Konoha: I Have Kakarot Inside Me

Chapter 363 The Nordic Asgard, Troubled By Disasters

Chapter 363 The Nordic Asgard, Troubled by Disasters

"Just relying on these bronzes in your hands?"

Hilda, who had suffered a lot, looked at Naruto with apprehension, and soon the magic power from the Nibelungen Ring made her swell to supercilious, especially when she saw the little strongmen around Naruto.

The level of a saint has never been a secret. The levels are divided into bronze, silver, and gold. Bronze is the weakest.

Sto's defeat made Hilda really want to get back some face from Sanctuary. According to what she thought, it would be best to get back some face from the Golden Saint Seiya.

Mere bronze? It doesn't matter if you win.

"Lord of the Immortal Palace, although they are only bronze, if you underestimate them, you will suffer a lot."

Under the teaching of Arudiba, the four little strongmen have already initially comprehended the seventh sense. Even if they don't explode, they are extremely difficult to deal with. Ikki, who is above the five little strong, has a normal seventh sense. Ordinary gold saints don't Dare to take his attack hard.

"It seems that you have great confidence in these bronzes." Hilda expressed disbelief.

Confidence is swollen, and it's not to the point of burning out the brain. Naruto's Xiaolu's hand just now has made Hilda put him on the same level as himself.

No longer the bad attitude towards Naruto before.

"Miss Hilda, don't you have confidence in the god fighters under your command?"

"Twelve hours, as long as they can defeat my god fighter and get the Odin sapphire within twelve hours, you will win, otherwise, you will lose."

With a sudden plan in his mind, Hilda agreed to Naruto and made a proposal.

"Since we want our soldiers to fight, why not use something as a bet."

Naruto raised his eyebrows, a little surprised: "What do you want?"

"I want you to be my subordinate."

Hilda stared at Naruto with burning eyes, as if he was about to eat Naruto.

"If you are afraid, you can refuse."

Naruto nodded: "I agree."

"Very well, then the contract is established." Hilda's face flashed a tricky smile.

A line of small characters appeared above the heads of the two, and then disappeared into the air.

Magic? contract?

Hilda secretly used the magical magic of the contract, which means that the bet between the two is not just a simple bet, but a contract.

"Wait. Miss Hilda, what should you do if you lose?"

"It's impossible for me to lose." Hilda said confidently.

"You have to make an equal bet to establish it, right?"

"Okay, if I lose, I will also become your subordinate." Hilda gritted his teeth.

"NONONO" Naruto shook his head: "I don't need you to be my subordinate."

"I want you"

The word you dragged on for a long time, the eyes of the god fighters around became sharper, and real killing intent radiated from their bodies.

"The ring on the finger."

Hearing this, the killing intent on the God Warrior loosened.

"Impossible!" Clutching the ring reflexively, Hilda screamed, reacting extremely violently.

The ring is more important than me?

Hilda's abnormal behavior made some of the more intelligent fighters frown.

"What? Miss Hilda, do you want to go back on your word?" This time it was General Naruto's turn: "The contract was signed just now."

The blame is that Hilda acted too fast just now, Naruto made the contract directly as soon as he agreed, and the blank bet is not something that Naruto can fill in casually.

"Hmph, it's just bronze."

Hilda looked at the ordinary Wu Xiaoqiang and regained his confidence.

"What's the matter with promising you?"

In all fairness, Hilda is actually quite beautiful.

But it’s not Naruto’s dish, after all, it’s a bit lacking in the “people’s heart”, that is, the “people’s heart” on the chest, like Hinata’s, it’s very “people’s heart”.

"By the way, there are two things that need to be explained in advance before we start." Naruto said and pointed to the stone-carved Sto: "Kaiyang Star has become like this, and his Odin Sapphire seems to be out of reach. Is it reasonable for us to get one?"

"Reasonable." Whenever Stohilda was mentioned, he became angry and didn't even want to look at him.

"There are more bronze saints than god fighters, so there should be no objection if we join together?"

If it's just the top five, the number of god fighters with six left (without Odin Sapphire, Bardo doesn't need to play) should be one less, but Naruto brought five other players besides the five, and the other five are five. Weak, Naruto pulled them out along the way.

Hilda glanced at the five weaklings with regular bronze level strength.

‘A hundred more characters like this would not be a match for God Warrior. '

"No comment."

"Very good." Naruto smiled: "Since we have reached a consensus, then Miss Hilda, let's go to Asgard to wait for the good news from the warriors."

"I heard that your fairy palace's flower brew is very delicious, why don't you take this opportunity to let me taste it?"

There are glaciers everywhere on the eternal frozen soil, and even a root of grass can't grow. Where did the flower brew come from.

"Do not let me down!"

Hilda said these words to the God Warriors, and took Naruto to the interior of Asgard.

"In an hour, we will stand guard on the road to the Hall of Valor. Bronze brats, we will wait for you there."

After the six god fighters finished speaking, they disappeared into the boundless ice and snow.

After the Zodiac, a new round of breakthrough games is about to begin.

"Freya, what are you doing here?"

Hilda and his party hurried to the Valhalla Hall of Asgard, and saw his sister standing at the entrance of the hall with a strange expression.

"elder sister."

Freya's voice was very calm, with a different sense of emptiness. After greeting Hilda, she hurriedly left. Hilda, who was influenced by the Nibelungen Ring, subconsciously ignored her sister's abnormality, but Naruto Take one more look at her.

Freya is known as the warmest existence in the Arctic Ice Palace, her image and setting are quite different.

‘Nordic Asgard is really full of disasters. '

Naruto sighed in his heart.

After all, the holy series is home to the Greek gods. Although there are other Norse gods, Roman gods, and even Indian gods, they are all second-rate gods without real power (not as good as the Greek gods), and they can only be attached to Greek gods.

For example, Asgard of Eternal Frozen Earth believes in Odin, but is attached to Poseidon.

It has to be said that the Valhalla Hall of Asgard is not badly built, and it is a completely different architectural style from the pure Greek style of the sanctuary.

"It's too boring to just feel the small universe. Let's enjoy the fighters' battle while having some snacks." Naruto snapped his fingers lightly, and the scene of the battle between Xiaoqiang and the god fighters appeared in front of them.

"Mr. Uzumaki is clever." Hilda sincerely praised.

At the same time, I thought enviously in my heart, ‘It would be great if such a person could be used by me, why is it Athena’s. '

The Nibelungen Ring magnifies the wearer's desires.

Especially the negative emotions of the seven deadly sins will be infinitely magnified.

The five little powerhouses had already met their first opponent, the tall Tianji Star God fighter Dellu.

(end of this chapter)

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