After a few breaths, the Wave Feng Shui Gate rushed to the place where the Nine Tails were raging.

"Naruto-sama is here!" Several people around began to shout after seeing it.

"Watergate, did you solve that Uchiha?" Miyo asked.

But at this time, Bo Feng Shuimen just replied casually: "Not yet."

Then he directed to the others: "Medical class, come and help me detoxify immediately." Stop the water, you use a kaleidoscope to quiet the Nine Tails.

Shuishui was stunned and explained: "I tried it just now, I can't grab that guy."

"It's okay, keep grabbing, it should be okay now." Bofeng Shuimen responded.

If Bofeng Shuimon poisoned himself from himself, he can guess that the big snake pill (miracle to you) will definitely attack Obito next, and then there is no need to worry about him being distracted to control the Nine Tails.

So he immediately ordered to stop the water and take the soil to fight for power, so that he could also cover the big snake pill, and he should return the information he just gave himself.

"Watergate, what's next?" Miyo asked while facing the Nine Tails.

"After stopping the water and controlling the Nine Tails, I will go and bring Jiu Shinna and Naruto over and seal the Nine Tails into their bodies respectively." Watergate said firmly.

"Jiu Xinnai?! You should know that once the tailed beast is pumped out, there is no way for the human pillar force to survive. "The three generations were shocked when they heard this.

"I know, but I believe in the vitality of the Uzumaki clan, and I ask the three generations of adults to cooperate with me!" Bo Feng Shuimen said firmly.

Seeing this, the three generations did not continue to persuade, and he could already see his determination on this matter from the face of Bofeng Shuimen.

If he blindly obstructs, it will not be as simple as a rupture, but a real blood feud with Watergate.

Moreover, the water gate has already prepared to split the tailed beast in two and seal it separately, so as to avoid Konoha losing his human pillar power after the death of Jiu Shinnai, so he does not need to oppose him.

"I see." The third generation nodded, took the body full of wounds, and continued to greet it.

"Lord Watergate, the poison in your body has been temporarily suppressed, but if you want to solve it, it will take a lot of time to treat." The medical ninja who treated Tebo Feng Shuimen said.

"It's already good, thank you." Bofeng Shuimen showed a smile, and then asked towards Shuishui: "Shuishui, what's wrong?"

"It's almost good, the other party's resistance has become much weaker." Shuishui shouted.

"Then I'll go and bring Kushina and Naruto over, you guys wait a minute."


"So, now that Bofeng Shuimen has gone away, what do you want to deal with me?" Obito urged.

"Heh, don't be in such a hurry, in order to show my sincerity, I brought a lot of good things, such as..."

"Damn, who is that guy who snatched the Nine Tails with me?!" Obito is now shocked and angry.

He originally thought that the person who snatched Nohara Rin was the owner of the kaleidoscope chakra eye, but he didn't expect it to be the big snake pill.

But if it was the Great Snake Pill who snatched Nohara Rin, then who is the guy who is now snatching control of the Nine Tails with him? It can't be that Orochimaru resurrected another kaleidoscope chakra ninja.

So Obito couldn't help it, he rushed directly towards the miracle to you, in fact, when "Nohara Rin" appeared, his purpose had already failed.

So his only goal now is to solve the Great Snake Pill and get from him the body of Rin Nohara and this resurrection technique!

"Bring soil." Finally, as Obito approached him, the body made the voice of Rin Nohara in Kakashi's memory.

Obito's body trembled when he heard this, and his steps gradually slowed down, looking at "Nohara Rin".

Unfortunately, what he saw was not the girl he remembered, but a kaleidoscopic chakra eye that was extremely dangerous!

That's right, it's one! The other one is an ordinary three-hook jade writing wheel eye!

Izanami! Launch! Illusion, launch!

The three-hook jade chakra eye in Uchiha Taki's eyes immediately lost its luster, and successfully sealed Izanagi with soil!

And his right hand is not slow, and after looking at each other, he immediately strikes towards the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye with soil.

The illusion of stopping the water, plus your own illusion, plus the spiritual impact brought by Rin Nohara, and the lucky blessing of miracles on you and yourself kaleidoscope.

Finally, he broke the defense line of Kamui and forced Obito out of the Kamui space.

"Ah-" Obito let out a scream of pain, not knowing if it was because his eyes were robbed or because Uchiha Taki attacked him in the form of Rin Nohara.

It can be said that his current appearance is really sad for those who hear it, and tears for those who see it.

As if attracted by Obito's scream, Heijie, who had been dropped for a long time, finally came belatedly, and huge white spores emerged from the ground, wrapping Obito like marshmallows.

I have to say that Hei Jue was very lucky, he just saw the situation at the scene and made a correct judgment.

Obito covered his eyes and wailed = Obito was defeated.

Obito's strength > his strength.

From this, the Great Snake Pill (miracle to you) > his strength.

So instead of attacking or investigating Miraculous Yu and Uchiha Taki, he wrapped Obito and immediately fled here with the Ephemera Technique.

However, this is also true, Kuro never knows why Uchiha Taki used Izanami, and he thought that Obito's eyes would be restored in a while, so it was never too late to come again.

Uchiha Taki didn't mind, anyway, what he wanted was already in hand, and without Kamui's soil, it was not a big problem whether he lived or not.


"Watergate?" Jiu Xinnai, who was drawn out of the Nine Tails, saw the wave feng shui gate rushing back, and stiffly lifted up a little spirit.


I die..." "I won't let you die!" Watergate immediately interrupted, he didn't want to hear Jiu Xinnai's last words, even if he wanted to die, it was all together.

"Watergate-sensei, is there anything I can do?" Kakashi, who was in charge of the guard, asked.

His mission failed once again, which left him in a state of self-blame.

"You lead the others back to Konoha first, and then I have something important to tell you." After Watergate finished speaking, he immediately took Naruto and Jiu Shinai to leave with the Flying Thunder God.

"Something important?" Kakashi frowned, pondering what Watergate had just said.

If it was any task, he no longer had much confidence under the successive blows.

Soon, Wave Feng Shui Men rushed back to the location of the Nine Tails with Jiu Shinna and Naruto.

After seeing them, Shisui immediately said: "Naruto-sama, the force that had been fighting with me for control of the Nine Tails just now has disappeared, and now the Nine Tails has been completely controlled by me.

Watergate nodded, it seems that the "Great Snake Pill" has fought with Obito, and even Obito has been defeated.

"Three generations-sama, join me in splitting the Nine-Tails in half and sealing them into Naruto and Jiu Shinnai's bodies."

"Okay, I'm in charge of Naruto, and you're in charge of Kushina." Three generations began to act.

Bofeng Shuimen originally wanted to start casting the sealing technique, but was pulled by Jiu Xinnai.

She was now speechless, but shook her head, hoping Watergate wouldn't waste energy on her.

"Trust me." Watergate and Jiu Xinnai looked at each other, revealing determined eyes.

After a few seconds, Jiu Xinnai let go of his hand.

"Ready, then let's start, if it drags on, I can't carry it anymore, old man." Miyo said.

The water gate has not been there before, and it can only be up to him and Shuishui to resist most of the pressure of the Nine Tails, as the forefront of resisting the Nine Tails, the injuries on the three generations are definitely not light.

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