Next to the transcription seal, there were several bundles of scrolls scattered on the ground, which, like the transcription seal, were also about the kaleidoscope pupil technique, all of which Uchiha Taki used as a reference.

Taking a sip of the nectar from the cup, Uchiha Taki's body lay comfortably in the rocking chair and closed his eyes.

The nectar and rocking chair were both made by Uchiha Taki himself with a wooden dun, a little trick he had figured out some time ago when he was idle.

He thought that since the Thousand Hand Pillar could use Mu Dun to produce spores to poison, then Uchiha Taki also used Mu Dun to experiment with various uses, and nectar was one of them.

Of course, not only in terms of pleasure, but in other auxiliary aspects, Uchiha Taki has also developed a lot of new wooden ninjutsu, such as using wooden dun to perform detection perception ninjutsu.

But in terms of combat, it has not been developed much, and those between the thousand hand pillars are completely enough.

Looking back at Konoha Hospital, Kakashi quickly recovered under the treatment of medical ninjutsu.

"Kakashi, how are you feeling." Seeing Kakashi come out of the operating room, Bofeng Shuimen asked with concern.

Kakashi touched his eyes and said in surprise, "I feel very good, even better than before."

Shuishui explained to him with a smile: "Before your left eye was a kaleidoscope chakra eye, and the consumption of Chakra is naturally different from that of Sangou Jade. "

Although Kakashi has always remained in the state of Sangou jade in the early stage, Kamui is a kaleidoscope that awakened very early in the end, and the consumption is naturally different from ordinary Sangou jade.

"Just when the topic is here, Kakashi is also out, Shisui, you can explain what Fugaku just meant." Three generations of homeopathic proposals.

"Indeed, you are more suitable than me to stop the water." Fugaku agreed, not wanting to expose his eyes yet.

Seeing this, Shisui began to explain for everyone: "Actually, Kakashi's previous situation should have opened the kaleidoscope chakra eye!"

"What? Why did it suddenly turn on? Wave Feng Shuimon asked in surprise, knowing that Kakashi had been trying to open his eyes lately, but he had never received much return.

"I don't know this very well, maybe Obito appeared nearby, so the two eyes have a connection?" Shisui guessed.

"So what does that mean?" The three generations asked the question he cared about the most, if it was just a simple opening, Fugaku would never be the same attitude as just now.

"As long as the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye is opened, you will know the name of the eye and the specific ability." Shisui explained for Fugaku.

Miyo: "That is to say..."

Fugaku: "Kakashi knows the ability of the left eye!" Bofeng

Shuimen hurriedly asked, "Kakashi, do you really know?" "

If you really know the ability of the left eye, it will definitely be a huge gain, although it cannot make up for the cost of the left eye being robbed, but at least you can formulate a countermeasure."

"Sorry, let me think about it." Kakashi's eyes were completely unconsciously opened before, and if it weren't for the reminder of the wave feng shui gate, he might not have remembered.

As Kakashi thought back in his mind, his face became more and more ugly.

"Kakashi-senpai, what's the problem?" Shuishui asked puzzled, just thinking back to the name and ability of the eyes, is it so difficult?

"Is the ability of the eyes very dangerous?" Bofeng Shuimen knew his disciples a little better, so he asked.

Kakashi nodded: "The teacher is right, this ability is very dangerous, and it is the same as the right eye. "


Although everyone had expected it, when Kakashi personally confirmed it, he still felt terrified, one eye is already so powerful, so how terrifying should the eyes of two space-time pupils be?

"What exactly is that ability?" The third generation asked anxiously, he was probably the most difficult person present to resist Obito.

Needless to say, the reason for the water gate is that the water stop instant technique + kaleidoscope also has the power to resist, and Fuyue also knows kaleidoscopes very well, and there must be some means of defense.

Kakashi is not to mention, "Obito" took him away and let him go, then as long as he didn't send him to death himself, Kakashi's life would definitely be fine.

There are only three generations, and Obito has no slightest bond, let alone a means of counteraction.

"It should be the ability to distort distant space, which can be used directly to attack enemies! The distorted object should be sent to another space. Kakashi explained.

"That's right!" Kakashi suddenly remembered, "When I attacked Obito with pupil before, he quickly dodged it, can he sense the omen when the other eye is activated?" After

hearing this, the three generations and the water gate looked at Shuishui in unison, and Shuishui smiled bitterly and said: "I don't know about this, my two eyes have always been on my body."

"And even if he perceives it, his instantaneous technique is very powerful, even stronger than the one that stops the water!" I couldn't see at all how he left with a kaleidoscope writing wheel eye. Kakashi added again.

This is undoubtedly another bombshell, the most surprising of which is the stop of the water.

He is very confident in his instantaneous technique, in addition to the fourth generation of the Flying Thunder God, what can make Shuishui feel that he is inferior to the other party is probably the fourth generation of Thunder Shadow's Thunder Chakra mode.

But that can be regarded as the level of Yun Ninja and Thunder Country Town Treasure Technique, the instantaneous technique of stopping water is only developed by his own training, so he feels that it is normal to be inferior to them.

But someone can compare with himself by pure instantaneous technique, which makes him feel a little unconvinced.

So he sighed and said with a little pity: "If it weren't for Kakashi-senpai's eyes being snatched away, I can show it to you and let you judge it carefully."

"Call the others to discuss it together." Three generations took the initiative to propose, apparently things are a little big now.

And after Kakashi recovered his spirits, the amount of information he provided was not at all comparable to before.

Whether it is the ability of the left eye's divine power or the instantaneous technique that is comparable to stopping water, these need to be discussed with others, and they must also be told to be vigilant to respond.


In the underground base before Madara died, Kuroki had just unlocked Izanami's illusion for Obito.

"Obito, what exactly happened to you there?"

What happened here in Obito made him completely confused, since the other party used Izanami, it means that Obito is likely to use Izanagi.

Can Konoha's strength now, who can force out Izanagi with soil? Or is it that the Flying Thunder God Art is actually not that simple, and there are more secret abilities?

Although he was shocked by the news that the water stopped and turned on the kaleidoscope, on the way back, after his brain calmed down, he found that there was a big problem with his speculation.

Izanami, like Izanagi, is also used at the cost of being blind in one eye.

So Kuro can definitely be sure that Shisui has not used Izanami, it's not that Shisui can't transplant his eyes, but he is too late!

According to the intelligence collected by Hei Jue at the beginning and the follow-up Bai Jue, Shisui is always on the front line of the battle with the Nine Tails, so where did he have the time to attack Obito?

Unless it is said that the "time-space pupil technique" of stopping the water has reached an incredible level, it can attack Obito from a distance.

But Kuro would definitely not believe such an outrageous thing, so he would ask Obito.

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