Konoha: I Have Kakarot Inside Me

Chapter 392 I Am A Human, A Pure Human Being

Chapter 392 I am a human, a pure human being

At the same time, the other side of the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss.

The four Oneiroi brothers, who are known to be in charge of all dreams, fell to the ground, their bodies were cold and apparently lifeless.

As the "father" of the four gods, Hypnos didn't care about the death of the "children" at all, but just stared at the man in front of him who he couldn't see through the real body.

"Which god are you?"

Hypnos frowned, his mind constantly matching the information of the person (god) in front of him.

Sadly none of them match up.

Without exposing himself, he easily killed the four Oneiroi brothers. This kind of calmness he had only seen in Hades.

The opponent can never be Hades.

"This is not where your Excellency should come, go back!"

Hypnos issued an order to expel the guests.

"Hades' real body is hidden in that building."

Naturally, Naruto would not listen to what Shupnos said, his eyes fell on the dark building behind Shupnos, and he could feel the huge small universe emanating from there.

I don't know if his arrival changed the plot, Shun doesn't have Hades' soul on him.

only a faint breath

Hades' soul seemed to have disappeared from the world.

No matter how Naruto searched, he was nowhere to be found.

"Stinky brat, there's a huge wave of malice ahead." Kurama, who hadn't spoken for a long time, lay lazily in the sealed space, propping her head with one hand, and pointing forward with the other: "The breath has the feeling of an old man from Six Paths, But worse."

It can be called evil by Kurama, it is conceivable that it is really evil.

"Malicious? Why can't I feel it?" Naruto closed his eyes, but he didn't notice anything.

He is most familiar with malice, even if there is only a trace, he can be keenly aware of it.

"Hey little brat, although you are gifted with a perceptual talent far beyond ordinary people, but how long have you lived, this old man is much more sensitive than you." Kurama said triumphantly, "No matter how well that guy hides it, he can't hide it." old man."

"This is because the old man has unique skills."

A look of 'do you want to know? Come and beg me''s yawning expression.

Naruto followed his words: "Yes, yes, Kurama, you are the most sensitive, sensitive everywhere."

Kurama scratched his head: "I always feel like you're thinking something rude."

"Naruto, don't listen to this fox's nonsense. What kind of unique skills are there? His sense of smell like a beast is so unique." The Mohawk-headed Old Kai Wangshen interjected: "He can feel it because the old man Its potential was developed to Ultimate."

"This guy also learned the transformation skills of that Saiyan over there."

"If you also develop your potential, you will only have a stronger perception than him, how about it? It's better to act than to move."

Old Kai Wangshen is like a salesman at the door of the bank, constantly asking you if you want to handle money, and constantly selling his products.

Not long after being stabbed by justice, Kurama, who felt that he had become a tool, was very dissatisfied and said, "Hey, old man, you must tell the brat!"

"Shut up, fox, it's important."

Kurama said maliciously: "Believe it or not, I'll beat you up?"

Unexpectedly, the old Kai Wangshen sat down on the ground directly and splashed.

"Oh, bullying the old man, is there anyone in charge?"

There was a commotion in the sealed space.

Kakarot was fine, holding a bowl of noodles that was bigger than his body, while happily looking at Yihu, while sucking on the noodles, he turned into a perfect melon-eating crowd.

Seeing that Naruto refused to leave for a long time, and was still standing there staring at the place where Hades' real body was, Shupnos secretly accumulated strength, intending to release his secrets quietly.

"Eternal sleep!"

It is a terrifying move that can make everything in the world fall into a sleep that can never be awakened, and die silently, even the god-tier Athena who has the same status as Hades cannot be spared.

As soon as Hypnos stretched out his hand, Naruto caught him.

"Hey, you seem to be trying to do something dangerous."

A row of large and shiny White Fang is revealed.

Hypnos wanted to pull out his arm, but Naruto's hand was as tight as an iron hoop, and no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't break free. Even under Naruto's grip, cracks appeared in the incomparably strong Shenmingyi.

It didn't use the slightest microcosm or qi, it was pure power.

'Is this guy a monster? '

Seeing this, Hypnos's soul suddenly froze, and he couldn't even imagine such a terrifying strange force hitting him, so he struggled harder, and even used his divine power.

Yet it remained motionless.

Maybe it was because Naruto thought he was annoying, so he grabbed Shupnos's wrist and shook it slightly, he only felt that his body was about to be shaken apart.

As a member of the gods, especially the god-tier of the twin gods. They have strength and physical fitness far superior to that of human beings. Even with just one finger, you can easily receive the full blow of the Golden Saint Seiya from the entire small universe.

Theoretically, the newly born gods are also stronger than the strongest human beings (pure human beings without any other blood).

Doomed from birth, the end of your efforts may be just the starting point of others.

‘Where did the gods come from? ’ Hypnos cursed inwardly.

It's not that there are gods whose physical fitness is stronger than his own, but they are only a level higher than him. This kind of existence that completely explodes his own existence, Hypnos can only think of one.

That can no longer be called a god.

Non-human, non-spiritual, non-god, monster of monsters.

The ancestor of all monsters, the most terrifying creature in mythology-Typhon.

"Are you that demigod from thirteen years ago?!"

Hypnos recognized Naruto, he recalled how his younger brother described him when he was talking nonsense, and said tentatively.

"Typhon's reincarnation?"

"I'm not" Naruto was speechless, how many times did he say he was Typhon?

I really have nothing to do with Typhon.

The most important thing is that Typhon is so ugly.

What about the head of a hundred dragons, the black tongue, and the fire-breathing eyes... It doesn't sound like a serious monster at first glance, maybe uglier than 'Wu'.

Hearing Naruto's answer, Shupnos secretly heaved a sigh of relief, after all, if a monster of Typhon's level really appeared.

Hades might not want to join forces with Athena.

Then I heard Naruto say: "But the first question is right, I am indeed the same person thirteen years ago."

"Which god are you?"

Hypnos is still probing.

Naruto was obviously getting impatient: "Don't you understand? I am human, purely human."

Even if you become an apprentice king god, you are still a human being, and you are still a human being with the blood of Ōtsutsuki, and the species has not changed.

"An ordinary ninja practicing martial arts, that's all."

(end of this chapter)

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