On the periphery of the border of the Land of Fire,

Jiu Xinnai was almost able to return to the Land of Fire, but when she looked back, the throbbing blue electric light was extremely dazzling under the shade of the leaf-covered tree.

"Hey, it's really troublesome, it's all discovered." Jiu Xinnai said unpleasantly.

She had been very careful to cover her traces, and used the shadow avatar to mislead, but she didn't expect to be chased by Ai.

So many shadow doppelgangers scattered before her, only one was scattered, and then passed the memories back.

Seeing that Ai was getting closer and closer to him, Jiu Xinnai did not stop, and at the same time disarmed the previous shadow doppelganger to take back Chakra, and quickly sealed the seal on his hand, ready to fight back.

"This brute is really difficult." After all the shadow avatar memories came back, Jiu Xinnai found that except for the shadow avatar who was scattered at the beginning, he had not met Ai.

Suddenly, she felt a light behind her, and the thunder light turned into substance and rushed towards her, and she who had already noticed it reacted faster, paused in her steps, and directly met the half-tailed beast head-on.

The Thunder Plough Heat Knife and the half-tailed beast Jiu Xinnai faced each other, and the huge force easily shook the surrounding trees to pieces.

Ai didn't say those mocking words, and after falling to the ground, he immediately stepped forward to fight with Jiu Xinnai.

The current Jiu Xinnai is not the little girl who was kidnapped by Yun Ren before, and if he is not careful, he may be killed back.

On Jiu Xinnai's side, after the half-tailed beast, the scarlet body with a milky white skeleton not only looks terrifying, but also does not lose to Ai in the Lei Dun Chakra mode at all.

Although the speed may be slightly worse, in terms of strength and defense, the half-tailed beast of the nine tails is much stronger.

Boom, boom, boom, the two fought nearly a hundred times in just a few seconds.

When both sides stopped and were about to breathe for a few seconds, the surrounding environment suddenly changed, and everything seemed to be a layer of filter, a little purple.

Ai looked up and saw that four purple walls had appeared around him that reached the zenith.

"You did this?" Ai asked while guarding.

In fact, what he was most worried about was that old thing of Onoki came to cut off his beard.

He swore that if he was cut off by Onoki this time, then his village would not be left and his home would not return, and he would directly take his brother Kirabi to the Land of Tsuchino.

At that time, if there is nothing to do, the tailed beast jade will come with two shots, and when he is idle and bored, he will plow a few rock ninja to death with a thunder plow hot knife.

The half-tailed beast Jiu Xinnai grinned, looking a little shocked: "Although I don't know what your purpose is, as long as you are knocked down and caught, then all your plans will fail, come and try my Four Purple Flame Array." It

turned out that when Jiu Xinnai found that Ai was following behind, he had already formed four shadow doppelgangers on the side, and took the initiative to expose himself to attract Ai's attention to cover up the actions of the four shadow doppelgangers.

After hearing this, Ai flashed to the wall, and a hand knife slashed down, and the fire and lightning hit each other, but did not have any effect on the wall.

"Why, the fourth generation of Thunder Shadow is planning to compare Chakra with me or to the sealing technique." Jiu Xinnai laughed on the side.

Although she was mocking on her lips, her movements did not stop, and five chains flew out behind her towards Ai.

Ai's pupils shrank suddenly, he may not know much about the Four Purple Flame Array, but he still knows the name of the King Kong blockade, which is the signature sealing technique of the Vortex clan.

Seeing this move, Ai Khan Mao towered, and changed the strategic means of the previous onslaught to constant dodging, but in the face of the double siege of the chain and Jiu Xinnai himself, Ai looked extremely embarrassed.

In the original work, Jiu Shinnai, who had just given birth and was taken away by Obito and fell into a near-death state, can still easily bind the Nine Tails with the King Kong blockade.

Although Ai is very strong, compared with the complete nine-tails, the probability is that Ai loses.

If it was a vast field, he could still avoid these chains with his powerful speed, but now he was trapped by the Four Purple Yan Array, and in this small space, even if the speed of the chains was slow, he could force Ai to be busy.

And now Jiu Xinnai is completely planning to fight in a wound-for-life way, and Ai doesn't even have the heart to fight with Jiu Xinnai now.

Because even if his thunder plow hot knife seriously injured Jiu Xinnai, he had no follow-up means to end her life, not to mention that their goal this time was to capture alive, not kill.

In the case of Ai Shu and did not dare to fight with Jiu Xinnai, he was naturally overwhelmed by Jiu Xinnai.

Seeing Ai's current appearance, Jiu Xinnai's heart began to excited, even if he hadn't tied Ai yet, as long as it was consumed, he would definitely not be able to last long.

Even if it is not a human pillar force, Jiu Xinnai's Chakra can crush Ai, not to mention the bonus of half of the Nine Tails.

However, Jiu Xinnai still underestimated Ai's endurance, or she overestimated the effect of the King Kong Blockade on humans.

Although Ai was confined to a narrow space, the power and suppression of the King Kong blockade were greatly enhanced, and Ai was indeed forced into a corner.

But the purple pillar of light that soared into the sky of the Four Purple Sun Array obviously provided a coordinate for Yugito and the others.

So just when Jiu Xinnai felt that he was about to win, he suddenly felt a slight vibration under his feet.

When the four shadow doppelgangers sensed it, they immediately turned their heads to check, and soon they saw Yugito's huge body that turned into two tails.

"It seems that my reinforcements have arrived." Ai looked very happy.

He also saw Yugito and Kirabi on her outside, as well as Tsuchidai.

"Shhh." Jiu Xinnai took another bite, and secretly said that he was unlucky in his heart.

Suddenly, one of her shadow doppelgangers heard a voice from the side, and when she looked back, the three of Inoka, as well as the other ninjas responsible for chasing Ai, also arrived.

"Shikaku! Help me drag the two tails and I'll be able to capture Ai alive in no time! Jiu Xinnai's shadow doppelganger roared with all his strength.

Ai's side also asked Kirabi for help in a voice that resounded through the sky: "Bi!! "

Ai Sheng is afraid that he will really be caught by Jiu Xinnai and become a burden to others, which his self-esteem will never allow.

Hearing the old brother's plea for help, Kirabi immediately entered the half-tailed beast, and then jumped high and condensed the tailed beast jade in the air against the Four Purple Yan Array.


Nara Shikaku called out to his old friend, and when Akimichi Dingza heard it, he immediately used the art of multiplication to protect everyone.

These old friends who have been tempered by the war, as long as they remind a little, they can know what the other party means.

What's more, the earthen platform on the other side has also spewed out melt to protect himself, if you still don't understand what Nara Shikaku means, then you are a little sorry for the position of Shinobu.

The tailed beast jade exploded again in the sky above everyone, but this time no one was injured or lost their combat power, including Jiu Xinnai's four shadow doppelgangers.

In addition to the fact that Kirabi was not aiming at them, but at the tailed beast jade released above, there was also a reason that their bodies were wrapped in a layer of nine-tailed chakra.

If it was just Jiu Xinnai alone, she would definitely choose to dissolve the shadow doppelganger, let Chakra return to her body, and keep her best state.

But now that Nara Shikaku and them are here, she chooses to gamble that they can drag Kirabi and them, and she takes advantage of this time to capture Ai alive.

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