Konoha: I Have Kakarot Inside Me

Chapter 398 Return To The Dragon Ball

Chapter 398 Return to the Dragon Ball

"It seems that you disagree, then we have to go back and report to the goddess."

The three Tiandou fighters immediately said that the three of them wanted to go back a long time ago.

‘You must go back and report to Lord Artemis that Athena is far more powerful than her. '

As for the arrest of the three of them, they never mentioned it.

To arrest someone, you have to be able to beat them.

"Oh, all three, you are here, don't rush back." Several phosphorous fires appeared behind the three of them, and Deathmask appeared between Theseus and Icarlos like a ghost, with one arm in his arms. Shoulder.

'When did you come here? ’ The hearts of the three trembled, none of them had found each other before.

No matter how hard the two of them tried, they couldn't break free. Desmask's hands were like red-hot irons holding the two of them tightly.

In terms of strength, the two heavenly fighters joined forces and were blown away.

"Since you are here, please stay for a few more days, otherwise some cats and dogs will think that our sanctuary treats people meanly..." Dismasque turned a blind eye to the three people's expressions of 'eat cake', and said to himself: " Recently, our sanctuary is going to hold a grand ceremony, you should join us, congratulations on the birth of the thirteenth golden saint in our sanctuary."

Speaking of which, he pointed to the majestic palace rising slowly at the foot of the mountain.

"Look over there, the palace is almost finished."

The thirteenth gold saint of Ophiuchus, like Pegasus, was once a great sinner in heaven.

No, in terms of guilt, Ophiuchus is even higher.

The three heavenly warriors looked at each other, planning to attack together, at least one of them had to go back and report, otherwise the goddess would suffer greatly and the heavenly realm would suffer greatly.

It's a pity that the three of them didn't have time to make a move in the future. At some point, countless figures appeared around them. If you look closely, the entire Temple of the Goddess is actually full of people. Each of them exudes a small universe that is not under them, and there are many figures among them The small universe looms above the three of them.

"This is the sanctuary?"

Those who don't know think this is the heaven, no, even the heaven does not have so many powerful fighters.

How did Athena train these saints?

Hades, the lord of the underworld, was not wronged at all.

too terrifying.

In front of this group of super saints, the three sky fighters dared not make any changes at all.

"These heavenly warriors are quite strong. If we hadn't received three months of special training from the Great Instructor, it would not be easy for us to take them down." Inside the Temple of the Goddess, there were several figures standing, and the one who spoke was the current Pope Sagittarius. Aio Ross.

Garen and Shi On stood beside Saori from left to right.

Milo nudged Gallon with his elbow, and made fun of him with a malicious face: "Garon, you are a big sinner in the heavens now, and you sent three heavenly fighters to the lower realms at once, and they all came to arrest you."

"I heard that they are all real demigods."

"Cut, just come if you have the ability. I will let them have two feet, one hand and four fingers. One finger is enough."

"As for the teacher, the premise is that this group of idiots from the heavens can find him and defeat him. But the probability of success in this kind of thing is infinitely close to zero." Garen spread his hands, shrugged, and said very confidently.

"I heard that Apollo is now in power in the heavens. I don't know how strong he is compared to Hades?"

"I'm full of fighting spirit now."

Garen clenched his fists, looking high-spirited.

"Goddess, what about these three people?" Shi Ang said to Saori respectfully.

Garen and Shi On have obtained the knowledge of the gods as humans. In theory, they are now the new twin gods.

But these two people are no longer assisting Hades, but assisting Athena.

"Let's keep it for now, I'll talk about it when my sister comes." Saori said lightly, but Naruto's face appeared in her mind: "It would be great if they can find him."

Everyone was shocked and showed expressions that we didn't hear.

And the center of everyone's discussion, Uzumaki Naruto had left this world a day ago and went to other worlds.


"It's back again."

Naruto's figure appeared in the sky, with the endless sea at his feet.

After more than ten years in the world of Saint Seiya, he returned to this familiar world.

Although according to the time conversion ratio, it has not been long since the world of Dragon Ball, and the story of the artificial man should not have started yet, right?


"The air in this world is still fresher."

Saint Seiya's time setting is the year 1990 on Earth. How should I put it, this time is an important stage in the development of various countries, and various garbage and waste gas (waste liquid) are produced accordingly, making the air quality in that world not very good.

As far as Naruto's physique is concerned, those industrial waste gases are not harmful even if he inhales them, but he doesn't like them.

The technology in the Dragon Ball world is more advanced, but the damage to the environment is much less, at least most of the earth is green.

So Naruto took a deep breath and choked.

Underneath is the sea, a strong smell of the sea penetrates into the breath, very high.

Too strong five senses is sometimes not a good thing.

Covering his nose to prevent the smell of the sea from attacking his nasal cavity, Naruto sensed the breath of the earth, and then flew in one direction.

Baozi Mountain.

"Piccolo Uncle!" Son Gohan, who had grown a lot taller, kept waving at Piccolo.

It has been a long time since the Battle of Nami Nemesis, and now Sun Wuhan has grown to 8 years old, and will be 9 years old in a few days.

"Gohan, are you ready? Then do your best!" Piccolo said defensively, "This time you are allowed to transform into a Super Saiyan."

The 8-year-old Sun Gohan has already been able to transform into a Super Saiyan. This talent is really unmatched. Imagine what strength Goku and Naruto still have when they are 8 years old.

Wukong stood aside and acted as the referee. After the two of them finished training, it was he who went to the field to practice.

The three have been practicing together for a long time.

Regarding this situation, the only one who is dissatisfied is Kiki. Money matters are fine. Now Wukong’s family is not only the richest man in the world, but at least they have enough food and drink. The point is that Wukong and Gohan don’t have to worry about food and drink.

What she cares about is Gohan's studies. At the beginning, Naruto promised her to let Gohan go to the best high school. Now that there is no news for almost three years, she is naturally very dissatisfied.

Fortunately, in a few days, that damn man-made man will come.

Wukong and his son can definitely bring them down.

Don't look at Qiqi's thoughts about Wukong at ordinary times, she just thinks that Wukong doesn't work hard and doesn't make any progress, and she is still full of confidence in Wukong's strength.

Just when the three of them were fighting, they suddenly stopped and looked towards a certain position.

I saw an extra golden figure in the sky.

"The qi that is so strong is really yours."

Naruto greeted him kindly.

"Hey, everyone, long time no see."

"Teacher (Shigong/Naruto)!"

(end of this chapter)

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