In the evening, Ning Tai was checking the materials in the library in the clan land, since the magic technique with soil would blind the Sharingan Eye after use, then it must be a kind of Sharingan Pupil Technique.

Based on this judgment, Ning Tai kept flipping through various Sharingan materials, but he still hadn't found anything about Izanagi or Izanami.

"Uchiha Ninta, Elder Shuna invites you to his place." At this time, a Uchiha clan dressed as a dead man appeared beside Ning Tai.

Ning Tai ignored him, still flipping through the books and scrolls with his own care.

The dead man couldn't help but frown when he saw Ning Tai's attitude, but thinking of the words that Uchiha explained to him before leaving, he could only suppress the unhappiness in his heart.

"Instantaneous elder said, what you are looking for is not available here, go to him, he will tell you."

As soon as the dead man finished speaking, he suddenly felt that the temperature around him dropped several degrees.

"He knows what I want?" Ning Tai asked coldly.

Without waiting for the dead man to answer, he thought of something: "Yes, he is an elder of the Uchiha clan, and he does have the ability to know." Just

when the dead man felt that Ning Tai agreed, and then he was about to take Ning Tai to find Uchiha for a moment, Ning Tai flicked a look there, and the dead man fell into an endless hallucination.

Although it is not a kaleidoscope pupil technique, the illusion technique performed by the kaleidoscope chakra eye is not something that an unsuspecting guy can resist.

Ning Tai's family was a member of Uchiha's faction before, so he naturally knew the location of Uchiha's family.

The powerful insight brought by the kaleidoscope chakra eye made Ning Tai easily avoid the guards in the courtyard and come to Uchiha's room.

"Although I invited you, I didn't say let you come this way." Uchiha put down the teacup in an instant and said lightly to Ning Tai.

"You'd better say the answer quickly, or the way you say the answer next may not be what you like."

Uchiha didn't seem to be frightened by Ningtai's threat for a moment: "If your two eyes are still there, then you do have the confidence to say such things, but if you only have one eye left, you can't exert the maximum power of the kaleidoscope chakra eye."

"If you hadn't been sweating cold on your head and your hands hadn't squeezed so hard, I might have believed it." Ning Tai taunted at Uchiha for a moment.

"Let's talk about it, what is the maximum power of the kaleidoscope chakra eye." Although he felt disdainful of Uchiha, Ning Tai admitted that he was aroused.

Jian Ning Tai didn't have the idea of doing it with himself, Uchiha's tense body in an instant, slowly relaxed, although his mouth was powerful, but if he really collided with the kaleidoscope, it was still not daring.

Uchiha handed Ning Tai two bundles of scrolls in an instant: "You look at this first, see if these two numbers are the same as what you encountered during the day." Ning

Tai heard that this might be a technique used by Obito, and the hand that reached out to take it also became careful.

After receiving the scroll, he quickly opened it and looked through it, and it was recorded in Izanagi and Izanami no Jutsu.

The scroll not only contains a series of related materials such as cultivation methods, effects, and side effects.

"I'm not sure about Izanagi's technique, but he definitely used Izanami no Jutsu during the day!" Ning Tai said exactly.

"Just make sure, remember to keep it secret, don't let ordinary people know." Uchiha took the tea, took a sip, and then instructed.

Ning Tai did not object to this request, and when he knew the cost of performing these two techniques, he also admitted that it was better not to announce this situation.

"You come to me for more than that." Ning Tai put away the scroll and asked.

Uchiha said with a smile: "Just come to see what our new kaleidoscope of Uchiha family looks like." Although

he said so, whether he really thought so in his heart, then no one knows.

"That's right." Uchiha seemed to remember something for a moment: "You can try to practice these two techniques yourself, I still have extra eyes, you can find Taki to help you transplant it."

I was not very satisfied with him becoming a medical ninja before, thinking that it was tarnishing the glory of our Uchiha.

But it's not bad to think about it now, at least I don't have to find outsiders to help transplant my eyes in the future, and when I think of those outsiders coming to touch the glory of our Uchiha, my heart is indescribably uncomfortable.

Uchiha instantly complained to Ning Tai about his dissatisfaction as if he were talking to an old friend.

However, Ning Tai was almost not interested in his set, but more interested in what he just mentioned: "What is the greatest power of the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye you said?" Speaking

of this, Uchiha's expression seemed to be a little nostalgic: "This is the highest glory of our Uchiha clan, a giant that reaches the sky, a powerful force that sweeps everything and builds Konoha Village, and its name is Susanoo!"

"Susano? Build Konoha? Ning Tai didn't quite understand.

Konoha, or the entire ninja world, is very little important in terms of history, and it seems that the only ones that can be handed down from history are those powerful ninjutsu, physical arts and illusion arts.

As for what happened in the past, what great people they had, what great achievements they did respectively, as if there was no sense of existence at all.

In addition to the Hokage Rock carved on the mountain, it can slightly show the presence of Konoha's leader.

Others are either remembered by the elders of their own families, or they can only depend on luck, luck may be remembered in a few years, if you are unlucky, then there is really no such person.

Just like Uchiha and Konoha White Fang, one is a rebel, and the other was killed by Konoha F4.

Therefore, in the descendants of the three generations of rule, only those who have experienced that era in Konoha Village will know about them.

Seeing that Ning Tai was interested in the great achievements of Yu Zhibo at the beginning, Yu Zhibo felt more satisfied with him in an instant, and directly wanted to start the year, and then bragged about those things with Ning Tai.


After following Kuro for almost a day, Uchiha Taki finally came to the basement where Madara was.

It's just that there are no more Golems here, which is not unexpected by Uchiha Taki.

The original Obito hide his face went to contact Nagato, and he definitely couldn't beat Obito when he fought hard.

So in order for Nagato to be able to follow their plan, the Golem of the Outer Path will definitely be handed over to Nagato.

And Nagato really needs the power of the Golem of the Outer Path to renew his life, otherwise he would have been drained by the eye of reincarnation.

But it doesn't matter if there is no Outer Path Golem, there are still many assets left by Madara here, such as the flame fan that can use Uchiha to rebel, which makes Uchiha Taki hungry.

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