Konoha: I Have Kakarot Inside Me

Chapter 381 Sanctuary General Attack

Chapter 381 Sanctuary General Attack

"That's how things are." Riegel said, but his image at this time can be described as extremely miserable, his face is swollen like a pig's head.

If the underworld sent an assassination team composed of a few people, it would be impossible to find out with the vigilance of the sanctuary miscellaneous soldiers. Maybe they could get to the Taurus Palace by chance, but a large group of people, even if the sanctuary miscellaneous soldiers Even the blind can find it.

So this assassin team was discovered as soon as they arrived in the sanctuary.

Under the siege of justice, all the fighters of the underworld were wiped out, and the saint fighters who were given twelve hours of false life were tied up and sent to Pope Aio Ross.

"My lord pope, what do you think?" Kigas, the deputy chief of the general staff of Sanctuary, was in charge of interrogating Rigel, and he asked Aio Ross with a flattering expression.

It's a pity that Aio Ross didn't even look at him, and turned his head directly and asked, "Saga, what do you think?"

On small matters, Aio Ross usually makes decisions directly, but on major matters, he still attaches great importance to Saga's opinions.

Gigas failed to flatter, and stood aside awkwardly. Fortunately, he was thick-skinned, and quickly adjusted his mentality, and ran to please Saga flatteringly. Burton nodded straightly, and shouted in his heart Learned learned.

"Now that you know the stronghold of the underworld fighters on the earth"

"I suggest that the United Sea Frontiers launch a general offensive against them."

Saga suggested.

Aio Ross was a little hesitant, more out of scruples: "Would it be too aggressive to start a war now?"

Saga said in a deep voice: "At this time, the attack catches them by surprise, which can reduce unnecessary sacrifices."

Aio Ross is still a little undecided.

Saga was not in a hurry, he knew Aio Ross's character, he performed his duties as a deputy very well, and stood quietly waiting for him to make a decision.

"Looking forward and backward cannot protect the earth well."

A female voice as clear as an oriole resounded, and Saori walked in from outside the Pope's Palace holding the scepter of the Goddess of Victory, followed by Shi On and Gallon on the left and right.

Aio Ross and Saga breathed a sigh of relief when they saw this, and they didn't have to argue when the goddess came.

"The underworld's repeated provocations are to test the sanctuary to get the bottom line, and to test the bottom line of the saint warrior."

"If the problem of the underworld is not solved, the earth will never be peaceful."

"Call all Saints!"

"Destroy the Pluton army!"

Saori's attitude was as vigorous and resolute as ever, and her tone was as easy as saying that she was crushing an ant on the side of the road.

In fact, after adding the power of the sea realm, the sanctuary is undoubtedly the number one force on the earth. Even the heavenly fighters who are the guardians of the gods must avoid their sharp edges.

A single Pluton army is indeed not to be taken seriously.

Under the call of the goddess, the Dark Saints from Queen of Death Island, the Ice Warriors from Bruegled, and bronze and silver warriors from all over the world, the Sanctuary Army headed by the Twelve Gold Saints gathered in the Sanctuary. On that day, Aphrodite, who was closest to the Pope's Palace, discovered that the huge statue of Athena that originally stood at the top of the Zodiac suddenly disappeared.

In addition to these official saints, there is also a group of special people.

Sanctuary miscellaneous soldiers cannot become an effective combat force. In terms of the overall quality of miscellaneous soldiers, Sanctuary miscellaneous soldiers are the worst and weakest among the three holy sea saints. People are okay.

So Shion founded the Saint Dou Academy, summoning outstanding talents from all over the world, and trained a large number of talents with the goal of becoming a Saint Seiya.

Now it's finally time for them to be put into use. They are wearing battle armors with various shapes, which are the holy clothes of private soldiers that do not belong to the Eighty-Eight Nebula.

Although these people can't help with high-end combat power, it is still very easy to face the miscellaneous fish in the two places of the underworld. Now the basic strength of the sanctuary is the strongest of the three.

Looking at the mighty sanctuary army below, Naruto murmured to himself: "The ninth sense is the consciousness of the gods, which is different from the sixth, seventh, and eighth senses. The most important thing."

"The number of ninth senses is limited, and theoretically there are only a few who can truly reach this level."

"There must be a space in front to give birth to the next one. This is very similar to the Kaiwangshen in the Dragon Ball world. If the previous Kaiwangshen does not abdicate, there will be no accidents, and the second Kaiwangshen will never be born."

"The easiest way is to pull the opponent down from the altar."


Naruto looked into the distance, where Hades Castle was located, and it was also the entrance for the human world to enter the underworld.

Pulling down the altar is of course not just a turn around to kill Hades, but to completely erase the existence of Hades including the soul in the true sense.

Then you have to go from the underworld to the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss.

Heinstein Castle

With the flash of golden light, countless ghost fighters wearing black gem-like robes fell silently, and after a while, all the fighters around them were cleaned up.

The warriors of the sanctuary quietly entered this ancient castle with a long history.

In the garden outside the castle, Radamandis was drinking wine there.

Today he was severely punished by Pandora for the strange reason of stepping into the castle with his left foot first.

No need to ask, it must be King Toad who went to inform Pandora in order to please Pandora.

Although the injury subsided shortly after the punishment, Radamandis also lost his command in the world because of this, and Minos, another of the three giants of the underworld, took over.

It can be said that it does not hurt much and is extremely insulting. For a person with a high spirit like Radamandis, it is better to beat him directly as punishment.

Radamandis swore that if the woman in Pandora punished him with such a reason tomorrow, he...he would go back to the underworld immediately.

If you can't provoke it, you can't hide it, out of sight is out of mind.

"Huh?" Radamandis, who was about to drink another glass, paused, put down his glass, and looked to the side of the yard: "A big mouse sneaked in, it seems that Minos' subordinates are nothing more than that." .”

After seeing that piece of golden armor, they all said mockingly.

"Yo, it's still a big golden mouse."

"Are the golden saints in the sanctuary also going to be assassins?"

"There are only twelve in total, why not send them together. Watch me knock you all down in one go."

Radamandis smiled disdainfully, then stood up, and immediately covered his whole body with the deep and dark amethyst-like undergarment belonging to the Big Three.

Stretching his body a little, the wings of the Wyvern behind him also slowly opened, exuding a purple and cold small universe exclusive to the underworld, which is huge and extremely destructive, and looks full of momentum: "Standing in front of you are the three giants of the underworld. The strongest star * Wyvern * Radamandis, will go to the court of the underworld later to sue the other party."

"Report your name, I never kill unknown people."

The one who answered him was a tall man who was taller than him by a full head, and even with Radamandes' height of 1.89 meters, he looked a little thin in front of the other party.

"Taurus Gold Saint Aldiba."

(end of this chapter)

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