Although Uchiha Taki's thoughts drifted far away, the movements on his hands were not idle, and Ningta's injuries from being hit by the water were quickly preliminarily healed.

If it weren't for the fear that it might expose his intercolumn cells to be cured all of a sudden, Ning Tai would have recovered long ago.

"Almost, the next step is to go to the hospital for slow treatment." Uchiha Taki put away the ninjutsu and stood up and said.

The people around them were relieved when they heard Uchiha Taki's words, if Ning Tai was seriously injured in the competition, it would be worth the loss.

Seeing everyone's attitude, Ning Tai was dissatisfied and said, "I won't be seriously injured so simply if I lose." The

other Uchiha clansmen didn't have any disgust for Ning Tai's attitude, after all, nine out of ten Uchiha geniuses were Ning Tai's personality.

If everything is as gentle as stopping water, they will not adapt.

"Since the discussion is over, then we will go back first, by the way, stop the water and wait for you to tidy up and come to my office." Bofeng Shuimen said to Fugaku and Shuishui.

Fugaku knew that this should be the Wave Feng Shui Gate preparing to seriously start teaching the Shui Flying Thunder God Technique.

The other Uchiha people thought that there was some task to stop the water, after all, he belonged to the dark department.

Only Ning Tai was dissatisfied with the treatment of Shuishui, feeling that he was looked down upon by Bofeng Shuimen.

Instead, Fugaku said to him before he went to the hospital: "By the way, Ninta, when you are in the hospital, by the way, think about whether you plan to continue to be a mission ninja next, or return to the guard department, think about it, talk to me, and I will help you arrange."

"I'm going to keep doing mission ninjas!" Ning Tai replied without thinking.

He is now a man who wants revenge, and the constant presence of the Guard Department in the village cannot meet his demands.

"Okay, I know, then I'll go to Watergate in a few days and approve you as a Shangren." Fuyue nodded, he was also more satisfied with Ning Tai's answer this time.

If Ning Tai was transferred to the Guard Department, then he would have a big head.

Originally in order to deal with the third generation, Fugaku began to strongly support Uchiha's hawks, which has made the hawks' voices in the guard department much louder.

If Ning Tai, who is also a hawk, joins at this time, then with his strength, he is at least a deputy minister.

At that time, the Ministry of Guards will not say anything about becoming a hawk, at least it will crowd out the living space of the doves in large quantities.

But now that the three generations are dead, Uchiha needs doves, so Fugaku must stand against the hawks and help the doves block the influence of Nintai.

Therefore, Ning Tai did not join, which was undoubtedly good news for Fuyue.

Uchiha opened his mouth in an instant and didn't say anything, Ning Tai made his choice in front of so many people, then he couldn't force Ning Tai to go to the Ministry of Guards.

Whether there is this strength or not, it is impossible to say in terms of reason alone.

While the attention of the others was drawn away by Wave Feng Shuimen and Fugaku Ninta, Uchiha Taki quietly returned to his home.

Summoning the ninja with psychic art, seeing the intelligence scroll stored in the ninja, he secretly said in his heart: Sure enough.

Just when he was treating Ning Tai, he felt the message coming back from the spell mark he had engraved on Obito's body.

Obito suddenly made a super long-distance movement, which was originally nothing, at most, black and white would never move with him, because there had been such a move some time ago.

However, the problem is that Obito's last move was from the territory of the Land of Grass to the territory of the Land of Fire, which is close to the Mist, but this time it returned to the Land of Grass.

This caught Uchihataki's attention if they would find anything in the country of grass, so they rushed back.

If there is anything attractive about the country of grass, Uchiha Taki recalled the plot of the Hokage that he had almost forgotten, and it is estimated that there are only incense and the box of bliss.

So he immediately returned home and summoned the ninja to see if there was any information there in Ye Cang.

It's just that when he opened the scroll, he found that he guessed wrong, and what attracted Hei Jue was neither the incense flame nor the box of bliss, but the big snake pill.

The big snake pill that Yi Gao was bold did not worry about Hei Jue putting a trap on himself, and directly got into it without hesitation.

However, he did not rush directly to the Land of Rain, but first contacted Ye Cang through the gold exchange house and made an appointment to meet in the Land of Grass.

Uchiha Taki, who got the news, also decisively left a shadow doppelganger and rushed towards the country of grass.


In the territory of the Land of Rain, after Hakura transmitted the information back to Uchiha Taki, she rushed towards the village of Yuyin, and she also had to tell Nagato about it.

Because the big snake pill involved not only the task of Uchiha Taki, but also the commission issued by Yunyin.

As soon as he returned to Yuyin Village, Xiao Nan immediately greeted him: "How is it, what did the gold exchange house say?"

Ye Cang replied honestly, "The Great Snake Pill asked us to go to the Grass Country to meet him.

Xiao Nan smiled: "Not bad, at least he is willing to meet with us, let's go and tell Payne the good news." Soon

, now all the official members of the Xiao Organization gathered together, because the Great Snake Pill was likely to go on a mission with them next, so they were also curious about this possible new member.

After several discussions, the Xiao organization finally decided to send three people to recruit, with Ye Cang and Xiao Nan going to see the big snake pill together, and the scorpion as a logistics.

He wants to investigate whether the big snake pill came this time to the doppelganger, if it is a doppelganger, he has to find the big snake pill body there, if not, then he must also check whether the big snake pill has other backhand.

If there are none, then wait honestly to prevent three people from appearing together and scare the big snake pill away.

As for Kakuto, he continued to earn his money, Orochimaru? Unless Payne is willing to give him the body of the big snake pill, it is better to do a few more tasks.

On the other side, the atmosphere between Hei Jue and Obito became a little strange at this time, Bai Jue looked at the two without saying a word, originally planned to speak, but was glared back by the eyes of the two.

Hei Jue's side really doesn't know how to deal with the soil, use it, he must not worry, kill it, he can't bear it.

Even if he has no kaleidoscope with soil, his wooden body is a treasure, and he can join the Xiao Organization as an ordinary member for the most time.

But if so, Hei is afraid that the intelligence about the Xiao Organization will leak from Obito.

Now the Xiao Organization is far from mature, even when it comes to snatching the tailed beast in later generations, the Xiao Organization does not dare to expose its base.

Therefore, Hei Jue can only temporarily bring the soil with him to prevent intelligence leakage.

And Obito's side is not as complicated as Heijue's psychological activities, he was originally angry at Uchiha Taki, and now he has to be subjected to Heijie's cold face, so how can he endure it, so he pays homage back with the same attitude.

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