
Return to the sealed space.

Jiu Xingna and Watergate two people,

Looking at Naruto again.

Suddenly felt,

To be able to grow into Naruto like this,

They must have gone through many, many sufferings that they could not have imagined.

Looking at Naruto’s calm expression, Jiu Yukina and Watergate both felt pain for Naruto in their hearts at this moment.

It is impossible to describe it in simple words.

They can’t imagine,

A child who does not understand anything,

How did you grow up healthy in that environment?


Jiu Yukina looked at Naruto again at this moment,

I don’t know what to say to Naruto.

The same goes for Watergate.


Naruto was very calm.

In the past,

It’s already passed.

Tomorrow’s, the future, is what he needs to care about….

“Mom, dad, you don’t have to feel sorry for me, the past is all gone.”

Naruto comforted Kuyukina and Mizumondo.

The two of them,

Listen to Naruto’s mature words.

I felt even more sad for Naruto in my heart.

It was as if there were a pair of big hands, desperately grabbing the hearts of both of them, becoming unable to breathe…

Right at this moment.

Jiu Xingna suddenly remembered something.

She hurriedly said:

“Wait, Naruto, have you seen Jiraiya, the Jiraiya, one of the three Shinobi?”

“Have you ever met Kakashi Kiki, the Kakarishi Kami-ninja who has the title of Kakashi with the Sharingan Eye?”

Jiu Xuna suddenly thought.

Even without the care of three generations of Hokage.

As Watergate’s teacher – Jiraiya never came to take care of Naruto…

As a disciple of Watergate – Kakashi doesn’t seem to have seen this guy before…

Watergate also suddenly thought that even if the three generations of Hokage did not take care of Naruto, then what about Jiraiya-sensei.

Naruto heard this,

He knows.

On the orders of the three generations of Hokage,

No one can touch him, the nine-tailed human pillar force,

Once contacted, it will be regarded as having a different intention for the Nine-Tailed Pillar Force.

Moreover, when his parents entrusted Naruto, who had just been born, to the third generation.

Only three generations of Hokage were present, as well as his most loyal cronies.

No one knew of Naruto’s existence.

No one knows that the first four generations of couples left a son…

One reason is because the three generations of Hokage gave the order to ban Naruto on the spot.

One reason is because the fact that Zhu Li Yukina is pregnant as a nine-tailed person is a top secret.

No villager knew that the wife of the fourth Hokage was pregnant.


Jiraiya, who had been traveling in the ninja world at that time,

Of course I don’t know.

And Kakashi’s side.

Although he has the title of Sharingan Kakashi, Copy Ninja and other titles that resounded in the ninja world.

But to put it bluntly, the current Kakashi is just a Konoha Shinobi, no capital, no strength and the Konoha high-level led by the three generations of Hokage, where is he qualified to contact Naruto’s existence…

let alone

He also has a chakra eye.

The three generations of Hokage Ape Hibiki and Shimura Danzo could never rest assured that they had Sharingan by Naruto’s side.

The reason why Kakashi is now Naruto’s teacher.

But because Naruto grew up.

It is possible to better control the seal of the Nine Tails in the body.

Plus Naruto has been “brainwashed” by six years of ninja school.

Just in case, Kakashi, who has Sharingan and good strength, is needed to watch from the sidelines.


Kakashi is also not qualified to touch Naruto, the nine-tailed pillar force.

“Mom, I haven’t met Jiraiya of Sanshin, but Kakashi is now my lead teacher.”

Naruto replied to Kyuyukina.

Jiu Xingna suddenly heard this.

It immediately caught fire.

“What! Haven’t you seen that bastard Jiraiya until now!? Jiu Xuna raised an eyebrow.

“Jiraiya, that bastard teacher, doesn’t even care about his disciple Shuimen’s son!?”

“What the hell is that guy doing!?”

Jiu Xingna scolded.

Showing the appearance of blood red peppers.

On the side, Watergate couldn’t help but feel a little helpless when he looked at Jiu Xingnai’s appearance…

Although I don’t know why Naruto hasn’t met Jiraiya-sensei.

But he thought, there must be something going on with Jiraiya-sensei.

Otherwise, it wouldn’t have been the case.

Naruto watched his mother get angry about his experience,

He was touched inside.

In this world, only parents will be unconditionally good to you.

However, Naruto didn’t want to make his mother angry like this, and he hurriedly explained the origin to Kuyukina.

Tell Jiu Yukina.

Sanshin’s Jiraiya never knew of his existence.


It won’t be like this.

Hear it here.

Jiu Yuki Naireng, she didn’t expect that Jiraiya didn’t know about Naruto’s existence at all.

Doesn’t that mean…

Three generations of Hokage apes flying to the sun and chop that old thing,

The teacher who deliberately hid the truth from Naruto from Watergate…

Thinking of this, Jiu Xina was even more angry and angry at the behavior of the three generations of Hokage Ape Flying Sun.

