"Sister Shizuku, Wuyin is likely to join forces with Yunyin."

When he was leading the scroll in the past, Uchiha Taki whispered a reminder.

"How sure are you?" Uchiha Shizuku also asked in a low voice.

"Ninety percent." Uchiha Taki replied confidently.

Hearing Uchiha Taki's answer, Uchiha Shizuku replied after a moment of silence: "You guys wait to inform our own people, in my name." "

Using the name of Uchiha Shizuku is naturally to increase credibility, otherwise who would casually believe what two "ordinary" Shinobi said.

Soon, they took advantage of the time to receive the scroll to inform most Konoha ninjas.

"Mist Hide? Got it. "

Thank you."

"We'll pay attention."

Of course, in addition to the above, there are also those who do not believe or do not care, for them, Uchiha Taki has not repeatedly emphasized interest, he is not their father, there is no need to take care of people everywhere.

The examiners did not pay attention to their private conversations, turning a blind eye and not interfering the whole time.

It didn't take long for the candidates to finish receiving the scrolls and sign the certificate of life and death.

The examiners who were standing on the side also came out one by one to speak: "Okay, now the name is called and follow us, the Dry Persimmon Oni Squad, the Sogi Team..." "

Uchiha Shizuku Team, Mitarai Red Bean Team..." The name soon came to Uchiha Taki and their squad.

When they heard the name of their squad, they immediately came to the examiner who reported their name and prepared to leave.

Red Bean next to him saw Uchiha Taki smile at him, she had just been reminded by Uchiha Taki and them, and also knew that Uchiha Taki and their squad target was Yunyin, and there was no competition with their squad.

But then there was an examiner's name, which made them all look the same.

"Team Darui

, Team Asma..." Asma's side was informed by Uchiha Shigeru, although he did not say the specific result, but from his expression, he also knew that Asma did not care about the information they provided.

Not to mention that Asma was beaten by the guard when he returned to Konoha, which made Uchiha's rating drop by several points in his heart, and the grudge between the fathers of the two sides was enough to make the two sides tired of each other since childhood.

The two squads who heard the name also looked at each other, Darui didn't need to say more, after Yunyin came to Konoha, his intelligence spread throughout the entire Konoha Shinobi circle, and even a considerable number of people in several other ninja villages paid attention.

Although Asma's fame is not as great as Darui's, just with his older age in the lower Shinobi and the surname Ape Fei, it is enough to attract the attention of the people around him.

Asma also immediately frowned when he heard this, he was rebellious, but he was not stupid.

If it's just Darui, then he's still willing to fight, but there's still a Nozomi in Darui's squad, and he doesn't think his squad can beat those two people.

"Hey, that guy didn't pay much attention to me just now, now I'm going to be punished." Uchiha Shigeru gloated.

"Pay attention to where they are going, let's go to their side." Uchiha instructed.

"Good." × 2

, although the three members of their squad are unhappy with Asma's performance just now, they must help if they can help, not to mention that Yunyin was originally their target, and dying a Darui can definitely make Yunyin feel distressed for a long time.

They made the same decision as Zaijia, because the butterfly effect became the unslashed of the Mist Hidden Iron Blood Loyalist, and decided to carry out the order passed back by Mist Yin to hunt the Konoha ninja.

"It's a bit of a hassle." Uchiha Taki looked at the distant Asma squad and said while following the examiner.

Although they wanted to go to support, when everyone divided the team and left in turn, Asma's team and their team were completely different directions.

"Do you still want to go to support?" Uchiha Shigeru asked.

"Go! Even if it's late, Asma's squad should be able to consume a lot of the combat power of Darui's squad. Uchiha Shizuku replied without hesitation.


"Wouldn't it be too dangerous to separate the Darui squad and the Asma squad?"

Inside the Hokage's office, Wave Feng Shuimon used the crystal ball inherited from the third generation, and the telescope technique that had just been learned for a long time, seeing the grouping arranged by the examiner, and began to worry about the Asma team.

Although the three generations have engaged in a bunch of disgusting things, the death of Sarutobi Biwa Lake for his wife and children has caused Bofeng Shuimen to always have a sense of indebtedness to Asma.

"It's already the best choice, if you choose the stronger Uchiha Shizuku team, I'm afraid they won't be able to bear to fight with the Darui team at the door, and even if they can win, they won't be able to survive the next opponent."

Asma's strength is in the upper reaches of the Lower Shinobi, and he and Yunyin have no great feud, plus the time interval between them entering the Death Forest is relatively long, which should be enough to protect themselves. Several Kami-Shinobu who were in charge of the exam explained.

Although they intended to let Yunyin enter the second game more, they wanted to consume Yunyin's power in the game, rather than letting the kings of both sides fight each other at the beginning.

"Alas, try to be prepared for the safety of the candidates, as long as they fire the signal flares that abstain, they must be the first to support." Bofeng Shuimen sighed.

He didn't say anything about letting the other ninja village examinees and the Darui have an entrance, and then the Konoha ninja avoided them.

Konoha is also to be dignified!

If you arrange it this way, it is to show that you do not trust your own family Shinobi, and feel that Darui is the strongest, so let the other ninja villages kill each other.

Not to mention whether Yunyin and the other ninja villages would object to this arrangement, even if they did not object, once Konoha did this, it would be equivalent to losing his face in front of these ninja villages.

"Yes." The examiners replied in unison.

After returning to the Forest of Death, after waiting for the previous squad to enter for ten minutes, it was finally the turn of Uchiha Taki and their squad.

After the examiner reported their names, the three of them immediately used teleportation techniques to rush towards the depths of the forest.

Unlike other squads that hide to gather intelligence and wait for opportunities, Uchiha Taki and their squad, or all squads with Uchiha people, have a clear goal, that is, to kill Yunyin.

In the same entrance squad behind Uchiha Taki, there was no longer Yunyin's team, so their squad did not plan to set up an ambush at the door.

But just because they don't set up ambushes doesn't mean that others don't set ambushes. Just a few minutes after leaving the door and walking inside, I saw a man standing in the distance.

"Hey, Konoha's squad, take out what scroll you guys are, if it's the same, then you can join us."

The ninja who spoke looked a bit like Obito and Naruto before blackening, and he also wore a goggle on his head, and Uchiha Taki almost recognized the wrong person at first glance.

"I'll go solve the three on the left, Shigeru will solve the two on the right, and the middle one will be handed over to you, Taki."

The three did not stop, and after Uchiha Shizuku explained the task, Chakra broke out, and Uchiha Shigeru rushed towards the trees on both sides.

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