Konoha: I Have Kakarot Inside Me

Chapter 8 Konoha Guard (22)

Chapter 8 Konoha Guard (22)

"is that one'."

"Look, 'that' hurts."

"I said that 'that' will definitely cause trouble in the village."

"What is he going to do?"

"You won't eat Kitano, will you?"

"You see it's bleeding. That's the proof that 'that' did harm."

"Quickly report to Lord Third Generation and drive 'that' out of the village."

When Hinata was being bullied, the indifferent villagers stopped at this moment, turned their eyes to Naruto, pointed at him, and the whispers turned into discussions, which tended to intensify.

"No, no, it's not like this." Seeing that Naruto was misunderstood, Hinata desperately explained to the surrounding villagers, but no one was willing to believe it, and no one was willing to listen to what she said.

In other words, most of the villagers understood what happened in their hearts.

It doesn't matter what the truth is, what matters is what they think the truth is.

no other reason

He is Uzumaki Naruto.

Uzumaki Naruto is the incarnation of the demon fox in the eyes of the villagers.

Just as they criticized White Fang in the first place, it is even more unscrupulous to criticize Naruto.

Hey, this disgusting village.

"Miss." At this moment, a Hyuga ninja appeared in front of Hinata, and his arrival made the menacing villagers vent their anger.

They're just civilians, ninjas... can't be messed with.

Especially the ninja with a forehead protector on his head and a vest.

However, the first thing the ninjas of the Hyuga clan appeared was to protect Hinata, turned to Naruto and said viciously: "Stay away from our lady, monster."

His words were like explosives that ignited and detonated instantly.

"No, no it's not like this!" Hinata struggled and cried and explained, but no one paid attention to her words, even the Hyuga ninja just picked her up and left quickly.

Naruto is left alone to face the angry villagers.


Naruto looked deeply at the position where Hinata left.

That Hyuga ninja was almost the most hostile of all present.

This is not normal.

"Get out, get out of our village!"

With a whoosh sound, a stone flew out and hit Naruto's forehead fiercely, and blood overflowed in an instant.

Naruto must be able to dodge the stones thrown by ordinary villagers, but what if it was thrown by a ninja?

The situation at this moment is simply not for Naruto to think about.

"Get out! Get out!"

The villagers roared angrily, and the resentment that had been suppressed for a long time by the Third Generation ban broke out at this moment.

Throwing attacks of all kinds ensue, along with eggs, shards, and clods in addition to rocks.

No one dared to attack Naruto.

After all, it is the incarnation of the Nine Tails fox, who can eat people.

These things fell on Naruto without any accident.

Eggs and mud stained Naruto's clothes and face, and stones kept making marks on the little Naruto's body.

Naruto just stood there quietly, letting the villagers do what they did.

Do not dodge or avoid.

He neither defended nor got angry, but just stared at the villagers with very indifferent eyes, as if he wanted to remember their appearance in his heart.

At the same time, his heart gradually became colder.

Anbu, who was supposed to be guarding Naruto's side, didn't seem to exist at this moment, as if he would not make a move as long as his life was not endangered, or he seemed to be waiting for Naruto to make a move.

But Naruto knew that Anbu was actually less than 20 meters away from him.

That undisguised malice is like a bright light in the dark night.

Fourth Generation, you have failed so badly that so many want your children dead.

Fourth Generation, you really failed. After you died, your subordinates and disciples seemed to disappear.

Fourth Generation, what have you protected.

He's not the real Hokage protagonist, nor is he a reincarnation of Ashura Chakra.

Let him repay evil with virtue and become Hokage to guard these things?

Repay grievances with virtue, how can you repay virtue?

He is he, Uzumaki Naruto of this life.

You all want me dead? Want me to leave?

Yes, but not now.

Finally, someone couldn't stand Naruto's indifferent Ultimate gaze, grabbed a hoe and chopped at the little Naruto.

"Stop!" Just as the hoe was about to touch Naruto and Naruto was about to fight back, an angry shout sounded.

A shuriken nailed the hoe to the wall.

A tall figure stood in front of Naruto.

Red and white, the pattern of table tennis.

It is the Uchiha clan.

It was Uchiha who 'saved' him?

"Intentionally hurting people and gathering people to make trouble, what are you going to do?" The man stopped the audience as soon as he made a move, and no one dared to look at him when he looked around.

"It's Konoha Police Department!" A villager recognized the other party's identity.

The duty of the Konoha Police Department is to maintain internal security and stability, formulate village regulations, strengthen and maintain Konohagakure's order and security, and arrest criminals and ninjas.

Served by members of the Uchiha clan.

has great power.

It's just that the power comes back to the big, and it is also a very offensive job, especially in a family like Uchiha whose eyes are above the top.

Who has the worst reputation in Konoha except Naruto?

That must be the Uchiha Konoha Security Department.

It's just that ordinary people really dare not provoke Uchiha.

At least for now.

"Leave!" the man shouted angrily.

The villagers were a little unwilling, but under the pressure of the man, they finally had to leave angrily and scattered like birds and beasts.

"It's okay, it's okay. It's okay." A woman who was with the man walked up to the little Naruto, looked at him with pity and said in a warm voice, then bent down and touched the little Naruto's head. He took out a handkerchief from his pocket and carefully wiped off the stains on his face.

"Thank you sister, you have a smell that I am familiar with." Naruto smiled sweetly at the other party.

That gentle woman is the same as the cat mother-in-law, she doesn't have the slightest malice towards herself, not only that, she also has the same smell as Kushina.

It smells good and is very comfortable.

The woman looked at Naruto with gentle eyes: "You have to call me Aunt, I am the same age as your mother, I am her"

"Okay, Mikoto." Before the woman could finish speaking, she was interrupted by the man with a serious face.

"time to go."

"Take care"

The woman named Mikoto was a little bit reluctant when she heard this, but she still stood up and followed the man.

"Goodbye, Mikoto Aunt."

"Thank you, Uncle Serious."

Naruto bid farewell to the two of them, then turned and ran towards the training place he was going to.

When Naruto disappeared completely, Uchiha Mikoto covered his mouth and said tremblingly: "Fugaku, Kushina's child is really pitiful."

"That's all we can do. Uchiha's life is not easy now." Uchiha Fugaku comforted his wife, then turned around and looked at a big tree not far away, his eyes flashed red.


Accompanied by Fugaku's cold snort, the tree shook slightly.

(end of this chapter)

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