Konoha: I Have Kakarot Inside Me

Chapter 87 Sasuke: After Eating So Many Times, It Should Make Me Feel Better (2 More)

Chapter 87 Sasuke: After eating so many times, it should make me feel better (2 more)

"To be able to fight with me to this extent, your disciple is quite good." Zai Buzhan controlled Sasuke with one hand, and carried the beheading sword in the other: "He has this kind of strength at a young age. If I guessed right, this brat should be The key training object in your village."

"Unfortunately, the combat experience is still insufficient."

Then Buzhan changed the subject and suggested:

"Give that old man to me, and I'll let this kid go."

"How about it?"

"Kakashi, you don't want your disciple to die here, do you?"

If it wasn't for mission conflicts, Zabuzhan didn't want to fight Kakashi. Ninjas of their level would either die or be injured once they made a move. Even if Kakashi can be killed without cutting, the price to be paid is very high, which is obviously not worthwhile.

In particular, he is still a traitor, if the troops who are hunted down by the Kirin find out, it will inevitably take a lot of trouble. Although not afraid, but very troublesome.

He couldn't figure out why Dazna was an ordinary person, even if he was a well-known bridge builder, why would there be a ninja like Kakashi guarding him.

Are all the people in the Kingdom of Waves so rich?

No wonder Kado wants to control this place.

"If you don't cut it, my disciple won't die so easily."

Kakashi just glanced away and said lightly, and covered the forehead protector that had been pushed away, blocking the Sharingan again.

"Since you don't care about this brat's life or death, I'll kill him first, and then kill your other disciples." If you don't kill him, you will be angry, don't expect a guy who kills all Genin in the same period to have a good temper.

Kakashi looked at Zabuzhan with a strange face and said, "Did you really catch my disciple?"


Zai Buzhan heard the words and unconsciously looked towards the Water Prison Technique, only to hear a bang, and Sasuke in the Water Prison turned into a cloud of white smoke.

"Oops!" Zabuza immediately released the water prison technique, carrying the beheading knife, turned around with a serious face and began to look around, for fear that Sasuke would attack from behind again.

In the fight just now, this black-haired brat put a lot of pressure on him.

It's really just a lack of experience.

What Zabu Zhan didn't realize was that with the removal of the water prison technique, a shuriken also fell to the ground.

In less than three seconds, Bu Zhan suddenly felt a wind blowing in the back of his head.

'It's behind? '

No more cuts, only time to stretch out his hand to block, Sasuke's lower split kicked heavily on the arm of no longer cut.

"A lot of strength."

I just felt that my arm hit the steel plate, and the whole arm was numb from the shock, and it was slightly deformed.

The waving beheading sword came late and slashed towards Sasuke, but Sasuke, who succeeded in one blow, had no intention of entanglement, and left the place directly, and the attack without slashing was in vain.

'How could it be possible to circle behind me so quickly. '


"real body?"

No more cut to meet Kakashi's slightly smug eyes.

‘Kakashi, you bastard, how dare you lie to me. '

It was only after realizing it that he didn't cut it anymore that he realized that he had been tricked, and the person trapped by his water prison technique was not a clone at all, the real body was also inside.

It's just that the arm that would never be cut again swelled up at a very fast speed, and the whole body was fatter, and even a slight effort felt raw pain.

It is impossible to use this arm in a short time.

With the loss of an arm, the combat power of No More Slashing dropped drastically.


It's not a good thing not to cut it, I saw his other hand pressed on this arm, pulled it hard, only heard a 'click', and forcibly snapped the arm back.

It can restore combat power in a short period of time, but if it is not treated in time later, the sequelae will be very serious.

Zabuzhan shook his hands as usual, and looked at Sasuke with eyes full of killing intent.

"I underestimated you, brat."

"The next blow will kill you."

Zabuzhan stared at Sasuke, then slowly backed away, disappearing into the thick fog.

Immediately afterwards, the dense fog around became thicker, and the visibility was less than two meters. This is a by-product of the ghostly crimson Chakra airflow erupting from Zai Bu Zhan's body.

