unprecedentedly united.

The reality gave them a cruel slap, woke them up completely, and let them understand the gap between themselves and the real ninja powerhouse.

In fact, weakness is not the biggest original sin, but arrogance is.

Powerful enemies are not to be feared, but pig-like teammates are to be feared.

The purpose of the surviving Uchihas is also surprisingly the same, and the blood feud can only be paid with blood.

Fugaku turned his head to look in Konoha's direction:

"We will go back, we will go back, when we return again, it will be the time when Konoha will be destroyed."

And Naruto turned his head to look at another place thoughtfully at this time, that direction is - the ancestral hall of the Uzumaki clan in the country of vortex.

There lies the greatest secret of the Uzumaki clan.

But now is not the time.

"Naruto-kun, Sasuke him"

"Serious uncle, leave Sasuke to me."

Sorry, the codeword was too late yesterday, and I forgot to set the automatic update.

(end of this chapter)

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