The third generation and Mito Menyan looked at each other, a little embarrassed, indeed, the patriarch of Uchiha said yes, you two outsiders can know better than him?

At this time, someone spoke up to relieve them: "Three generations of adults, Lord Fugaku, what is the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye."

The three generations smiled sarcastically, "Let's let the Fuyue Patriarch answer, he is more suitable than me."

Fugaku did not continue the yin and yang strange qi, but explained: "Everyone knows that our Uchiha Sharingan is divided into one, two, three, and three gouyu, and there are three levels. On top of this, the Sharingan can continue to evolve, that is, the kaleidoscope Sharingan.

"So what's the change? It should be more than an enhanced version of Sangoyu. Nara Shikaku said that if the three-hook jade is enhanced, then their performance in just three generations is obviously abnormal.

"Kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes, after opening will have other abilities, but as its name is kaleidoscope, I don't know what kind of ability it is, but that guy just now should be a time-space pupil!" Fugaku continued to explain.

"What's the weakness in that... Uh, sorry. A Kami-Shinobu was awakened by Fugaku's fierce eyes.

Sharingan is the foundation of Uchiha, you ask about the weakness of Sharingan, why don't you ask about the weakness of Hinata's white eye? Why don't you ask the pig deer butterfly about the weakness of their secret art? See if they take care of you.

The three generations who had just made a mistake came out and explained: "The ability to write chakra eyes in kaleidoscope is different, even if it is a weakness, it is also aimed at the individual, even if it is the same race, it is not clear about its weakness. The

third generation took a sip of tea, and then said with a solemn expression: "If you are still new to Kaleidoscope Sharingan, I will tell you a name, Uchiha Madara!" "

Uchiha Madara!?"

"Is the user of the kaleidoscope chakra eye as strong as him?"

"Wouldn't it..." The guy who said this also glanced at the Wave Feng Shui Gate, he was an old man in Konoha who had seen the powerful Uchiha Spot, and he didn't think that the Wave Feng Shui Gate had the ability to suppress the Uchiha Bandana.

"Ahem, calm down." Sandai said: "Of course, that should not be Madara, he has long been killed by the first adult, but it is not ruled out that it is his successor."

"But Patriarch Fugaku doesn't know if the Uchiha clan has a hidden kaleidoscope chakra eye, shouldn't he thoroughly investigate the Uchiha clan?" At this time, a yin and yang strange voice came.

"What do you mean?" Fugaku glared angrily at him.

Seeing that there was a tendency to quarrel, Bofeng Shuimen helplessly shouted: "Be quiet."

He looked at the three generations and asked if there was a suitable way to deal with it, and neither he nor Shikaku knew much about kaleidoscope sharingan.

Miyo noticed his gaze, but only shook his head slightly, indicating that he didn't know.

No way, Uchiha wants to hide it is too simple.

If it's those guys who already know that they opened the chakra eye, it's okay, but in case that old yin bi is not recorded to open the eye, and then he bites himself and doesn't open the eye, how can you be sure?

After all, the people here have not opened the perspective of God, nor have they read the script.

And even if it is turned on, it is useless, because the miracle of the avatar is also in this room for you, and what they say is clear to Uchiha Taki.

Bofeng Shuimen saw that everyone and the three generations could not come up with a suitable plan, so he spoke: "I have plans for the affairs of the Uchiha clan, first discuss the two guys I just found."

"They should be planning to frame Uchiha again the same way they did last time they framed the Gangwu brothers, right?"

"Then why did they go looking for the Book of Seals?"


Although they will inevitably not be able to guess their purpose after they treat the miracle to you as Obito, it does not prevent them from making plans.

"In this way, during this time, the people of the Hyuga clan need to search with their white eyes frequently, please understand." Watergate stood up and bowed to everyone.

Seeing this, the last trace of dissatisfaction just now also dissipated, not to mention that the Hyuga clan was not probing casually, but there were still people from the dark department.

"Then everyone can disband and do their own things, the third generation and Fugaku wait a moment, I still have something to tell you." Watergate commanded to the crowd.

It's just that after the others left, the water stopped and did not leave.

"Stop the water? Do you have anything else? Miyo asked, although he hated Uchiha, he still liked Kagami's descendants.

"My lords, actually... I also turned on the kaleidoscope chakra eye. Stimulated by Obito, he decided to tell his eyes about it.

"What?!" The expressions of everyone present were different.

The expression of the third generation was surprised with horror.

Fugaku's expression was surprised with surprise.

Bofeng Shuimen, on the other hand, is similar to Fugaku, but at the same time has a little more curiosity.

Curious about how the water stop opens the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, whether this can restrain another kaleidoscope.

"How did you turn it on?" Miyo asked first.

"This... Sorry, three generations of adults. Shuishui refused in embarrassment, after all, the price of kaleidoscope opening is really unacceptable.

"Then your ability should not be of the space-time type." Bofeng Shuimen asked, he had still heard of the way he fought to stop the water, and it was completely different from the mask man he had encountered before.

"Yes, Naruto-sama, my ability is an illusion type, but it's hard to say specifically." Shisui didn't say anything about his abilities, and the Uchiha clan hadn't started to rebel at this time, so he didn't need to use this to show loyalty.

"So can you deal with that guy? Even if you control him for a while. Watergate continued to ask.

As long as the mask man's time-space pupil technique is limited for a few seconds, Bofeng Shuimen will be sure enough to kill him.

"I don't know, but I'm willing to give it a try!" Shuishui said firmly.

"Very good, then stop the water, now I invite you to join the Dark Ministry in the name of Hokage, will you?" Watergate sent out an invitation.

"Watergate!" Sandai's face changed greatly after hearing this, and the water stop had already been booked by him to join the root.

But he had no suitable reason to stop it, because even if there was a water stop, he had to rely on the wave feng shui gate to deal with the pupil technique of time and space, and he was useless for three generations.

If you threaten the theory with a kaleidoscope, then you can't grab the water stop, why is there a threat to Watergate, but there is no threat to you?

So the three generations can only secretly scold Obito in their hearts, if there is no Obito appear, the water stop is his.

"I do, Naruto-sama!" Shisui said excitedly, this is the Dark Division, one of the places that Konoha's powerful ninja yearns yearn for the most.

"The three generations of adults and Fugaku should have no opinion." Bofeng Shuimen asked.

"Nope." Miyo replied with a bitter face.

"Of course, it's an honor to stop the water." Fugaku replied happily.

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