
Watergate watched his wife Jiu Xingna show long-lost strength.

A faint smile could not help but appear at the corner of his mouth.

At that time, the Nine Tails Rebellion, when he was dying, he never thought that he would have such a day~.

This day to be able to see his wife in person and teach their son Naruto-…

Watergate felt very good at this time.

And Naruto right next to Kuyuki-Nai.

He was serious, careful, and did not miss any detail of his mother’s sealing technique, and read it all.

And then.

[You carefully observed the process of Uzumaki Jiu Yukina casting the sealing technique! ] 】

[You have an epiphany! ] 】

[You learned the One Elephant Seal, the Two Elephant Seal, the Evil Law Seal, the Fire Law Seal, and the Four Elephant Seal…”

[You have mastered most of the sealing techniques of the Vortex Clan! ] 】

Naruto felt it in an instant,

A lot of knowledge and experience related to the sealing technique emerged in his own mind.

It was as if he was immersed in the way of sealing, and the ancestor of the vortex for hundreds of years could cast the seal at will.

It is no exaggeration to say.

This is the moment.

Naruto’s level of sealing,

It’s already even more powerful than Jiu Xuna who was teaching him just now!

“I learned, Mom.” Naruto looked at the retreating Kuyukina and smiled.

As soon as these words came out, Jiu Yukina was stunned, and the water gate watching from the side, Kakashi, and Sasuke also froze.


“What did you say, Naruto?”

Jiu Xingna said with a question mark on her face.

Naruto repeated again.

“Mom, I said, I’ve learned.”

Naruto’s words of confirmation,

Immediately let Jiu Yukina, as well as Watergate, Kakashi, Sasuke Sakura who were watching from the sidelines, they were stunned.

Naruto actually said that he had learned it!?

Wait a minute!

Isn’t this just the beginning?

Watergate looked confused, Jiu Xingna had just demonstrated all the sealing techniques.

Naruto he actually said that he had learned? How did he learn it, would he just read it once?

No, it can’t be…

Rao Watergate is proud and confident of Naruto’s great strength and talent.

He thought that the future Naruto would definitely be more powerful than the combined strength of the two of them combined.


Learn all the sealing techniques at a glance!

This level of talent!

Watergate is not mentally prepared!

Don’t talk about Watergate.

Kakashi, Sasuke, and Sakura didn’t expect it.

Naruto could actually learn such a complex sealing technique by reading it once?

What kind of evil is Naruto!

Kakashi couldn’t help but feel the huge gap between people.

This feeling is similar to how other people felt about him when he was promoted to Shangshin at the age of twelve.

And Sasuke was like a-eating expression.

Although he admitted that Naruto was stronger than him.

And he also wanted Naruto to help him become stronger.


Sasuke never gave up the idea of wanting to compete with Naruto.

He firmly believes that as long as he can keep trying, he will one day be able to catch up with Naruto’s footsteps.

Even beyond Naruto.



You now let me see,

Naruto’s talent turned out to be like this,

Can he learn the incomparably complex sealing technique in his eyes at a glance?

This Nima,

Someone is hanging up!

I’m not playing!

Sakura was also shocked,

Naruto was far more powerful than any of them could have imagined.

At this moment, Jiu Yukina was of course the most shocked when she heard Naruto’s words.

Because, once she,

I don’t know how much suffering I have suffered from these now extremely skilled sealing techniques.

And now you tell me,

Naruto learned all her sealing techniques at a glance?

Although, though, if what Naruto said was true, she would certainly be very happy as Naruto’s mother.


Jiu Xingna still couldn’t believe it,

There was even a hint of frustration.

Why do you work hard to cultivate something,

Naruto, this kid can learn it at a glance!

Most importantly,

This kid is still her son, as a mother, should she be angry with her own son…

It’s so angry, but I can’t say it!

Then, Jiu Yukina looked at Naruto with a look of disbelief: “Then you can demonstrate it son.” ”

The words fell.

Seeing this, Naruto was not surprised.

His reaction to his mother, and his father on the side, as well as Kakashi and Sasuke Sakura,

Be prepared.

After all.

In this ninja world,

Even if it is a ninja with a talent against the sky,

Even if it was the original Hokage Senjukuma who founded Konoha and held the title of Ninja God.

It was also impossible for him to learn all the Vortex Clan Sealing Techniques after a glance.

Because, for the talent of ninjas, no matter how strong they are, there is always an invisible limit.

And Naruto is different!

What he possesses is unsavvy!

Against the sky, against the sky, what is against the sky…

It is to break the limit, break the realm, break the dimension!

Naruto’s talent, Naruto’s power, is unimaginable and has no limits.

