“Do you guys feel that the Nine-Tailed Pillar Force seems to have become a little different?”


One secretly spied on Naruto’s dark parts, watching Naruto walk down the street alone.

Suddenly, I felt as if I had been stoned, and after waking up, Naruto seemed to have changed.

Another dark part felt the same.


“But I can’t tell you how it feels.”

“It’s kind of strange…”

They communicate with code words.


Think about it.

They didn’t come up with a why.

It can only be recorded truthfully.


Naruto didn’t know where the dark part was watching him.

However, he knew that everything he did just now must have been recorded by the dark department.

But he didn’t care.

Because Naruto knew.

At the end of the day,

He’s a little kid now.

It won’t come as a surprise to do anything.

This natural cover,

It was Naruto’s most advantageous advantage now.

He can do many things out of the ordinary

As long as he still identifies with Konoha,

Without revealing a trace of the thought of wanting to escape from Konoha and wanting to take revenge on Konoha, nothing will happen.


Naruto plotted secretly.

He wants to make good use of his current advantages for development.

The original Naruto, because as a child he wanted to attract the attention of others through pranks.

This leads to missed best times to lay the foundation.

In addition, the nine-tailed chakra in the body has been interfering with Naruto’s chakra, affecting him.

But now Naruto felt

He may have a way to change that.


Naruto didn’t forget,

He had to fill his stomach with what was in front of him.

As he walked, thinking about it, Naruto suddenly thought that since the village did not sell things to him.


Konoha Village is a village rich in resources.

The surrounding woods, mountains, streams,

Maybe you can find some game.

Although said.

He didn’t know how to catch game at all.

But try your luck,

It’s better to give money than to be humiliated.

Thinking so, Naruto decided to quicken his pace and follow the direction towards the outskirts of Konoha Village.

Walking and walking.

There are fewer and fewer houses on both sides of the perimeter.

There are also fewer and fewer people.

The surrounding forest is getting denser

The voice also became quiet

Less noise of the crowd, more natural tranquility.

At this moment, Naruto suddenly found a place in front of him, with the words No. 66 Training Ground written on it.

“This is a ninja training ground…”

Naruto looked around curiously.

It was found that there was not a single Konoha ninja.


He found out

The conditions around this training ground are very good.

There are mountains,

There is a forest,

There is a creek.

Most importantly,

No one.

Of course, the dark parts that have been monitoring him do not count.

Naruto decided

This is the place.

Naruto took off his shirt and wore only a short sleeve.

Get ready to go into the woods and see if you can catch some game.

He began to recall the wilderness survival documentary he had watched online in his previous life.

Trying to find any bit of useful information from his long memory.

And then.

Right at this moment.

[You have deeply recalled a lot of animal trap skills in the wilderness survival in your past life! ] 】

[You have comprehended the full-level animal trap making and arrangement skills of Beiye and Deye! ] 】

[Beiye and Deye’s full-level animal trap skills:].

[You’ve learned animal trap techniques in all environments and conditions so far!] 】

[Greatly increase the chance of successful hunting! ] 】

Naruto suddenly felt it.

In my mind, memories that I used to make a lot of animal traps to capture.

He is now like an old hunter who has lived in the mountains all his life.

Naruto was extremely convinced at the moment.

He was now in a moment,

You can think of dozens of ways to lay traps in your head.

Depending on the season,

Different animal species to decide.


Now Naruto doesn’t need very complicated traps.

He quickly found a simple trap.

Walking into the forest, picking up in the east and looking in the west, it took dozens of minutes to finally find all the materials.

A simple treatment.

Three simple traps made of twigs are complete.

Then Naruto took three traps,

Into the woods again.

Only this time

His steps became light, and his gaze was very serious, carefully following all the traces in the forest.

Judge the path of the beast.

Then, on the beast path, place three traps at a distance.

Finally, I found some plants with a strong smell

Or dirt

Mask your own smell near the trap.

That’s it.

The trap in the woods is done.

After waiting a few hours, you can see if the trap is working.

There were still a few hours left on Naruto who didn’t want to sit in place and wait a few hours to see the results.

He got into action again.

Just now he looked at it casually.

The eyes look,

I saw fish swimming happily in the stream next to me.

Is this something that can be endured?

Naruto decided to grab some fish to eat.

However, he looked around, and there were no materials for making fishing rods around, so he could not fish on the shore.

The branches that make the rods are all over there.

The main thing is that the fishing line does not.


Naruto began to think about going down the river to catch fish.

But catch fish empty-handed.

For the body of a small child,

Still a little difficult.

Naruto wondered if he could make any tools to catch fish to help him catch fish.

“Hmm…” he thought for a long time, if he made a trap to catch fish, he had no bait.

This way,

Only with harpoons.

Right at this moment.

[You deeply recall a lot of fishermen’s spearfish documentaries you watched in your previous life! ] 】

[You have comprehended the full level fisherman’s spearfish skills! ] 】


【Full level fisherman spearfish skills:】

[You have learned the skills of a full-level fisherman’s spearfish, and you are older than the old fishermen who have lived by the water all their lives! ] 】

【Greatly increase the chances of spearfish success!】 】


Naruto’s head had a large number of fishermen who made harpoons and went down to the river.

Decades of experience,

All in Naruto’s mind.

Naruto felt like an old fisherman.

Think so.

He went to the woods next

I found a harpoon of the right length and thickness.

I found another piece of sharp stone

Cut out the shape of the harpoon.


Naruto rolled up his trouser legs, took the harpoon, and went straight into the water.

The cold stream made Naruto snort as soon as he came up, but fortunately he quickly adapted to the temperature.

And then.

Look at the water.

Naruto’s mind couldn’t help but come to mind the technique of spearfish.

First of all, the action is calm

Steady breathing.

Try to get as close to the surface of the water as possible, observe the direction and speed of fish swimming in the water, and judge an approximate idea.

Wait until you have a sure heart.

Harpoons are aimed as far below the fish as possible.

This is because of the refraction of light from the surface of the water.

Most importantly,

Be steady, accurate and ruthless!

A few minutes later.

Naruto locked onto a fish.

Take your breath.

He struck out.

The hands are done cleanly.

Exactly like an experienced old fisherman.

Fish still swinging on harpoons,

This is also illustrative.

“Very good!” Naruto was in a very good mood when he saw the fish on the harpoon.

This means that he will never have to send money to Boss Konoha to buy things in the future.


In the hours of waiting for the results of the trap.

Naruto forked seven or eight fish

Each fish basically weighs a pound.

Totally enough for Naruto for a week, the consumption of one fish per day.

This is still the result of Naruto watching if he can’t take it home to avoid waste, and he doesn’t fork halfway.

Naruto kept all the fish in one place.

Then into the woods.

Check the traps you have laid one by one.

And the traps laid by themselves,

Nor did Naruto disappoint.

Of the three traps, two caught their prey, and both caught the hare.

Hare size,

Basically, it also weighs two or three pounds.


Look at the results of the great harvest.

Naruto laughed happily.

Then he can enjoy a gourmet meal of pure wildness!


As long as there is a flower, a monthly pass, an evaluation ticket, and a tip on the first day, it will explode ten more!

As long as there is a flower, a monthly pass, an evaluation ticket, and a tip on the first day, it will explode ten more!

Feilu’s 18th anniversary brand upgrade to give back to readers! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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