Konoha: I Have Kakarot Inside Me

Chapter 47 Xx Happy Box?

Chapter 47 XX happy box?

Naruto's figure reappeared, already in the border area of ​​the Land of Fire. This is the closest marker of the Fourth Generation Flying Thunder God Technique to the Land of Grass.

"This is the first time in this life to travel far."

"Getting out of that place of malice is such a joy, from the cells to the hair follicles."

After leaving Konoha, Naruto is in a good mood.

Taking a few deep breaths, the nostrils are filled with the aroma of green grass, refreshing.

"Let me see where this is." Naruto looked around curiously, with the endless grassland in front and the lush forest behind. Slowly close your eyes and feel the surrounding breath through your breath.

After a while, he slowly opened his eyes.

Naruto took a step towards the northwest, and embarked on the journey to Kusanagi Village.

Although I don't know the specific location of Grass Ninja Village, but that location has the most Qi and is relatively stronger.

I think it should be Kusanagi Village, that's right.

The Land of Grass is located at the junction of the Land of Fire and the Land of Earth among the Five Kingdoms, with the Land of Rain in the south and the Land of Taki in the north.

Among several countries, the Country of Grass is the weakest.

The two major kingdoms of fire and earth, Konoha and Rock Shinobi, will not go into details. The leader of Rain Shinobi Village is the demigod Hanzo who is famous in the Ninja world. Under the leadership of Hanzo, he vainly wants to become the sixth largest country. The Iron Country, Konoha, and Sand Shinobi declared war, which was the trigger for the Second Ninja World War. Although they did not win in the end, it is enough to show the strength of Rain Shinobi Village and Hanzo. Taki Ninja Village in Taki no country has not had any famous characters except Kakuzu, but it is worth mentioning that Taki Ninja Village has Seven Tails, which is the only village in the ninja world that does not belong to the five major ninja villages and also has tailed beasts.

Compared with these ninja villages, the grass ninja village in the country of grass is much inferior.

There is neither a strong leader and military force, nor any famous characters. It is completely a ninja village as a background board.

If we want to talk about its characteristics, we can only say that Kusanagi Village is good at studying ninjutsu from other countries, and it is a ninja village that is good at learning.

But despite the fact that the Country of Grass is just a small country the size of a sesame seed, it is also famous. But this daimyo has no skills, he only knows how to enjoy himself, and the whole country is in a state of extreme corruption.

Therefore, the gambling industry in this country is very developed, and it is not inferior to the famous Baanzhu Street in the Land of Fire.

It's just that none of this has anything to do with Naruto.

Now Naruto looked at the situation in front of him and fell into deep thought.

Following the direction guided by Qi, he cast Wukong and galloped all the way, without paying attention to the surrounding environment. It was not until Naruto reached the direction guided by Qi that he realized something was wrong.

Except for rare cases, the normal logic of Genin villages should be inland.

Grass Ninja Village is definitely not within the scope of this special case.

And in front of him is the endless sea.

All of the above is over.

Tall and straight gabled towers, narrow windows, white walls, and sloping roof decorations picked out layer by layer. And the huge city below, which is wider than the house, gives people a solid, heavy and oppressive aesthetic effect. The narrow windows form a strong contrast with the vast interior space, making the interior light dim and deep. , with the waves constantly beating the surrounding cliffs, giving people a feeling of extreme depression and tension.

Especially the gloomy sky above the head that is about to drip ink, what is even more exaggerated is that only this piece of sky is frozen, it is clear that the sun is shining dozens of miles away, but this place is always covered by thick clouds like a bedding.

Not to mention the sun, even the light seems to be swallowed up.

Where is Kusanagi Village in front of you?

It is clearly a city standing proudly on an isolated island.

Naruto followed the strongest aura in the Kingdom of Grass, and the strongest auras in the Country of Grass were all gathered in this city.

So Grass Ninja Village is not the most powerful organization in the Country of Grass, but this city is?

So the question is, where is it?

A sea breeze blew across his cheeks, and there was a slightly fishy and salty smell in the air. Naruto, who has very keen five senses, recognized it immediately. This slightly salty and slightly fishy smell is the smell of wet soil after rain mixed with sea breeze and blood.

The smell of blood is still fresh

Only then did Naruto in the sky realize the style of the city in front of him. The square structure and the tall towers standing on both sides are not so much used to defend against the invasion of foreign enemies, but more like internal defense.


The word flashed through Naruto's mind.

Naruto looked slightly dazed.

What a mistake.

The place Naruto went to was indeed not a grass ninja village, but an isolated island prison on a small island near the country of grass - "Ghost Lamp City".

Ghost Lantern City is a prison for criminal ninjas entrusted by various countries to Caoyin Village. It is located on a small island near the Country of Grass, surrounded by the sea. The term "ghost lamp" is not because of the style of its own architecture, but because the island is named after a kind of sour berry called "ghost lamp".

The prisoners in this prison are not simple, they are not so-called rebellious or dangerous elements, to be precise, they are detaining criminals.

It is normal for Ninja Village prison to detain criminal ninjas, but some people cannot be locked in Ninja Village Prison, such as prisoners related to daimyo.

Here I have to say another very interesting thing in the ninja world.

The actual rulers of the Five Great Ninja Villages are not the shadows of the Five Great Ninja Villages, but the daimyos of the Five Great Ninja Villages. The relationship between the Five Great Ninja Villages and the daimyos is even just an employment relationship.

Sunagakure, the country of the wind, had a fight with Konoha because the daimyo wanted to hire Konoha and allocated less funds for them.

And the identity of this daimyo is similar to the immortal Celestial Dragons in the world of One Piece.

The scene here is a bit familiar. It seems to be the style of a certain movie?

Naruto is fairly familiar with the plot of the Hokage main drama, but he is relatively unfamiliar with the theatrical version, and he has only watched one or two later classics.

The plot of this place seems to be that Naruto was framed, then caught, then reversed, then hanged, and then broke out.

Naruto didn't have a big impression of the characters in it, but he was quite impressed with one thing in this place.

It seems to be the treasure called the final weapon of Sage of Six Paths?

What is the happy box?

Naruto automatically imported the word rich woman.

Hey. Such a dirty name.

It is said that this treasure can fulfill a wish of the person who opened it?

But the reality is that no wish can be fulfilled, only destruction can be summoned.

Why does this setting have a very familiar sense of sight?

You are right, the big cup in Fuyuki City.

Naruto fell into this weird city prison while thinking wildly.

Come here, always bring some gifts back.

Just give the box to Sasuke, he should like it.

(end of this chapter)

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