“Mom, it’s okay, it’s all gone’.” Naruto looked at the emotions of his mother Kuyukina.

I couldn’t help but hug my mother again.


Kuyukina hugged Naruto.

I really don’t know how Naruto got over all these years…

“Mom, I’m doing well now, with Kakashi-sensei and friends I know.”

“In the village, I am not alone…”

Naruto smiled and introduced his life to Kukina over the years.

Introducing Kakashi-sensei, introducing Hinata, Shikamaru, Dingji, Ino, Sasuke and other friends…

Kyuyuki listened intensely to Naruto’s introduction.

Eyes full of maternal love.

She heard Naruto make so many friends,

I couldn’t help but feel a little better.

Looking at the warm smile on Naruto’s face,

It was as if she had met the water gate when she was younger.

Watergate listened to Naruto introduce his friends,

He couldn’t help but laugh on his face.

Good mood.

Wait until Naruto finishes his introduction.

Watergate looked at Naruto,

Apologies to Naruto:

“Naruto, I’m sorry, Dad didn’t want you to go through that.”

Jiu Yukina also followed Naruto: “Naruto, my mother has always hoped that you can grow up healthy. ”

“Neither Mom nor Dad wants you to go through that.”

“I’m sorry.”


Watergate and Jiu Xuna,

Now I can’t help but think about the choices I made when I was in the Nine-Tails Rebellion.

Let Naruto carry this heavy everything,

Is it right,

Still wrong.

They don’t know.

Therefore, they are extremely sorry for Naruto now.

Naruto looked at Mom and Dad apologizing to themselves,

He was silent.

To be honest, if the four generations of couples did not sacrifice themselves when the Nine Tails Rebellion occurred.

So what will the situation be now?

Naruto didn’t know.

Maybe it would be better?

He doesn’t know.


The important thing is now.

The important thing is tomorrow.

After a long silence, Naruto had a relieved smile on his face.

Shaking his head to Jiu Xingnai and Watergate, the two humane:

“It’s okay, Mom and Dad, you didn’t know it would become like this…”

Naruto said he understood.

He knows.

All this is the three generations of Hokage Ape Flying Sun, because they are obsessed with the interests of the Nine-Tailed Pillar Force.

If the ape flies to the sun, he will use the means of Hokage to forcefully suppress the rumors in the village.

If the ape flies into the sun, it fulfills its promise to four generations of couples.

Everything will be different now.

After all.

If he had the identity of the son of the fourth generation of Hokage, the support of the three generations of Hokage and the high-ranking officials of Konoha.

He will only do what he does now when he is full.

Naruto’s original identity,

In Konoha, it can be said that the top batch.

Isn’t it good for him to be a second ancestor directly…

Why do you still need to work so hard every day to cultivate? [ Read more novels for free on our website: ]

You still need to think so hard about what the plan is for.

It takes brains and effort.


It can only be said.

The third generation of Hokage Ape Flying Sun Chopper, for his benefit, personally pushed the current Naruto to the opposite side.

“Mom, Dad.”

“That’s why I want to overthrow the three generations of Hokage with my own hands!”

“Overthrow those Konoha high-ranking people in Shimura Danzo.”

“At the same time, we must also uproot, the line behind the three generations of Hokage, all the ninjas who are loyal to him.”


“I need your support.”

Naruto said with a solemn look…

This is the moment.

After knowing Naruto’s experience over the years.

Kyuyukina and Watergate were no longer surprised why Naruto had such thoughts.

The two of them for the peace of Konoha,

gave his life.


In return, they let their sons grow up in hell.

Jiu Xingnai and Watergate were also very angry.

Jiu Xingna said immediately.

“Mom supports you!”

“What that old guy of the third generation is doing is not authentic, then he should not be a Hokage anymore!”

Without reservation or hesitation, Kuyukina unconditionally supported Naruto’s idea.

Seeing this, Watergate’s expression was a little helpless.

He also wanted to be angry for Naruto, but the matter of overthrowing the three generations of Hokage required a lot of careful thinking…

Judging by Naruto’s current strength,

No matter how much he inherits the talent of himself and Jiu Xunai,

It is also impossible to defeat the three generations of Hokage at this age…

It must be known that the three generations of Hokage are known as Ninja, Dr. Ninja, and the strongest Hokage in all generations.

As a water gate that has ascended the position of the Hokage,

Clearer than anyone,

The third generation of Hokage is not a simple old man on the surface!

The strength of the shadow level is not something that can be defeated casually.

Let alone.

As the Hokage who dominates Konoha Village,

The three generations of subordinates control a group of Konoha elite dark parts, Konoha elite upper Shinobi, and a large number of Naka Shinobi…

And in addition to the power of the three generations of Hokage himself.

Naruto’s words to deal with,

It’s not just Hokage.

And the roots of Shimura Danzo,

There are also Konoha advisors and other high-ranking Konoha officials.

