“Then, the drill begins!”



Two cracking sounds sounded, and Sasuke and Sakura immediately hid in the nearby trees.

However, when they hid and saw the remaining figures on the field, their faces turned dark.

“What is that idiot doing?!”

“Abominable! What is this guy thinking?! ”

“As a ninja, concealment and body shape are the most basic, good, everyone is doing well, so…”

“Naruto, what are you doing?”

Kakashi stared at Naruto speechlessly with a pair of dead fish eyes.

Strange, according to the intelligence he gathered, Naruto’s actual combat results were excellent, even above Sasuke, he should not be so brainless … Wait, is it because of poor grades in theory classes? So you don’t even know these basic knowledge?

“I suddenly remembered something, teacher, are you a Shinobi?”


“Then, accompany me to practice your physical skills.”

Yes, Naruto felt that instead of exercising by himself, it was better to find Kakashi to train in real combat quickly, so that he could also master his strength faster.

And just showing the progress in physical skills, there is no need to worry about exposing yourself too much, anyway, Naruto’s physical strength in recent years is more obvious to all.

“Oh? So that’s what you intended? ”

Kakashi nodded, feeling that Naruto had graduated and was a little proud, so he wanted to prove himself.

But this is also normal, after all, is it still a child, Kakashi said he understood.

It’s like that idiot with soil….

“Then, as your teacher, let me teach you well about one of the ninja battle tips, the key to physical skills.”

Kakashi said as he reached into the ninja bag behind his waist and took out a book and opened it.

“Intimate Heaven (Nakamaki)”!!

“Look… Reading?! What is Kakashi-sensei doing?! ”

Sakura roared.

“This bastard teacher! Do you actually look down on people so much? ”

Sasuke was also upset, feeling that he was underestimated.


Naruto smiled, wait a minute, if you can still concentrate on reading, I will give you a surname~

Naruto’s feet exerted slight force, and a flash, disappeared from the place.


“Oops! Forget Naruto’s speed! ”

Kakashi, who sensed the noise, suddenly realized that something was wrong.

“So fast! So handsome! ”

Sakura exclaimed inwardly as she looked at Naruto who suddenly appeared behind Kakashi with his hands in his pockets and his back to Kakashi!


Sasuke gritted his teeth and felt that the distance between himself and Naruto was even further!

It was clear that there were still back and forth before, but now Sasuke found that if Naruto used such a speed, he would definitely not have time to react.

“Kakashi-sensei, you have to be careful~”

Naruto’s voice came from behind Kakashi, causing Kakashi’s pupils to tremble.

He didn’t expect that he still underestimated Naruto.

Is this still an instantaneous technique?!

This is Flying Thunder God!!

If he hadn’t known about Naruto’s situation, he would really have thought that the teacher had been resurrected!

“Konoha whirlwind…”

Kakashi quickly sealed the seal as Naruto spoke, and he didn’t even have time to take back the book, so he let go directly.


With a loud bang, both Naruto and Kakashi were shrouded in smoke, unable to see their figures.

By the time the white smoke cleared, the ground under Naruto’s feet had cracked into several pieces, and a small pit appeared.

Inside the pit was a piece of broken wood, as well as a book.

Naruto picked up the book.

“That kind of book is not for children to read~”

Kakashi stepped out of the shadows on the side and watched Naruto’s eyelids jump at his feet.

“This force… It seems like Tsunade-sama’s strange powers… And the attack just now…”

“You call this a Konoha whirlwind?”

This level of Konoha whirlwind is about to catch up with Kai, and it is still the same level that Kai has contributed.

You must know that Kai is a superior ninja promoted by powerful physical skills, and his general attack is worth four or five points of strength that ordinary endurance can bear.

“So I took a new name, called Fengshen Legs!”

“Fengshen legs? Create your own moves? Could it be that Naruto really had a talent for physical skills, so in that case, wouldn’t it be better to have Kai as Naruto’s teacher? ”

Kakashi thought.

“Kakashi-sensei, if you don’t get this book back from me before twelve, then I will confiscate it~”

Naruto put the book into his ninja bag and smiled at Kakashi.

“Hey, hey, don’t forget that this is your assessment, if you don’t pass, but all the staff fail, and besides, I’m a teacher!”

Kakashi’s face darkened and he looked at Naruto speechlessly.

You know, this is the Collector’s Edition of “Intimate Paradise”!

Can’t buy it outside!!

“Well, I’ll try to grab the bell, so I hope the teacher will try to use physical skills to fight me.”

If you use ninjutsu, I don’t know if Kakashi can withstand the fire and Yandi?

It is estimated that Kakashi’s bit of chakra should not take long.

Well, I forgot that Kakashi is ‘five-five’, so it should be fine.

“Hey, what is Naruto doing? Actually provoking the teacher? If we can’t grab the bell, we’ll all be eliminated!! ”

Sakura clenched her fists and looked at the two in the field worriedly.

But she didn’t dare to go up, Naruto’s performance just now was beyond her knowledge of the newly graduated students.

Naruto like this, it is simply a monster!!


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