At this moment, Naruto looked at his own mother, who was a little gambling,

The corners of his mouth couldn’t help but raise a shallow smile.

Then without hesitation:

“Okay, Mom.”

Say it.

Naruto was directly in front of everyone,

Shi exhibited the exact same sealing technique as Jiu Yukina’s last moment!

No, not right!

It should be said.

It was even more perfect than the sealing book exhibited by Jiu Xingnaishi!

If you compare the sealing technique that Naruto cast with the sealing technique that Kuyukina just cast.

Watergate suddenly had an illusion.

He couldn’t help but wonder,

It was as if Kyu-yukina was asking Naruto for advice on sealing.

The level of sealing technique for two people.

Completely flipped!

Kakashi, Sasuke, and Sakura are the three of them.

He looked at it with a surprised face.

The sealing technique that Naruto learned to perform was undoubtedly the most standard and perfect sealing technique.

But ah…

And they thought again,

It was probably less than a minute ago.

Naruto, who doesn’t know how to seal at all,

At this moment,

The level of sealing techniques learned is even more powerful than the sealing master, Jiu Xunai!

This Nima…

Kakashi, Sasuke, Sakura, all three of them are directly stupid!


Kakashi thought more, he saw Naruto’s talent and Naruto’s power in front of him.

Thinking again, what Naruto was going to do next was to overthrow the three generations of Hokage and become Hokage’s business.

Kakashi suddenly felt.

This time,

He wasn’t worried about Naruto anymore.


Kakashi was a little worried about the three generations of Hokage.

Even if it is a three-generation Hokage, it has the strongest Hokage in history, has a ninja, and is known as a doctor of ninjutsu.


Definitely not Naruto’s opponent either.

Kakashi couldn’t help but sigh a little at this time.

If at that time, the three generations of Hokage were not tempted by the immediate benefits, let Naruto go through that.

Instead, fulfill the promise made to the four generations of Hokage to take care of Naruto.

So now Konoha,

Maybe it will not get better.


Kakashi knew too.

Three generations of Hokage who have personally created all kinds of darkness in the past,

There is no hypothetical choice at all.

At the same time, Kakashi would not hesitate in the slightest.

Since he was on Naruto’s side.

Kakashi will be extremely determined!

And Kakashi at this time,

I also want to see what the expression on the faces of the three generations will look like when all the dust settles.

There is a dark side in everyone’s heart.

Kakashi was no exception.

He also wants the thrill of revenge!

This side.

Kuyukina looked dumbfounded as she watched as Naruto cast all her sealing techniques.

She directly doubted life.


Is it the power that is so easy to learn?!

Why, when she learned these sealing techniques, why didn’t she look at it like Naruto? [ Read more novels for free on our website: ]

Did God forget to pack her something!

Jiu Xingna couldn’t help but be hit hard…

Although said.

It was her son Naruto who hit her.

At this time, Naruto looked at his mother Jiu Yukina, who was a little dazed, and couldn’t help but comfort warmly:

“Mom, don’t feel sorry for yourself.”

“Because other people feel the same way as you…”

Naruto was so heartwarming comfort.

Immediately let Kuyukina look up at Naruto.

With a look of resentment, he said:

“I thank you, son.”

Looked at.

Naruto couldn’t help but laugh.

On the side, Watergate, who was relieved from the shock, watched as Jiu Yukina was comforted by Naruto.

He also couldn’t help but laugh out loud.

As for Naruto’s amazing talent, after the shock, Watergate didn’t care too much.

After all.

Naruto is talented or not, or even if he has no talent.

Naruto, both their sons.

Jiu Xingna looked at her husband and saw that her son was laughing at her, and she couldn’t help but laugh a little.


Naruto mastered the sealing technique so quickly,

It didn’t even take her to teach anything.

It can’t be said that it was because she taught Naruto the art of sealing.

This made Jiu Xingna feel a little unfulfilled.

But Naruto didn’t stop.

The Vortex Clan’s sealing technique was a link that he had planned a long time ago.

Once he learns the sealing technique, he will be able to master the full number of Dao Breaking and Binding Dao, as well as his understanding of ninjutsu, the extreme change of Chakra’s nature, and various mastered experience and power.

Start pushing the real babel hoop!

And this moment!

Naruto did not hesitate.

The Tongtian Basket was originally the ultimate of the ability of the talisman, and there was no need to set up an altar or prepare in advance.

It’s like sprinkling beans.

A large number of talismans were released, even if they were masters of talismans, it would take several hours to finally complete.

Put it on ninjutsu, on the broken path and the bound path.

If deduction creates a real babel,

Naruto could completely abandon the ninjutsu seal system and the chanting system of the Oni Shinigami Oni Dao.