Not to mention the strength of each of them,

However, the power under it must be impossible to compete with the power of one person alone.

Naruto wanted to use his own power to overthrow the three generations of Hokage and Shimura Danzo and other Konoha high-ranking people.

Then Naruto must have,

The original Naruto god who founded Konoha, the mighty power of the Senjuku Pillar!

Otherwise, it would never be possible to do this with the power of one person!

At this time, Watergate explained everything he thought of to Naruto as much as possible, in case he didn’t understand.

Even if it is to overthrow the three generations of Hokage.

You should also think a lot.

And not a reckless shot.

In that case.

It will only make Naruto’s situation in the village worse…

At this time, Jiu Yukina heard the analysis that Watergate gave Naruto, and she only then slowed down to realize this matter,

For Naruto,

How dangerous it really is.

As a mother,

The last thing she wanted was for her son to be hurt.

“Naruto, let’s think about it first.” Jiu Yukina’s tone was soft, trying not to touch Naruto.


The reaction of the two people, Watergate and Jiu Xuna.

It immediately made the Nine Lamas next to him feel amused.


“You two guys, it’s too underestimated Naruto!”

The Nine Lamas laughed at the two of Shuimen and Jiu Xingnai, and almost rolled on the ground and laughed.

In the opinion of the Nine Lamas.

The worry that Watergate voiced was for Naruto,

That’s not a problem at all.

Let alone.

Naruto had foreseen these problems long ago.

In response to these problems,

The layout of their actions began long ago.

Now as they speak, the doppelganger of the Nine Lamas has not stopped to infiltrate the work.

The Nine Lamas suddenly laughed,

Let the two people of Watergate and Jiu Xingna scratch their heads.

Why did the Nine Lamas suddenly laugh at them?

“Nine Lamas, what are you laughing at!?” Jiu Xingnai felt a little embarrassed, and said to the Nine Lamas.

The Nine Lamas smiled and shook their heads at Jiu Xingnai.

Didn’t continue talking.

Such a thing, let Naruto say it himself.

At this time, Naruto could also understand that Kuyukina and Watergate were worried about themselves.

They’re not trying to stop themselves.

It’s about worrying.

The only people in the world who will have unconditionally good and unconditional support for you are your parents.


“Mom, Dad, I know all this.”

“But ah…”

“I want you to see something.”

Naruto smiled at both Jiu Yukina and Watergate.

Hearing this, the two people of Jiu Yukina and Watergate looked at each other, and felt that Naruto’s words were a little strange.

Still, they nodded.

Gesture to let Naruto continue.

Looked at.

Next moment!

Naruto did not hesitate in the slightest!

Hands clasped together!

I saw a “pop”.

On both sides of Naruto’s eyes, eyeshadow in immortal mode suddenly appeared.

A large number of fairy chakras erupted from Naruto’s body, and its momentum was so strong that it set off a strong wind.

Whizzing in all directions.

A layer of water on the ground around it,

(Good Lee’s) is even more centered on Naruto,

Huge ripples keep blowing.

At this moment, Jiu Xingnai and Watergate never expected it.

Naruto’s Chakra, no, no, Naruto actually mastered the fairy art Chakra of the immortal mode!

Jiu Xingna and Watergate,

I have seen the immortal pattern on Jiraiya’s body.

Similarly, Watergate has also been cultivated.

But before he finished cultivating,

There was the Nine-Tails Rebellion.


Watergate is still very familiar with the immortal model.

It’s incredibly clear.

Naruto at this moment is the most perfect immortal mode posture!

Feel the powerful aura that rushes from Naruto’s body.

“Naruto…!” Watergate couldn’t help but widen his eyes and look at Naruto now with a shocked expression.

Kyuyukina also stared at Naruto with a look of surprise.

Didn’t think of it.

Naruto at this age,

Just master such a powerful immortal mode!


Naruto saw the surprise on his parents’ faces,

He can finally have someone to share his joy.

Naruto smiled and said to the two people, “Mom and Dad, that’s not all. ”

The next moment.

Under the shocked gazes of Watergate and Jiu Xuna.

In Naruto’s hand, a mass of high-speed irregular rotation of fairy chakra gathered!

“Spiral pill!”

The two people, Watergate and Jiu Xuna, recognized the appearance of Spiral Pill at a glance.

But then, before they could be shocked, how Naruto mastered the spiral pill.

The spiral pill in Naruto’s hand actually began to undergo extreme nature changes and extreme form changes.

The two forces fuse together,

Finally formed – Senfa Wind Spiral Shuriken!

In an instant!

“Buzz!! Whereas! ”

The extremely sharp boom of the spiral shuriken,

And an unrivalled dazzling light,

Instantly swept the entire sealing space!

Thanks to 1854, Hong big guy for the urging!

Thanks to Hong, 2393, 1324 for the monthly tickets!.

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