It is also the highest level of silent killing technique.

Because this move can swallow even sound.

It was quiet all around, without a single sound, and the entire forest became deathly quiet.

Zabuzhan put away his playful thoughts and started to go all out.

The Mist Ninja Seven Swords, even among the Mist Ninja, is an elite among the elites, and there are not many ninjas who can beat him in the entire ninja world.

The value of each item in the official formula book is 61. Except for the two items of magic and virtuous, which are slightly lower, the rest of the items are hovering around 8 and 9, which is quite strong.

Body Flicker Technique·Fog, Zabuzhan moves at high speed in the fog like a ghost.

Soon he appeared behind Sasuke, Sasuke seemed to be aware of it, and the moment he turned around, the figure of Zabuza disappeared again.

Haunted like a ghost.

A real ghost.

"Fire Style·Impatiens Claw Red!" Sasuke first threw out a row of shurikens, and then he completed the Impatiens Fire Technique in a very short period of time with both hands. On the sword, the shuriken is mixed with scorching heat like impatiens scattered all over the sky.

The range of this move is very large, but it's a pity that if it doesn't hit, it won't cut. At this moment, he is just a ghost in the fog, illusory and leaving no trace.

The silent killing technique of Zabusha is really strong. If he hadn't met Naruto's team, he would not be afraid to face any Konoha Jōnin.

Once at the same time as Kakashi, Konoha's special Jōnin Youshi Kumashou was defeated by the silent killing technique of Zabushu, and was killed by a single knife.

When Sasuke looked around, the erratic Zabuzhan appeared behind him again, and the beheading knife was raised high and then fell heavily.

Mingming was waving the beheading sword, but there was no sound.

Because the sound was swallowed by the crimson Chakra airflow behind him.

This is the full strength of his Tao Di Zai Bu Zhan, this is the essence of the silent killing technique.

Killing · Broken Sword · Beheading Broadsword!

Just as the beheading sword was about to complete his task and take off Sasuke's head, Sasuke suddenly turned around as if he had expected it.

"Fire Style Heavenly Prison Fire Sword!"

A fiery red long sword caught it firmly, and if you don't cut it, it will kill you.

Everything just now was Sasuke's strategy to lure Zabuchi to attack.

Zabuzhan, who didn't expect that his killing blow was caught, met Sasuke's eyes.

"If you don't cut it again, you will never hide my eyes from any of your actions." Sasuke's eyes instantly turned into three-pointed jade, and they began to spin wildly in the pupils.

‘This is Sharingan? The Uchiha Clan! Oops! '

If you don't want to close your eyes subconsciously, it's a pity that it's still a step too late.

"Illusion · Sharingan!"

There are five people in the seventh class, two with superior perception and two with Three Tomoe Sharingan.

Four plug-ins specialize in silent assassination.

Blood mack.


If you don't want to beheaded, you really can only hit with the head.

Useless cold knowledge:

During the ninja world war, Kakashi said to the other seven ninja swords: "You might as well not cut it."

According to the official setting, he is the offensive and defensive focus of the second batch of Ninja Sword Seven.

Kisame usually calls Zabuju the kid, but he told Shuiyue that Zabuju is the best master of the beheading sword. Kisame had met Loquat Juzang, the first master of the Beheading Sword, and he indirectly admitted the strength of Zabuza by saying this.

It's a testament to his strength that he survived the failed assassination attempt on Mizukage.

I don't know when there will be a trend of black and never cut. As the first boss to appear, it is indeed a disadvantage, and it really can't keep up with the plot in the later stage.

But excluding the fights of gods in the later stage, no matter how you don't cut them, you can still stand at the pinnacle of ordinary ninjas (except Emperor Guy).

In addition to Xian'er being a bit lower (higher than Xian'er's Obito and Xian'er's Naruto), his illusion resistance is almost low, and all the values ​​are hovering around 8 or 9, which is really not weak.

(end of this chapter)

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