After coming to the outside of Yunyin Village, Uchiha Taki did not rush in, but found a Yunnin who came out to do a task outside, and tortured the information with illusion.

Uchiha Taki didn't have Bai Jue's help, and he didn't have the intelligence that Konoha's spies helped to provide, so he definitely had to gather intelligence first.

The information provided by Yunyin, who was controlled by him, was not much, nor was it less.

First of all, the two people who were abducted really stayed in Yunyin, which was already a well-known secret of Yunyin.

But where exactly, he doesn't know at all.

However, it was not completely fruitless, although this guy did not know the two people who were abducted, but he knew the location of the people sent by the other three ninja villages to negotiate the confirmation.

They were preparing to go back at this time, and the person that Uchiha Taki controlled with illusion was to check if there were any Konoha spies outside, or other people who were afraid of chaos in the world to assassinate those guys and sow discord between Yunyin and the other Shinobi villages.

If not, then he was one of the people in charge of escorting the guys back.

Because this alliance was too important, Yunyin did not have the arrogance of the past, and even Yanyin arranged escorts.

Uchiha Taki thought about it, but decided not to be this guy who was afraid that the world would not be chaotic, but to think about it after solving the Uchiha clan who was sold by him.

While Yunnin was still checking outside, he quietly sneaked into Yunyin Village and touched the room of the Iwain ninja.

At this time, several Iwa Shinobi were packing their bags in their respective rooms and preparing to go home, and Uchiha Taki picked a guy who looked more mature and should be Shangnin, and continued to torture the address according to the previous method.

However, the information obtained from him found that Yunyin's secrecy work this time was exceptionally good.

Although it did let them see the existence of white eyes, proving that Yunyin did not say nonsense, but the specific address was completely absent, all of them were personally dispatched by Ai Hebi to bring people over.

The movements of the ninjas of several of their villages were limited to a certain range from beginning to end, and they could not probe the specific location of these guys.

Although he did not get any useful information this time, Uchiha Taki did not get discouraged by this, but continued to find others.

He saw from the Iwa Shinobu's hallucination that although Ai and Bi had brought people over himself, there were other people besides them.

In addition, he also saw that Ai and Bi each had transplanted a three-hook jade eye.

"Has even Ai been transplanted?"

If it is a Kirabi transplant, Uchiha Taki will not be surprised, although the Sharingan has side effects that will make it impossible for people without Uchiha's bloodline to close the Sharingan, resulting in the consumption of a large amount of Chakra.

But for the perfect person Pillar Ricky Rabbi, that consumption is nothing at all, the other person is Chakra, he is Cha Tonra.

But Ai's transplant was a little unexpected for Uchiha Taki, even if he transplanted it, the amount of Chakra was definitely higher than the power of one card.

But the Sharingan will still cause him a lot of attrition, at least if he wants to fight with his father for three days and three nights and die of exhaustion, it will definitely not be possible.

Leaving Iwahi's room, Uchiha Taki began to look around for the people who had been with Ai and Bibi.

Yunyin's area is similar to Konoha, at most slightly larger than Konoha, although it doesn't sound very big, but Yunyin and Konoha are different, they are a full-fledged mountain town.

The difference in height between several buildings is enormous, and even if there is a divine power, it is very difficult to find it slowly.

However, Uchiha Taki's luck was not bad, and it didn't take long for him to find a guy who was traveling with Ai at the beginning.

He was standing on a platform that looked like a ring and spoke to the people below, and the people below Wuyang Wuyang, standing in a large number, Uchiha Taki looked a little, most of them were some Shinobi, and a few were Naka-Shinobi.

"Some of you here may know the purpose of calling you here this time, but some of you still don't know what happened, so I'll explain it first.

Just this morning, Konoha sent a message inviting us to participate in the Naka Ninja Exam in the other four major ninja villages and some other small ninja villages, and after the discussion of Lord Yunkage, it was decided that we Yunyin would take this exam.

So today, I came to select the best elites from among you to participate in this Zhongnin Exam and achieve excellence and glory for our Yunyin!" As

soon as the words fell, there was a huge noise under the ring, and everyone was eager to try.

At this time, a subordinate Shinobu suddenly raised his hand and asked loudly: "In this case, what are those Zhongnin for?" "

Naka-Shinobu? No, everyone here, except for me and the instructor standing outside, you are all forbearant now!

These words were like pouring a basin of cold water on hot oil, which immediately aroused the dissatisfaction of the group of people below.

These Shinobi all looked at those Naka Shinobi with hostile eyes, thinking that they were here to steal their credit.

Some of the thin-skinned, shy ones did not dare to look at these subordinates, and some of them were thick-skinned, and directly scolded back.

While the Shinobu on the stage was trying his best to appease the others, Uchiha Taki's thoughts had long drifted elsewhere.

The Chūnin exam held by Konoha, why can you Yunyin's lower Shinobi know faster than me, the Lower Shinobi of Konoha?


At this time, in the Uchiha clan, Uchiha Taki's shadow doppelganger was getting up according to the usual practice, and then after washing, he planned to go to the Hokage Building to pick up the task.

Not far from walking out the door, Uchiha Taki bumped into Shuishui: "Early, Shuishui, you came to find Ningtai?" "

Due to the distance between Shisui and Uchiha Taki's home, I usually don't see him coming here, and usually Shisui comes here when there is something to do.

"No, I'm here to find you this time, you better put up with it, right?" Shui Shui shook his head and asked.

"Yes, under normal circumstances, I am still studying now, and I shouldn't even endure it." Although Uchiha Taki was a little unclear about the purpose of stopping the water, he still answered honestly.

The current Uchiha Taki has just passed his tenth birthday, and if he changes to his normal state, he will have to study for another two years to graduate.

Shisui laughed awkwardly, and did not respond to Uchiha Taki's spit on early graduation, but said the purpose of coming to him.

"Recently, the village plans to cooperate with four other ninja villages and other small ninja villages to hold the middle ninja exam, I think you are more suitable now, so I asked if you want to participate."

Without waiting for Uchiha Taki to reply, Shisui sighed first and said: "It's a pity that Ning Tai has already opened the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, otherwise it would be more appropriate to take the exam with his age, and it would be guaranteed that we would take the first place."

Uchiha Taki listened to his words, the corners of his mouth twitched, the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye is not suitable, the eternal kaleidoscope is suitable, right.

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