Konoha: I Have Kakarot Inside Me

Chapter 365 You Are Dead

Chapter 365 You Are Dead

Eris, the goddess of strife and discord in Greek mythology. It has the authority of a god, and it can be regarded as a relatively powerful god.

Strictly speaking, it cannot be compared with Odin in terms of levels.

But this is the holy series, a world respected by the gods of Greek mythology, and Odin, the highest god in the Nordic series, has to avoid its edge when facing Eris.

"Eris? Isn't that guy sealed by Athena?" Hilda blurted out.

In order to compete for control of the earth, many gods tried to weave and dye the earth.

These gods are strong and weak, the weak ones are basically eliminated by Athena and her saint warriors, and the powerful ones are sealed all over the world.

The most famous is the war between Pluton Hades and Athena, which is a round of battle every 243 years.

In fact, even if the sanctuary is defeated, in order to prevent the earth from falling into the hands of Hades, other gods will support the next holy war, such as: Poseidon.

"Hilda, you are so brave to be rude to the goddess." After Hilda's words fell, Doluba pointed at the other party and shouted: "If you obediently surrender and hand over the control of Asgard now, I will consider letting you go." You die, or else"

Doruba looked up and down Hilda with greedy eyes.

"I'll let you taste what it means not to live, not to die."

Of course, this guy is not of Hilda's body. Although he looks wretched, he prefers power to beauty.

What he wanted was Odin's divine power on Hilda.

Doruda's intention is obvious, to usurp power and seize the throne, not only the right to command Asgard, but also the full power of Hilda.

"You should know, the horror of the goddess Eris."

Since the age of mythology, many wars have been started by Eris. Between humans and gods, cruelty and tyranny are synonymous with Eris. The name of the Goddess of Dispute is also well-known among the gods. .

Accompanied by Doruba's words, purple runes rose all around, and these runes gathered in the center to form a phantom of an apple. Under the phantom of the apple, Hilda felt horrified that his own small universe was sealed.

Ward of Eris

Or the magic power of that apple—this is the famous golden apple, which has the power to absorb the small universe.

Without the assistance of this force, Doruba would not have dared to provoke Hilda easily.

But Hilda, who lost the small universe, is just a dish.

Naruto really didn't know what to say when someone set up an enchantment on his own site, his hometown was stolen.

'how is this possible? How did Eris appear in Asgard? What about Odin? What about Odin's enchantment? '

Hilda, who was at a disadvantage with the small universe sealed off, began to panic.

"Don't come here!" Looking at the aggressive Doruda, Hilda retreated again and again, Naruto dared to feel Hilda's delicate body trembling.

"Give up resistance, no one is a match for the goddess Eris."

I don't know who was blatantly clamoring for Athena to hand over the sanctuary and the earth before, but she was persuaded by a mere Eris, so if the underworld attacked, she wouldn't have to turn against her overnight? The main reason is that Athena has been too gentle in recent years, so that the gods have forgotten her unparalleled divine power in the age of mythology, and forgotten that she is also in charge of war in addition to the title of Goddess of Wisdom.

To put it simply, I feel that Sanctuary is easy to bully, and any cat or dog can come in and get involved.

Naruto tapped the table lightly with his fingertips, and he was probably the only one present who remained calm, whether it was the goddess of strife or not, he was not even afraid of the twin Shendu, but he was afraid of you, Eris?

Annoyed he slaughtered like Fate Kerr.

"Bado, are you just watching your queen being humiliated?"

The bet is not over yet, he still wants the Nibelungen Ring very much.

A wall of ice blocked Dorouda's progress.

"There is still a god fighter?" Doluba was a little surprised by Bardo's appearance.

According to the intelligence of his subordinates, the group of god fighters under Hilda should be inseparable from the fight with the saint fighters in the sanctuary. Otherwise, even if he took refuge in Eris, he knew that he was no match for the seven god fighters, especially the number one master of Asgard, Czech Fried, who made him fear the most.

The deterrent effect of the title of Immortal Body is quite large.

Although he was a little surprised by Bardo's existence, he was just a god fighter, not a big deal.

"Lunger, Ur!" Doluba gave an order, and the two god fighters behind him immediately stood up.

The fierce steel fist and blue flames covered Bardo's ice, and the three of them fought together.

Under the oppression of Golden Apple, Baduo was completely defeated by the combination of the two, and could only support his invincibility.

"It seems that Ms. Hilda is planning to fight to the end." Douba said in a deep voice, pulling off his clothes, revealing the purple armor underneath.

It was also a pair of God Fighting Clothes, a fairly high-grade God Fighting Cloak based on Odin.

"Kill them!"

Following Doruba's order, the other two god fighters behind him moved together, one rushed to Naruto and the other to Hilda.

Naruto still sat on the chair with a calm look, compared to Hilda who was a bit miserable.

"Where did you come from, where do you go back to?"

The voice sounded from the bottom of the two hearts, and the next moment, the two of them felt as if they had been hit hard, and all the God Fighting Clothes on their bodies were shattered, and they flew back at an even faster speed since then.

"Huh?" Dorouda was taken aback, as if he hadn't expected such a thing.

He can't help but pay attention to the existence of being safe and sound in the barrier of Eris.

"Your Excellency, it is best not to meddle in the affairs of Northern Europe."

You were the one who did it, and you were the one who said not to interfere. You have said everything, so what else can you say?

Since you have chosen to start, the end is not up to you.

Naruto ignored Douba, but turned his head to look at Hilda: "Miss Hilda, it seems that I won another game."

After the episode just now, Glacier has already defeated Hagen and won another game.

'Have the opportunity! ’ When Naruto turned his head, Doruba thought he had found an opportunity, so he approached him very quickly.

Doluba gathers the whole body of the small universe to play his greatest mystery.

"Seal of Odin!"

This move can blow the enemy to a different dimension and imprison it, claiming that even gods can be sealed.

If it wasn't for the great improvement that the Ring of the Nibelungen had brought to Hilda, no one would be able to shake his position as the leader just by relying on Douba's move.

It's a pity to play different dimensions in front of Naruto.

That's really playing a big knife in front of Guan Gong.

Naruto stood at the origin and didn't even move. He let Doluba's fist hit him. Seeing that Naruto didn't dodge and thought he had succeeded, the corner of his mouth unconsciously grinned.

If you are beaten into another dimension, no matter how strong you are, you will still be sealed.

Then Naruto stood on the spot unharmed, nothing happened, and even winked at him, Doruba's smile froze.

"You're already dead."

Naruto's faint voice came from next to his ear.

The sound of bones shattering could be heard continuously from Doluba's body, and the whole body was folded in half like a stacked box, and finally turned into a small dot until it disappeared.

With the defeat of Doruba, the apple made of charms also instantly dissipated.

Without the burden of Apple absorbing the small universe, Baduo suddenly exerted his strength and defeated the two god fighters brought by Doluba with a beautiful "anti-Viking Tiger Roar Fist".

"Miss Hilda, let's continue watching the game."

Naruto picked up the teacup again and took a sip of Asgard's drink: "It tastes pretty good."

I don’t know if you have noticed that AutoNavi is not using GPS but Beidou!

(end of this chapter)

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