Konoha: I Have Kakarot Inside Me

Chapter 60 You Know I Know What You Will Do

Chapter 60 You Know I Know What You Will Do

With great excitement, Wuwei walked towards his 'son Wugou' step by step, and stopped less than two meters away from him.


"Wugou" whose skin was so pale that he looked at Wuwei said softly.

"Wugou, I'm sorry." Wuwei said, watching his 'son' walking towards him step by step: "Papa was wrong."

Opening his arms to hug his son, however.


'Wugou''s right hand easily pierced Wuwei's right chest without any hesitation, and there was no gleam in his empty eyes.

An extremely ominous, evil aura exudes from all over his body.

"That's right." 'Wugou' stuck out his tongue and licked Wuwei's bloody right hand: "It was Dad who was wrong."

"Because of you, you shouldn't have let me out at all."

"Thank you very much, I have been waiting for nearly a thousand years, and finally someone can release me."


That's not Wuwei's son 'Wugou' at all, but a monster with Wugou's memory.

"Guard." Maybe it was Chakra who still had a trace of Nine Tails in his body, and Wuwei who had fallen to the ground sent a signal into the air.

The siren rang throughout the Ghost Lamp City.

Countless jailers in guard uniforms poured in from all directions.

Countless police dogs rushed towards Wugou one after another.

However, what they are facing is a monster that has existed for a thousand years.

''Wugou' is so fast that even if he is as strong as Wuwei, he can't see his trajectory clearly. He just came to the jailer in an instant, and took his life away with a light swipe of his hands.

With the jailer's fall to the ground, the words "Xi" in the four sides of the box of bliss released from the "Wu Di" slowly opened like a bloody mouth, sucking the fallen jailers into the mouth one after another.

"Capturing life, drawing energy in this way."

Naruto observed the movements of 'Wugou' for a while, and had a general understanding of its strength. Then crossed his hands: "Shadow Clone Technique!"

With a puff of white smoke, another Naruto appeared.

"Take care of our children."

Naruto said to his Shadow Clone, and he rushed in the direction of 'Innocent'.

"Two tricks with me." Naruto hooked his fingers at Wugou.

'Wugou' rushed towards Naruto without even thinking about it. The speed and strength of 'Wugou' were so fast that even a taijutsu ninja was not as fast as him.

Too bad Naruto is faster than him.

He leaned sideways to avoid the confident blow of 'Wugou', then pressed his right hand with his left hand, and punched his abdomen.

With a 'bang', Wugou's body flew out like a meteor.

"This really hurts!"

'Wugou' with a big hole in his stomach got up from the ground as if nothing had happened.

I saw 'Wugou' roaring to the sky, and its body gradually began to change. The body gradually grew larger, and the hands and feet turned into hairy slender legs and sharp claws. A pair of huge wings several meters long grew from the back, and a large mouth full of sharp teeth grew out of the round body.

That is the real body of 'Wugou' - the monster named Wuwu.

The appearance of the real body instantly changed from Hokage to Digimon style.

Needless to say, Enlightenment's appearance is quite similar to that of the little hell ghost beast (disaster beast).

"really solid"

Seeing that Naruto survived his punch and continued to fight, a look of joy appeared on Naruto's face.

'I found a treasure, I found a treasure. '

'Try how resistant you are to beating. '

"Roar!" Satoru roared, and with a wave of his wings, countless feathers as sharp as flying knives flew towards Naruto from all directions.

Facing Wu Na's offensive like a prince's tactics.

Naruto slapped his palms hard, and a strong wind swept in, blowing the feather arrows to pieces.

Then Naruto kicked hard with his right foot, and his whole body flew out like a sharp sword with a 'whoosh' sound. Wu soared with his wings and narrowly avoided the blow.

'So much speed, so much power. '

"Let me see what this guy is thinking." Wu thought, flapping his wings in mid-air.

Enlightenment This monster not only has extraordinary speed and strength, but also has a strong self-healing ability. In addition, it has a power that most people dream of having.

Mind reading

"Guess what I'm thinking?" Naruto smiled at Wu Jiaojie who was in mid-air.

'Ok? '

Wu was taken aback for a moment, and continued to perform mind reading.

Then he saw what Naruto was thinking.

'You're thinking about shit. '

Wu:'? ? ? '

Enlightenment: ‘What the hell? '

Naruto: 'It would be rude of you to think so. '

Seeing what Naruto was thinking, Wu was slightly taken aback, as if he had met an opponent who could also read minds?

"I don't know that kind of thing."

If a person can read minds, he will have an advantage when facing the enemy.

What if the opponent can also read minds?

Both of them understood what their opponent was thinking.

I know what you will do.

You know I know what you'll do.

I know you know I know what you'll do.

You know I know you know I know what you'll do.

Unlimited nesting dolls.

All in all, whoever strikes first will be at a disadvantage.

Wu: "Come here!"

Naruto: "Come down!"

Wu: "Come up!"

Naruto: "Okay! Then I'm coming up."

Naruto knew about Satoru's mind-reading skills early on, but he didn't pay attention at all.

'Mind reading is afraid of mind reading' In addition to this weakness, there is actually another weakness in mind reading that is not considered a weakness...

'He wanted to use a straight punch. '

Wu Wu just read this sentence in his mind, Naruto's fist was printed on Wu Wu's round face.

'boom! '

Wu was like a ping pong ball hit by Ma Long, and flew out again with a whoosh.

He slammed into the ground hard and made a pothole. Perhaps because of the elasticity of his body, he bounced back into the air.

'impossible! Why is his speed so fast. '

Satoru only had time to think this far, when Naruto's fist came again.

‘It’s still a straight punch! '


The timing of the mind reading and the timing of the arrival of the fists are carried out at the same time.

Wu's body flew up again.

So what if he can read minds.

As long as the speed is fast enough, if the speed of mind reading cannot keep up, it will be the same as not having mind reading.

Thinking requires time to react, even for monsters.

This is not the jojo world, but there is no time to stop thinking.

If you can't react, you can only be beaten.

This is the second weakness of mind reading that is not a weakness

In the next second, Naruto appeared in front of Satoru again.

‘Continuous ordinary beatings! '

The dense fists hit Wu's body like raindrops, and Wu's body was deformed like plasticine, and Naruto's fist marks were all over his chubby body.

After a gorgeous direct punch, Wu, who had turned into a puddle of flesh, was smashed heavily on the ground. The square of Ghost Lantern City was full of potholes as if hit by a meteor shower.

"Shuang, I haven't used my full strength for a long time."

Wiping off the non-existent sweat on his forehead, he glanced at Wu, whose body was gradually recovering.

"It really is a good baby."

Naruto stared at the huge Bliss Box with bright eyes.

It was like seeing a treasure trove.

This is the real use of the Bliss Box.

At this moment, the Bliss Box with a little bit of self-awareness suddenly had an urge to escape.

Recommend this big guy's book "My Science and Technology Museum"

Xu Lei was reborn and returned to his university days, starting from a high-dimensional science and technology museum to change the world.

Name: AI image restoration technology

Level: Level Zero Civilization

Evaluation: Use technology to show warmth and make memories more colorful.

Influence: 0/5000

Collection Unit: Science and Technology Museum of Cosmic Civilization


Many years later, when more and more exhibits in the museum were unlocked, Xu Lei was amazed at the advanced technological civilization he had created.

Xu Lei: "I just want to make some money, I don't plan to fly out of the solar system!"

(end of this chapter)

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