Konoha: I Have Kakarot Inside Me

Chapter 374 God Beater Garon

Chapter 374 God Beater Garon

"Who dared to disturb my long sleep!"

I saw Julian slowly raised his head, his pupils had been replaced by a piece of ice blue, his indifferent expression was completely different from the cowardice and lack of assertion before, and the coercion from the gods continued to emanate from his body.

The incomparable small universe deeply shocked the two sea generals standing beside him.

'Is this the Neptune Poseidon? In front of that vast small universe, we are so small. '

While Ai Zac sighed in his heart, he couldn't help worrying about Garen.

'In the face of such an existence, I am afraid that only the goddess Athena can contend with it. Gallon him.'

Unlike the original book where he was saved by the power of the Neptune and was completely disappointed in the sanctuary, Isaac who fell into the sea was rescued by Gallon, and it was also Gallon who gave him the scales of the devil fish, so Isaac is only superficial. The heart of surrendering to the Sea Emperor was still toward the sanctuary toward Gallon.

Unlike Isaac, another sea general, Kasa, stared at the person who forcibly awakened Poseidon.

"Why can't I see through his heart?" Kasa's eyes widened, and he looked at that man in disbelief. As a sea general in charge of the Southern Ocean, he has the title of "Heart Hunter" and has the ability to see through the hearts of others. Ability, theoretically this is a level higher than mind reading ability.

Read other people's memories at will, transform into the person closest to the opponent at will, and even imitate moves, temperament, strength, memory, way of thinking, and personality, that is, they can imitate perfectly both internally and externally. Even the battle suits are the same.

His favorite thing to do is to beat opponents when they are defenseless.

But when facing Naruto, his proud spiritual eyes failed, as if blocked by a thick wall.

"I don't believe it!" Kasa continued to increase the strength of the eyes of the mind, and the number of bloodshot eyes on the pupils gradually increased.

If it goes on like this, it won't be long before Kasa's eyeballs can't bear the pressure and explode.

'I see! ’ Just when Kasa’s eyes were about to become blind due to excessive blood soaking, the thick wall that separated them suddenly disappeared.

But at this time, Kasa's spiritual eyes had reached the limit. He didn't have time to read Naruto's memory, but only vaguely saw the scene deep in Naruto's heart, where there was an old man with purple skin and a bearded ghost. adults and a big fox playing poker?

What are these?

Kasa's eyes went black, and he collapsed due to overuse of his eyes.

"This level of small universe. Who are you?"

Julian, or the awakened Poseidon's eyes fell on the person who awakened him, and he said with some uncertainty: "Which god is reincarnated?"

"Unfortunately, neither." Naruto, or another Naruto, shrugged and said softly, "I'm just an ordinary human being."

"Impossible! It is impossible for human beings to have such a small universe, not even for the strongest golden saint among human beings."

As soon as Naruto's words fell, Poseidon categorically denied it.

"Since you don't want to say it, that's fine." Poseidon didn't dwell too much on this issue: "Why did you wake me up?"

"And why are there only two of my sea generals left?"

He frowned and glanced at the two sea generals who were standing next to him and laying down one by one, his tone somewhat revealing dissatisfaction.

"Did you defeat them?"

"No." Naruto shook his head, did not answer Poseidon's question, but just pouted at the position of the big black pillar of the underwater temple: "The person who defeated the general of the sea is over there."

Looking along the position pointed by Naruto, the bronze five Xiaoqiang came into view, and Poseidon was furious.

"It's Athena's Saint!"

"I understand, wake up early at the critical time when I'm about to wake up, so that I won't be able to gain full power."

"If I am not fully awakened, then my sea generals will not be able to obtain complete power, so that the saint fighters can easily defeat my sea fighters."

"As expected of you, Athena. Sure enough, everything is in your calculations."

Just seeing a few bronze saints, Poseidon instantly made up a complete story of the incident, with a nose and eyes and a serious appearance. If Naruto knew that he did it, he would have believed in his evil.

Saori, who is far away in the sanctuary, expressed her innocence, and she swore that she really did nothing in this jihad.

What has Poseidon been through before? Why such a big psychological shadow on Athena?

"Let me see what kind of Golden Saint this time."

"Pegasus! It turned out to be that Pegasus!"

"Damn that bastard Athena even sent out Pegasus."

The startled look made Naruto wonder if Poseidon had been asleep for too long and his brain was broken.

Not to mention Naruto, even Isaac, who had lowered his head, couldn't help looking at Poseidon a few more times.

'What happened to Pegasus? It's just a piece of bronze. '

‘Even if the small universe is good, it’s not worth a god’s gaffe, right? '


Brilliant blue light waves were released from Poseidon's body, and those light waves pointed directly at Seiya, and poor Seiya flew into the air before he could react.

The moment he saw Seiya, he directly chose to strike first!

Sneak attack! Poseidon, the dignified sea emperor, chose to sneak attack without talking about Wude?

Not only Garen, who was following the five xiaoqiangs, but even Isaac's eyes widened. Poseidon's actions were completely beyond the expectations of everyone present.

"It hurts!" Seiya patted his buttocks, and stood up as if nothing had happened.

'how is this possible? ! ’ Ai Zhake looked at Seiya and was shocked. He was fine after being attacked to that extent?

"I knew that Pegasus would not be defeated so easily." Poseidon, as expected, took out the trident this time.

A terrifying sky thunder was released from the trident.

"Seiya, be careful?!"

Zilong held the Heavenly Dragon Shield in front of Seiya, although he blocked the blow, Zilong also flew away.

"Even the Dragon constellation appeared this time?"

Poseidon paused, seeing a chain bound his wrist.

"And Andromeda?!"

His feet were frozen in place by a slab of ice.

"White Birds have it all!"

"Phoenix wings fly to the sky!" The phoenix formed by flames rushed towards Poseidon, and was caught by the opponent with one hand.

"There's even the Phoenix constellation!"

'There's something about this Poseidon. ’ Two Naruto came together, one of them turned into a puff of smoke, a Shadow Clone.

"It seems that Athena is going to get serious."

There was a dangerous light in Poseidon's eyes, and the small universe on his body was climbing at an incredible speed.

'Athena doesn't seem to be here, I don't know if she is too confident, but if these guardian satellites are killed this time, maybe this holy war can be won? ! '

Just as Poseidon was about to wave the trident in his hand to give Wu Xiaoqiang a fatal blow, the alarm bell suddenly rang in his mind. When he turned around, he saw a fist that was gradually enlarged, and then a huge force hit his cheek.

Neptune Poseidon was severely beaten.

"Hey, where are you looking, your opponent is here."

Garen, who was wearing the sea dragon scale clothes, gave a ruffian smile, with a rebellious, arrogant and condescending look on his face, looking down at Poseidon.

God Beater* Gallon!

(end of this chapter)

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