Iruka looked at the impatient students.

Laughing and not selling,

Then he began to explain how the three-body technique was sealed

How to mobilize Chakra in the body,

How to do it right.

The students then began to study seriously.

Including those ninja students, too.


That doesn’t include Naruto.

After watching the Iruka demonstration side, and the explanation process.

[You have seriously studied the Avatar Technique, the Doppelgänger Technique, and the Transformation Technique! ] 】

[You quickly comprehended the Perfect Avatar Technique, the Perfect Doppelgänger Technique, and the Perfect Transformation Technique! ] 】

[Perfect Avatar: No need to seal, no delay, attack on your own! ] 】

[Perfect Doppelganger: No need to seal, you can instantly separate a large number of disembodied doppelgangers! ] 】

[Perfect Transformation: No need to seal, you can instantly transform into anyone you can think of! ] 】

In an instant, Naruto’s mind suddenly came to mind about the Perfect Three-Body Technique.

And he felt,

It seems that he himself has used the three-body technique countless times before finally creating the perfect three-body technique.

The effect of this perfect three-body technique,

It simply crushes the basic three-body technique.


Just as Naruto was thinking about the perfect stand-in technique in his head.

Suddenly a bang!

Interrupted Naruto’s thoughts.

“Naruto Uzumaki, I see you don’t listen carefully when you are in class, have you already learned?”

“Now that you have learned, let’s go on stage and demonstrate it to everyone.”

Iruka looked at Naruto in his seat who had just lost his mind.

The tone is very yin and yang.

Just now when he was teaching everyone the three-body technique,

A chance glimpse,

Apparently didn’t listen to him at all

Naruto was wandering in his head.

Iruka couldn’t understand why the demon fox who killed his parents could live without guilt.

And Naruto-sama showed mercy

Gave this demon fox the opportunity to go to school.

This demon fox does not cherish it yet

When the class talks about important content,

Instead, they didn’t listen at all.

On top of that, Iruka didn’t like it, and Naruto said on the first day of school that he wanted to be Hokage.

You a demon fox,

You even want to become a Hokage?

Iruka looked at Naruto unfavorably from the beginning.

If it weren’t for the mandatory order of the three generations of Hokage

Iruka didn’t want to take Naruto Uzumaki to this class at all.

At this moment, Naruto listened to Iruka’s words just now, and he didn’t know what was going on in Iruka’s heart.

Naruto calmly got up.

Walk towards the podium.

At this moment, the classmates next to them who regarded Naruto as a demon fox gloated one by one.

“There’s a good show.”

“Hahaha, that demon fox is going to be ugly when he waits!”

“Sit and wait to be scolded!”


In addition to these people.

There were also people who were worried about Naruto.

Hinata looked at Naruto’s back as he walked up

She couldn’t help but feel anxious for Naruto in her heart.

Naruto stepped up to the podium and glanced at Iruka, who motioned for Naruto to start his performance.

Looked at.

Naruto shrugged

This was followed by an extremely standard three-body technique.

Avatars, transformations, and doppelgangers, each of which is perfect, makes people not see the slightest flaw.

This moment.

The classmates were dumbfounded.

They couldn’t even think of it

The three-body technique that Iruka-sensei just taught

How about this demon fox,

I learned it right away.

For Hinata them.

They were equally shocked.

“That’s amazing…” Hinata looked at Naruto on the podium, his big eyes sparkling.

She adored Naruto even more.

Shikamaru, Dingji, Shino and Ino didn’t expect it either.

Naruto actually learned the three-body technique so quickly.

And it looks even more skilled than Iruka-sensei’s.

Sasuke Uchiha looked at Naruto at this moment

He couldn’t help but feel competitive in his heart.

Naruto Uzumaki, this guy, was able to master the three-body technique so quickly, and he couldn’t lag behind!

Thinking of this, Sasuke Uchiha decided that when he came home from school, he must ask his brother about the three-body technique.

The same.

Iruka didn’t expect that Naruto Uzumaki’s three-body technique looked more standard than him.

Of course.

Iruka didn’t know.

This effect,

Or Naruto in order not to be too showy

There are cases where all of them are deliberately not taken out.

You know, his perfect three-body technique, but it can be performed without sealing.

If Naruto wanted to

He can even perform the Avatar Technique, the Doppelgänger Technique, and the Transformation Technique at the same time in an instant.

At this time, Naruto finished performing the three-body technique, lifted the effect of the three-body technique, and looked at Iruka.


“Can I go down?”

Naruto said interrogative sentences though.

But the tone is more like an affirmation.

Iruka looked at Naruto blankly


“You can go down.”

Iruka said.

I really can’t find any reason,

Continue to suppress Naruto.


He thought of the relationship between the three generations of Hokage and the demon fox, and Naruto Uzumaki must have learned the three-body technique a long time ago.

Right! It must be so!


Iruka didn’t believe it at all, Naruto Uzumaki had learned the three-body technique in less than one lesson.

Naruto looked at everyone in surprise

Return to your seat.

At this time.

Hinata whispered to Naruto

Naruto just now is so powerful.

Naruto listened to this, smiled and rubbed Hinata’s little head, or my family’s little Hinata cute.

Next, Iruka stopped paying attention to Naruto’s thoughts and returned to teaching the three-body technique.

After that, Iruka let his classmates practice freely.

But a lesson came down.

Except for Naruto,

No one can master all the three body techniques in one class.

Some have learned the entry-level stand-in technique, or the entry-level transformation technique, the avatar technique, etc.

Even if learned.

Not as skilled as Naruto.

It also takes a lot of time to practice proficiency in the future.

And Naruto’s side.

He was already thinking about the next step.

According to the conditions under which the Perfect Three-Body Technique can be activated without sealing.

Naruto knew that in the early ninja world, sealing was a fairly important thing.

In the later stage, you can launch super large ninjutsu with one shot of both hands, not to mention.

In the early stage.

Factors such as the speed of the seal largely determine the combat power that a ninja can exert.

Junctions are generally divided into twelve basic seals.

Zi, ugly, 寅, 卯, 辰, 巳, wu, wei, shin, unit, 戌, hai.

Through these twelve seals, depending on the combination, you can perform almost unlimited ninjutsu.

When he was a child, Uchiha Weasel could make five prints a second.

If it’s a forty-seal ninjutsu,

It can be done in eight seconds.

But for other ninjas, the time of forty seals may take more than ten seconds, twenty seconds.

Slower imprints than opponents.

will be attacked first.

will be at a combat disadvantage in an instant.


If you can quickly seal it, or simplify it, or even perform ninjutsu without printing.

In battle, you can have an advantage over your opponents.


Want to simplify the sealing,

Or simplify to the point that no printing is required.

First of all, you need to master ninjutsu.

Come to think of this,

Naruto couldn’t help but think that as the son of the fourth generation of Hokage, he didn’t have to worry about learning ninjutsu at all.

But now.

His own parents’ property,

All occupied by three generations of that old thing.

I haven’t seen anything.

There is not even a ninjutsu scroll at the lower ninja level.

Naruto shook his head and mentally registered another sum for the three generations of veterans.


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