Konoha: I Have Kakarot Inside Me

Chapter 409 The Disappearance Of The God

No. 17 didn't mean to solve the two of them, but his eyes lit up when he walked in front of Future Trunks, and he tore off the sword behind him casually: "This sword is good, it will be my trophy."

With the sword tied behind his back, No. 17 looks like a sophomore boy.

"On the 18th, we should go."

Seeing his sister standing still, No. 17 stepped forward to urge her.

"Are you waiting for that little brother? You were probably scared away by our battle. For ordinary humans, our strength is too terrifying. We will eventually be people of two worlds."

What he said was outrageous, but just as he finished speaking, he saw a figure walking out of the corner.

Who is it not Naruto?

Seeing Naruto again, the corners of No. 18's mouth unconsciously curved slightly.

"Brother, aren't you scared after seeing the battle we just had?" Number 17 asked curiously.

"I'm still very confident in my ability to escape." Naruto didn't answer, but changed the subject and stated a fact.

With Flying Thunder God, teleportation, space-time ninjutsu, and a lot of skills in different dimensions, Naruto's ability to escape is indeed top-notch.

It's just that this sounds like an admission of fear on the 17th, but he runs fast and has a lot of courage.

Immediately feel good.

After all, Naruto was the first human they saw after waking up, and they were all deceived by the evil doctor, so it still makes sense.

Then, on the 17th, it seemed like a chatterbox was opened, and he began to tell Naruto what happened just now: "The one just now is a Saiyan. You don't know what a Saiyan is, do you? Then let me tell you, they are aliens and advocate violence. barbarian race."

"And then I'm like this. This way he's down."

"I thought I could play for a while, but I didn't expect them to be so careless"

"Just now that Vegeta said that he is stronger than Monkey King. It seems that I am already number one in the world."

"Secretly tell you a secret, I only used 50% of my power just now."

Temple of Heaven.

Piccolo led the Saiyan trio through the Holy Land of Guylin and arrived near the temple. Without letting others follow, Piccolo boarded the temple alone.

Tianshen and Bobo seemed to know it a long time ago, standing in front of the temple and waiting for him.

"Hey, old man, what are you calling me over in such a hurry?"

Piccolo's tone was very unfriendly. On the one hand, the angrily leaving before was really disgusted by the behavior of being highly respected by "Monkey King", on the other hand, it was the call of the gods.

The gods and Piccolo are originally one, but they have always had a way to communicate with each other.

It's just that it is impossible for Piccolo to contact the god of heaven, and the god of heaven will not take the initiative to find the devil of Piccolo, so the two have never been in contact.

Piccolo, who inherited everything from the Great Demon King, naturally also inherited this ability.

The two looked at each other for a long time, until Napa was about to yawn from boredom, and the god slowly said: "I feel a very unusual breath, a monster may have appeared on the earth."

"A monster that 'eats' people."

"Maybe?" Piccolo keenly captured the key words in it.

"Yes, that thing seems to be aware of my peeping, and has been avoiding my observation."

Piccolo sneered: "Then how dare you confirm that there is such a thing."

"Because of the facts, one bustling city after another has turned into no-man's land, and all the life in it has disappeared, and the only thing left is human clothes scattered all over the place, and human beings themselves don't seem to exist at all."

"Do you think this will be done by humans themselves?"

After hearing Tenjin's explanation, Piccolo reluctantly nodded even though he was not happy.

"Your worry is not unfounded." Just listen to Piccolo said lightly: "The teacher also noticed something wrong."

"But he seems to be different from what you perceive."

"Really?" Tenjin nodded, and said in a gratified tone, "Did Naruto notice it?"

"I've said it's different," Piccolo said impatiently. He didn't have much affection for this god who was one with his father: "You didn't call me here to chat with me, did you? What exactly do you want?"

"Actually, you already know it in your heart, don't you?" Tianshen said, his eyes became very calm: "This world doesn't need a god. It doesn't need a big devil. It only needs super powerful masters."

But he was interrupted by Piccolo as soon as he finished speaking.

"No, this world needs a demon king, and the demon king who makes the rules must exist." Piccolo firmly denied the words of the gods: "I am the demon king."

"Hehe. Say whatever you want." The god shook his head and said helplessly, "Let's merge."


Bobo looked worriedly at the earth god who had been with him for hundreds of years.

He knew what the gods meant by assimilation.

"The only meaning of your existence is Dragon Ball." Piccolo said mercilessly.

"That's right. My strength is too small to keep up with your footsteps." The god is very calm. After living for hundreds of years, he has long been very indifferent to life and death: "I only have one request , find that 'monster' and stop him!"

Piccolo nodded: "The fusion must be led by me, you can only be a source of nourishment for my strength growth, don't try to invade my mind."

"It's natural." The god nodded.

In fact, the assimilation of the Nami nemesis seems to mean that the person who was fused disappeared and became a part of the other party's power. In fact, after the fusion, he was destined to inherit part of the other party's character and memory.

This is the inevitable result.

There is no such thing as free power in this world.

The god put his hand on Piccolo, turned to Bobo, who was standing behind him crying bitterly, and said, "Then, we will bid farewell forever. Thank you for taking care of me all these years, Mr. Bobo."

As the voice of the god fell, his body gradually faded until it disappeared. The crutch in his hand also fell to the ground, and he was embraced by Bobo.

At the same time, it incorporates the piccolo of the gods.

"Is this fusion? Such a huge power."

Piccolo looked at his hands in disbelief, feeling the unbelievable power in his body: "I feel that my body is full of power now, and it has even surpassed the limit of a Super Saiyan."

"But there is also a lot of knowledge and some ideas that shouldn't be in my mind."

"It seems that this is a side effect of fusion, something left by the gods."

"Forget it. Anyway, being late will disappear."

Piccolo shook his head and slowly floated up from the Tenjin Temple.

Before leaving, he still did not forget to turn his head and say to Bobo: "Goodbye."

This is absolutely impossible as Piccolo.

Sensing the anger of Gohan and the others, he flew towards where they were.

"The teacher said that I can still be stronger, but I can only fuse with other brothers if I fuse with the gods first."

"Otherwise their evil will cause my temperament to change drastically."

"If you want not to be influenced by them, you must keep your own heart, find your true self and comprehend the seventh sense."

"But what is that? It's completely incomprehensible."

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