
Ape Flying Sun exhaled a puff of smoke wearily.

Because his office was destroyed yesterday night, he can only stay in the conference room all night, waiting for news while dealing with the pile of official business.

Even if he is a ninja, he is also a shadow-level strength, but after all, he is in his sixties, he does not sleep for a night, and his spirit is already tired.


“Oh, Lujiu, how is the situation?”

“No targets were found, and no accomplices were found.”

“Alas, after all, it is the Flying Thunder God, and it is normal to not find it, but, where did this person learn this ninjutsu? Are you sure it’s not someone from Uchiha? ”

The ape flying sun was sad.

There was such an enemy hiding in the shadows, he was afraid that he would not dare to sleep.

“According to the intelligence of the Dark Department and the Root Surveillance, when the incident happened yesterday night, all the Uchiha people who opened the Sangou Jade Writing Wheel Eye were secretly meeting, and did not go out, except for the Itachi and Shuishui.”

Although the root and the dark part do not communicate with each other, and the root is directly managed by Tuanzang, but yesterday night their boss was unconscious, and in order to find the murderer, they also exchanged a lot of intelligence with the dark department.

“It can’t be made by weasels or water stoppers, right? They have no reason to do so. ”

Sarutobi frowned, he didn’t believe that these two young men with the Will of Fire would betray him.

“It’s really not them, and stop him…”

The deer stopped talking for a long time.

“What’s wrong with him? Don’t? ”

Could it be that his other heavenly gods had successfully launched? But looking at Fugaku’s appearance yesterday night, it seems that nothing has changed?

“The water stop should be dead.”

“What!? What happened? How can a water stop die? Who did it!? ”

Ape Fei Ri Chopper instantly got up and asked incredulously.

Stopping the water is related to the connection between Uchiha and the village, if something happens to him, who will be the bridge in the middle? Who can buffer their relationship!?

Weasel definitely can’t, he’s a double agent, his identity can’t be put on the table, but the water stop can.

But now, what did he hear?

Could the water stop be dead?

At this moment, they won’t have to give the person who killed the water stop! Can they withstand Uchiha’s anger?

“Yes… Lord Tuanzang, the specific situation of the dark part did not probe too much, only knew that there was a battle near the Nanhe River yesterday, which was caused by the root~. ”


The ape flying sun chopped silently, this is good, the black pot does not need to be carried, it is directly done by themselves.

So what the hell is this bastard doing in Tuanzo!

Sure enough, you shouldn’t have left the matter to him!

“Is Tuan Zang awake?”

“Wake up, but according to Tezuka, Danzo-sama is not doing very well.”

“No matter how bad it is, you have to explain the matter of stopping the water clearly!”

Sarutobi walked towards the door, expressing sympathy for Danzo in his heart, but also anger.

As a result, when he saw Tuan Zang, he understood.

Tezuka is still too conservative, this is not good, this is simply about to end, okay?!

Sarutobi stood beside Tuanzo and called him several times, but he couldn’t make Tuanzo even turn his head.

“What the hell is going on here!!”

“Naruto-sama, Danzo-sama is suspected to have fallen into autism because of the huge blow…”

Tezuka wiped his sweat and quickly explained.

God knows how panicked he was when he learned about Tuan Zang’s situation!


Ape flying sun chopping people stupid, Tuan Zang actually fell into autism?! He actually autistic!?

He has lived for so many years, and it is the first time he has seen such a depressed Tuan Zang who seems to have only a shell left!

But turn around and think that if he had suffered the hellish retaliation of yesterday night, he should not have survived.

“Oh, is there any way?”

“This, it depends on when Master Tuanzang himself can come out.”

“Okay, so be it, let Tuan Zang stay in the hospital for a few more days, so as not to leave any sequelae.”

Danzo is unreliable, and Uchiha’s affairs still have to be handled by him.

However, will dealing with this matter get your hands dirty? This will have a great impact on his political career! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

What a hassle.


A private house in Konoha, where Naruto arrived after using a shadow avatar instead of himself to go to school.

“Haven’t you finished it?”

“Alas, no, these devices are too old to copy too many copies at once, if only there were computers.”

“In this way, then send out as many as you have first, and continue to get the rest.”

Naruto scratched his head, since there was no way to cover Konoha completely, let’s start with a few areas with many people.

“What are you going to do?”

“Have you ever sold a film?”

Naruto smiled slightly.


In the morning, all the streets of Konoha are extremely lively and bustling.

There are also quite a few merchants and commoners dressed in the costumes of other countries.

Although Konoha suffered huge losses in three battles, it was still a victory village, opening up a three-way battlefield with one hit and four, and finally as the winning side, it concluded an armistice agreement with other villages.

Therefore, after the war, Konoha, who showed good strength, got more tasks, and there were more merchants and rich people from other countries who were willing to come to Konoha to play and do business, after all, in their opinion, Konoha was the safest and the environment was the best.

Otherwise, who wants to go to Shahide to eat sand and go to Yanyin to see bare stones?

As for Yunyin, it is even farther, and people from other countries don’t like to go if they have nothing to do.


Then, at a small stall on the street, a middle-aged man squatted aside, carefully selecting several boxes of video tapes in his hand.

“The emotional secrets that the sixty-year-old man and five women have to say!! 》

“Shock! One ninja fights five ninjas, victorious return! 》

Super Inspirational! The old ninja with a strong body and a strong spirit fights back to kill the enemy village ninja! 》

“The Secret! The story of five young women and a man! 》

Ninja Wars! Extreme anti-kill! Who is the one who survives to the end?! 》


“Boss, I want all of this.”

The middle-aged man picked it and found that the title of each video tape was so attractive, just idle and bored at home, just watch this to pass the time.

“All of them? That line, one (Nozhao good) box one hundred taels. ”

“So expensive?”

“Big brother, you see that I am exclusive here, you go to any other store, you can’t buy this thing, the price is naturally a little more expensive.”

“Okay then…”

The middle-aged man took out five hundred taels and handed them to the boss.

“Thank you for your patronage ~ bloating”

Naruto’s shadow doppelganger, who used the transformation technique, nodded with satisfaction and made another profit.

At the same time, there are several such avatars, using different appearances, pretending to sell films, selling videos from the group’s collection, and with different names.

Then when they go back, they will find that they have been deceived, especially the eldest brother who bought five boxes of video tapes at a time, it is estimated that he will be even more angry, after all, the content of the five boxes is exactly the same.

In addition, Naruto also sent some videos for free to some ninja ninjas, waiting for them to discover the surprise.

At that time, Danzo’s name will be completely famous in Konoha and fulfill his wish.


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