Konoha: I Have Kakarot Inside Me

Chapter 385 The Gathering Of The Seven Generals Of The Sea Realm

Chapter 385 The Gathering of the Seven Generals of the Sea Realm

In the sixth prison, a group of underworld fighters gathered here.

"Radamandis, Minos, you two not only lost a lot of subordinates in the world, even Lord Pandora was captured by the Sanctuary." The last of the three giants, Tianxiong Star * Garuda * Aiago Stan came on stage, and directly mocked his two colleagues as soon as he came up.

"As the three giants of the underworld, I really feel ashamed for you."

"We were just being careless." Radamandis clenched his fists and said bitterly: "Sooner or later, I will wash away the humiliation with the blood of the golden saint."

The worst battle loss in the world is Radamandes and his legion. Not only the strongest left and right hands Balendain and Xilufei were killed in battle, but also suffered a lot of losses in the previous Hades Zodiac. Now his There are only two or three kittens and puppies left.

Minos stood aside without saying a word, not knowing what he was thinking.

He was stronger than Radamandis, but he also lost a lot of men.

"Careless? Sooner or later? Radamandis, when did you start making excuses for your failure?"

Ayagos continued to taunt mercilessly, his legion was basically uninjured, and there was a faint tendency to become the talker of the Big Three.

As the Big Three, they are not in harmony with each other.

Radamandis is the bravest underworld fighter, Admiral of the underworld, deeply respected by Hades; Minos has the greatest power among the three giants, and most of the eight prisons of the underworld are his direct subordinates; Goss is even more remarkable, it is said that he is the strongest existence among the Big Three.

In the original plot, when faced with Garon who almost killed Radamandis, Aiagos claimed that if Radamandis didn't stop him, he could kill Garon wearing the Gemini Golden Saint Cloth in one move.

However, Ikki, who was hacked later, fell in seconds, becoming the first one to leave the stage among the Big Three.

"I have already arranged for my soldiers to search for the whereabouts of the Saint Seiya, and I will soon be able to find out the group of rats that went to the underworld to make trouble."

In addition to the underworld fighters, the most common people in the underworld are skeleton soldiers, commonly known as underworld miscellaneous soldiers, but although the name is a skeleton soldier, the image is not a real skeleton. Mingyi is responsible for seducing souls, leading the way for the undead, escorting the undead, patrolling and hunting down the escaped undead, etc., the number is extremely large.

In the original plot, the one who was instantly killed by the court of the underworld Luni with a whip was a miscellaneous soldier.

In addition to miscellaneous soldiers, there are also some demons responsible for torturing human souls, which are mentioned in the setting of Saint Seiya, and there is a scene in the illustration. These demons only work in the underworld, and are not under the jurisdiction of underworld fighters. They are loyal to an ancient god who was sealed in the underworld.

"It seems that you guys are the remaining underworld fighters in the underworld." Accompanied by a dull voice, several mysterious figures in cloaks appeared on the high slope of the sixth prison.

"Pretending to be a ghost!" Aiagos snorted coldly, waved his hand casually, and a strong hurricane formed at the speed of light immediately hit several people.

This move of Garuda Razor Wings has extremely strong destructive power, and the attack at the speed of light can instantly kill a weak Saint Seiya.

Naturally, the people who came were not ordinary people, and they were not in the ranks of being 'insta-killed', but the cloaks on a few people were directly blown away, revealing their true faces underneath.

It is precisely this truth that makes a few well-informed underworld fighters break out in cold sweat.

"You are not saints!" Minos looked at the shiny battle suit on the person, and his complexion became gloomy visible to the naked eye: "This unique shape and unique smell of the sea. It is the sea general of the sea world!"

"Why do you people from the sea world appear in the underworld?"

First of all, the appearance of General Hai was definitely not to help them fight for the underworld fighters.

Hades and Athena were sworn enemies, and their relationship with Poseidon wasn't much better.

Especially this unsolicited behavior.

"When did the sea realm collude with the sanctuary?" Minos felt the small universe on several people, and was fully alert to enter the fighting state.

"Is Poseidon allied with Athena?"

Poseidon's alliance with Athena is absolutely the worst thing for the underworld.

"It doesn't matter if it is or not."

Admiral Baduo was the first to jump out. Unlike other admirals, he belonged to the surrender faction, and he had to win the first victory in order to secure his position as admiral.

"You just need to know that it was our Admiral Hai who killed you."

"Arrogance, let me, Ugly Star* Deadly Beetle* Stander, come and meet you for a while." A brawny man who was half a head taller than Arudiba and dressed in a 'dung beetle'-like dark suit came out. He is one of the guardians of the Fifth Hell, and came to the Sixth Hell under the summoning of Minos.

It looks very bulky, but the speed is not slow at all.

"Strike and advance!"

Integrating defense and offense, a powerful physics fighter.

It's a pity that for Bardo, it's still too slow. And what he is best at is dealing with this kind of physics fighters.

"Where are you looking? Stupid."

At the moment Stander attacked, Bardo was already behind him.

"Anti-Viking Tiger Roar Fist!"

The extremely cold air that was close to absolute zero instantly covered the opponent's body, and he didn't even have time to snort, killing him instantly with one move.

"The underworld fighter is nothing more than that."

Baduo's actions stunned a group of Ming fighters. The two Ming fighters, Tian Tui Xing and Tian Shu Xing, who were originally planning to play, secretly rejoiced that they hadn't made a move, otherwise they would be the ones lying on the ground.

"That Stander was killed just like that?"

"The unparalleled Stander was killed with one blow."

"You are not his opponent, step back"

When the turmoil continued on the side of the underworld fighters, there was a strange fluctuation in the crowd. The underworld fighters gave way one after another, and the underworld fighters in the shape of flowers and butterflies slowly appeared on the stage.

The huge butterfly wings behind her indicate the person's identity.

Earth Demon Star*Babillon*Miao

Even though it's just a fighter of the lower generation, he can make all the fighters of the lower generation obediently.

The name of the underworld monster butterfly is not only a status but also a symbol of strength.

"I didn't expect that one to make a move. These sea generals are really unlucky." Minos and Radamandis were relieved after seeing Miao.

"Your freezing air is indeed powerful, but you can't rely too much on it."

Miao's tone made Bardo very upset, and he rushed forward with a fast and ruthless 'Anti-Viking Tiger Roar Fist'.

It's just that his frozen air directly passed through Myuu's body like an illusory bubble.

"My ghost butterfly of the underworld can fly freely in the ice hell in the eight hells of the underworld. That is the place where the souls of those who rebel against the gods are suppressed. How can the mere icy air of the human world freeze the monster butterfly of the underworld?"

"Should die!" Miao slowly raised his right hand and summoned a large number of demon butterflies.

Myu stared, and Bardo's body turned in circles uncontrollably.

Then countless monster butterflies surrounded Baduo, no matter how he used the freezing air, he couldn't freeze these monster butterflies.

The only result of being entangled by these monster butterflies is death.

"Fiali is dead!"

If it is said that Death Mask's Underworld Wave can pull a person's soul away and send it to the underworld Huangquan Biliangpo, Myu's Fiali Death Light can directly send the opponent to the Death Realm.

Just when Bardo was about to die, Nidagoya, who was once the number one master of the Dark Saints, made a move.

"Black Phoenix Wings"

The black flames enveloped the butterflies in the underworld. The flames were so corrosive that even the monster butterflies in the underworld couldn't resist and melted one after another.

Don't take it seriously, everyone, you must protect yourself! !

(end of this chapter)

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