Looking back at Konoha Hospital, the arrival of the three generations diluted the clouds of sadness that had been wrapped around Ape Flying Bow Willow's heart.

As the backbone of the ape flying clan, when the same clan feels helpless, the three generations can indeed give them a lot of security, even if the three generations do not understand the knowledge of medical ninjutsu and genetics.

"Hinata-sama." Ape flying bow willow greeted it, in order to avoid their family being too eye-catching, the three generations let them directly call their names, or directly call the three generations.

After all, the three generations have been marketing their families as civilians, not those big families and Hao families, just like those traffic stars who work hard to market themselves, saying that they are very strong.

"Don't worry, where is your child, I'll go see the child first." The three generations said kindly.

If this child has a blood succession limit, then his father is undoubtedly one of the great heroes, and the attitude of the three generations towards him is naturally very good.

"The child is in another room." Sarutobi Willow replied as he guided the three generations towards the nursery.

On the way, the three generations asked, "Did you name the child?"

Ape Flying Bow Willow replied respectfully, "Not yet."

The three generations tentatively asked, "How about I give that child a name?"

"It was his pleasure." Ape Flying Bow Willow did not show any dissatisfaction.

Seeing this, the three generations also nodded with satisfaction: "Then let's go and see it first, I also took the opportunity to think of what the name is." "

In the nursery, the children of the ape flying bow willow and other recently born children lie on the beds here, under the unified care of medical staff.

It's just that compared with other energetic children, he has become a "stone man", and he obviously has no spirit.

The door to the nursery was pushed open, and the three generations and others rushed in.

"Three generations of adults, Mr. Bowyanagi's child is over there." Medical guidance said.

The three generations followed her guidance and saw the child whose right hand and right foot had turned into stone.

"Can his right hand and foot still move?" Miyo asked towards the medical staff.

"It's slow, but it's still moving." The medical staff replied that this was also the reason why they speculated that it might be the blood succession limit.

The third generation's hand slowly touched towards the petrified right hand and right foot, and before he could properly feel the touch that came back, the abnormality suddenly occurred.

The child of the ape flying bow willow burst like a bomb, and the reddish-brown flesh and blood mixed with white bones covered the upper body of the three generations.

The three generations were stunned for a moment and didn't know what to do, and the ape flying bow willow behind him let out a miserable wail, and then pushed the three generations away, crying in front of his child's bed and not knowing what to say.

Compared with the only painful ape flying bow willow, the three generations are more confused, what about the blood inheritance of my ape flying family? Can the ape flying family become the blood heir of the Hao family? And what about the big kids? (Uchiha Taki: I don't. )


The matter of Konoha Hospital came to an end for the time being, and in the distant Land of Water, a white Jeopardy appeared, and said to Hei Je as if he were inviting: "Hei Je, Hei Je, do you know what I saw over there in the Land of Fire?" You can't guess!

"If you can't guess, just say that I don't have time to play guessing games with you." Hei replied without care, usually Bai Jue was so shocked, the big things in his mouth, nine times out of ten, are small things.

Bai Jue responded confidently: "Hehe, wait until you hear what I said, you won't say that, when the time comes, including Obito, you will call me Lord Bai Jue!"

Obito: "You say yours, don't take me." Hei

Jue glanced at Obito, he was still a little unused to Obito's current appearance, since he lost his eyes, Obito became taciturn.

If it was Obito before, it would have been mutual with Bai Jue, attracting Bai Jue's attention.

In this way, he also had time to perfect the plan to sow the relationship between Kirihide and Konoha.

"Ahem, hum." Bai Jue pretended to cough twice, and then said with an exaggerated expression: "Don't be afraid of what I want to say next." Hei

Jue: "If you have something to say, just say it!"

Bai Jue: "In the south of the Land of Fire, near the coastline, I found a white Susanoo statue that was 100 meters tall!" "

Really?!" Hei Jue came in an instant, and he admitted that Bai Jue did provide an extremely important piece of information this time, without the slightest exaggeration.

"Who knows?" Obito also hurriedly asked.

This hidden kaleidoscope was working with the "Great Snake Pill" at that time, and not only Nohara Rin's body may be in his place, but even the resurrection technique.

I have to say that Obito guessed very accurately this time.

"Then I don't know, after all, he is flying on the sea, and the art of mayflies cannot operate in the sea." Bai Jue spread his hands, indicating that he could not do anything.

"Then you hurry up and take me over to him!" Obito said anxiously, completely without the look of wanting nothing just now.

Hei Jue persuaded: "Obito calm down, can use Susa to fly in the sky, that means that guy has opened Susa's strongest and most complete state, unless we can resurrect Madara, otherwise we can't defeat him." "

Even Madara is resurrected, can he defeat that guy, Hei Je feels bottomless in his heart, although Madara has opened to the level of reincarnation eyes, but that guy is sometimes a space pupil technique!"

"So what to do, I can't always wait in the Land of Water, right? If I can't, can't Nagato? Obito yelled at Kuro in dissatisfaction.

Kuro explained patiently, "Let's first provoke the war between Kirihide and Konoha, and then see what happens to that guy. "

Mist Yin?" Obito smiled disdainfully: "Just by virtue of them, they can force Konoha's strength out?" What's more, that guy has been hiding in the shadows, and we don't even know his true identity.

"A single mist will definitely not work, but adding a cloud is different." That group of belligerent guys, their losses were minimal in the three battles, and there was fog and hidden to take the lead in the war, and they would definitely not miss this opportunity. Hei said confidently.

"So so what? Mist Yin plus Yun Yin can defeat that guy? Obito's tone was a little dissatisfied.

"Whether it can be defeated or not, I can't say, but at least let that guy come from the dark to the light, so that we have the certainty to deal with him." Black Absolute explained to Obito.

Then he added: "Obito, who is closest to you in the Uchiha clan now?" "

Hmm... Could it be Taki? Uchiha Taki. Obito said uncertainly.

"That Bai Jue, you send a few doppelgangers to Konoha to investigate that Uchiha Taki." Hei Jue ordered.

Obito: "No, that guy is only nine years old, and the Sharingan has only opened to a hook of jade, do you think it is possible for him to open the Kaleidoscope Sharingan?"

Hei Jue looked at Obito like a fool: "Isn't Shuishui also nine years old?"

Obito blushed: "Can this be the same?" Shisui has been famous in the ninja world for a long time, it is the first day of Uchiha, what about that guy?

After Bai Jue heard Obito's words, he helped Hei Jue make up for it: "Although it is not famous, it is much stronger than the crane tail."

Obito slowly typed one: "? "

Hitting people in the face doesn't you know?

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