Konoha: I Have Kakarot Inside Me

Chapter 63 The Temptation Of Returning To The Village

Chapter 63 The Temptation of Returning to the Village

"Master Uzumaki!" Wuwei knelt in front of Naruto, and said respectfully, "The daimyo of the country of grass sent a letter of help. See how I can reply him."

Three days is enough time for Suzuki Jiro to arrive at the Ghost Lamp City, and it is also enough for the news of the disappearance of Kusanagi Village to reach the Ghost Lamp City.

Wuwei is not an idiot, how can someone who can sit in the lord of the ghost lamp city and deal with the big countries be a mediocre person, and if you think about it a little, you can understand that the things in Kusanagi Village are probably done by Naruto.

Especially the Xianglin with Naruto, although wearing a mask and a hood, the experienced Wuwei still guessed that Xianglin must be related to Kusanagi.

So Wuwei took the initiative to surrender to Naruto.

Although he is a former Jōnin of Kusanagi Village, he actually left Kusanagi more than ten years ago to manage the Ghost Lamp City. During this period, he has been obsessed with the research of the Box of Elysium, and sacrificed his son six years ago for this.

Just staggered the time when Xianglin's mother and daughter came to Kusanagi Village.

It can be said that he did not participate in the harming of Xianglin's mother and daughter. If he didn't say that Xianglin didn't know that he was the former Kusanagi Jōnin.

If it wasn't for this, Wuwei would have been killed by Naruto long ago.

Grass Ninja Village is gone, Naruto doesn't care about having another Ghost Lamp City.

So Naruto accepted his surrender. It is not a bad thing to have more subordinates, especially for the things to be done in the future, the grander the scene, the better.

Naruto nodded, and then said flatly: "As the owner of Ghost Lamp City, you know how to deal with it yourself."

Can the Daimyo of the Country of Grass not be in a hurry, the Village of Grass Ninja is gone, the Country of Grass without the Village of Ninja is equivalent to a complete loss of military power, without military power, the Country of Grass is still a piece of fat.

Don't count on the army in daimyo's hands, that thing can also bluff civilians.

The country of Taki next to the country of grass is okay. This country is quite content with the status quo. The problem is that there is an ambitious country of rain next door. Once in action.

This is how the Second Ninja World War came about, during which the Kingdom of Rain attempted to annex the Country of Grass.

Now that Grass Ninja Village has been destroyed, Ghost Lamp City has become the largest organization in the Country of Grass. If the Daimyo of the Country of Grass wants to continue to enjoy the extravagant life, he must rebuild the Kusanagi Village. The rebuilding of the Kusanagi Village is inseparable from the support of the Ghost Lamp City.

"The daimyo wants to rebuild the Kusanagi Village, please see, my lord."

How could Wuwei not know how to deal with the problem? Naruto didn't dare to nod his head.

In particular, he knew why Cao Ninja Village was destroyed.

Naruto gave neither affirmation nor negation but said, "I don't want to hear the name Kusanagi Village."

"Understood." Hearing Naruto's reply, Wuwei heaved a sigh of relief.

That's what smart people do. He can understand what Naruto means by simply saying a few words.

If you don’t want to hear Kusanagi Village, you can call it something else. It doesn’t matter whether the Shinobi Village in the Country of Grass is called Kusanagi Village. Anyway, the Shinobi Village in Tianzhi Country is not called Tianren Village, but Yinren Village.

Miao Ren Village sounds very nice.

Naruto clapped his hands, motioning for Karin, who was practicing in the square, to stop.

Xianglin, who was already dripping with sweat, ran to Naruto happily after hearing the words, took off the weight on her body, and started to drink water with the bottle in her arms.

A few days ago, Naruto officially began to guide Xiang Rin to practice.

The reason is that the baby of the Uzumaki family should not be too weak.

In addition, Xiang Rin really wanted to practice and become stronger to help Naruto, so she accepted Naruto's guidance.

Well, everyone can know what kind of cultivation Naruto can guide.

In addition to the basic Chakra practice, the only thing Naruto knows is Wind Style ninjutsu. Because Xiang Rin's Chakra attribute is water and soil, he can't learn it at all.

So what else can Naruto do.

Only the pure Guixian Fluid Technique.

Then Xianglin began to practice weight-bearing. Because it is unattractive for a girl to carry a turtle shell, Xianglin carried a snail shell of the same weight on her back.

"Tomie. How do you feel today?" Naruto asked Karin.

Naruto named his code name Uzumaki, and on a whim he gave Xiang Rin the code name Tomie.

"Although it's a bit difficult, but I've been able to adapt gradually." Xianglin said as if showing off after walking around Naruto a few times. Now this feeling of seeing myself becoming stronger every day is really great, especially with Naruto by my side, Xiang Rin feels that she has fallen in love with cultivation.

Naruto nodded and praised Xiang Rin a few words, making the little girl so happy that she was about to take off.

It only took Xianglin three days to catch up with the one-week practice progress of Sasuke and the others.

This is still when Xiang Rin is recovering.

The Uzumaki family is born with a huge Chakra. Huge Chakra represents vigorous vitality and is suitable for practicing Yang Dun, while Yang Dun represents the strength of the body.

Therefore, in Naruto's opinion, what is most suitable for the Uzumaki family is not some fancy sealing technique, but physical technique!

think about it.

A group of vigorous and tireless Taijutsu ninjas.

Some of the members can recover after being injured with a bite, and those who can't bite themselves can bite their teammates.

Isn't this the ninja remake of Saint Fighter Immortal Xiaoqiang?

Not to mention that everyone has reached the level of Guy, but everyone has reached the level of Xiaoli Chūnin's four exams. Who would dare to provoke the country of whirlpools?

A group of screaming 'Xiao Li' is rushing towards you, just thinking about this scene is scary.

On this day, Naruto will call Wuwei: "Wuwei."

Wuwei said respectfully, "The subordinate is here."

After Naruto summoned Satoru who had inherited Wugou's memory and untied Wuwei's knot, his loyalty to Naruto was directly increased.

"I'm leaving."

After leaving Konoha for a while, I don't know if there is anything wrong with the Fourth Generation imitation, Naruto plans to go back to Konoha.


Naruto paused and continued: "I will arrange some subordinates to come here after a while."

"They may be a little different from ordinary people. Remember to block the news. I don't want their information to leak to the outside world."

"Do you understand what I mean?"

Naruto intends to arrange some Uchiha to come to this ghost city.

"Yes, Master Uzumaki." Wuwei knew what to do to be a good subordinate. He didn't ask what he shouldn't ask, and didn't say what he shouldn't say.

The enchantment system of Ghost Lantern City is very complete, not inferior to the country of Uzumaki that was sealed and enchanted by the Fourth Generation. As long as it is not Obito's personal invasion, Akatsuki's invasion, or the top powers in the ninja world such as the Five Great Nations, it can basically handle the attack .

It's not a problem for Uchiha to only stay in the Uzumaki country, he must be sent out to experience some experience.

And according to Naruto's vision, there is another country that needs to be visited, and some gadgets there Naruto thinks are quite interesting.

But Naruto didn't intend to go there in person, it would be a waste of time to go with his current strength.

Uchiha just happens to be the best choice.

The premise is that it can be approved by Naruto.

If nothing else, at least he can catch half of his punch.

(end of this chapter)

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