Thoroughly integrate ninjutsu and onido into your body,

To follow the movement of the mind,

It can instantly release almost infinite ninjutsu and ghost paths!

This moment!

Naruto sat cross-legged on the ground.

Ignoring the surrounding Jiu Xingna and Watergate’s reactions.

Close your eyes,

0 for flowers 0

Immerse yourself thoroughly in your own spiritual world.

And then.

Naruto began to deduce!

[Based on your understanding of the Tsutenjo, combined with your understanding of ninjutsu, your mastery of the extreme nature changes and extreme form changes of Chakra, combined with your complete mastery of breaking the path and binding the way, you have an epiphany! ] 】

[You created the Babel Hoop! ] 】


[As long as the energy is sufficient, you can now unleash almost unlimited instantaneous ninjutsu and ghost paths! ] 】


The moment the babel is completed,

Naruto’s body burst out with an extremely strong huge chakra.

Like a howling wind, it forced Jiu Yukina, who was standing next to Naruto, to retreat and make way for herself.


Watergate and Kuyukina and Kakashi met them.

Naruto’s body except for the sudden burst of a large number of chakras.

It also burst out countless mysterious clouds, as if flowing clouds from ancient mysterious runes and Dao.

Countless materialized runes, Dao, words and spirits,

At the moment, it all revolves around Naruto,


Naruto is the master of the Dao,

God of the runes,

The god of speech!


Watergate and Kyuyukina and Kakashi Sasuke and they couldn’t understand what Naruto was cultivating at all.

In terms of their power,

The power of Naruto’s cultivation,

It is clear that it is far beyond what they can understand.

“Naruto…” Jiu Yukina was a little worried, as a mother’s instinct, she only wanted Naruto to be safe.

Watergate couldn’t help but hold Jiu Xunna’s hands.

Heavy Road:

“Trust Naruto, Kyu Yukina.”

Jiu Xuna listened to her husband’s words.

The inner worry seems to have some strength to support.

Kakashi, Sasuke Sakura, and the three of them, did not speak at this time, staring at Naruto tightly.

Because they know.

The only thing they can help Naruto now is,

Don’t make any movement to disturb Naruto.

The power that Naruto mastered,

This is no longer a point where they can easily intervene.

Immediately afterwards, when all the runes, Dao, and words and spirits gradually expanded and expanded to a certain range.

Next moment!


All runes, Dao, and speech.

All of them swarmed into Naruto’s body in one go!

At the same time Naruto burst out Chakra,

It also instantly calmed down.

It’s like.

The shocking scene just now,

It had never happened in front of Watergate, Kyushi, Kakashi, Sasuke, and them.

Watergate and Kuyukina, as well as Kakashi, they looked at each other.

Look at Naruto again.

A moment later.

Naruto sitting cross-legged on the ground,

Suddenly opened his eyes!

I saw that in his pair of sky-blue blue eyes, a brilliant light full of Dao rhyme flashed.

The rhyme flashed.

Not disappearing.

Instead, it was contained in Naruto’s body.


As long as Naruto’s mind moves,

Endless rhymes can burst out instantly!

“One of the eight miracles, the Heavenly Hoop, has finally been completed…”

Naruto slowly said in his heart at this moment, quite a sense of emotion.

After sighing, he didn’t think much about it, stood up, and then looked at his parents on the side.

Naruto saw Watergate and Kuyukina, as well as Kakashi with shocked expressions on their faces.

He felt he might need to explain.


Naruto smiled and explained to them, “Just now it was the power that I had been practicing for a long time, and with the sealing technique that you just taught me, my mother finally made up for the last piece of the puzzle and allowed me to complete that power. ”


Everyone heard Naruto’s explanation.

They also understood.

This was indeed a power of Naruto’s cultivation.

However, the way Naruto’s cultivation power manifested itself in the outside world was somewhat too amazing.

Koyukina heard that her sealing technique could help Naruto.

She was happy.

Watergate couldn’t help but be a little curious, and asked Naruto:

“Naruto, can you tell me what kind of power you just cultivated?”

Seeing this, Kakashi, Sasuke, Sakura, and of course Kuyukina couldn’t help but be curious.

Naruto heard.

When I saw everyone, they all had curious expressions on their faces.

He also had no hidden thoughts.


“Yes, Dad.”

“It just so happens that I also want to try it and experience how powerful this power is.”

Seeing Naruto agreed.

Watergate and Kyuyukina and Kakashi couldn’t help but look forward to it.

With Naruto’s amazing talent for learning all sealing techniques at a glance, he created power.

What exactly will it look like.

How powerful it will be.


Kakashi and Sasuke they thought again,

Naruto’s golden gesture before.


Will it be more powerful than that gesture…

At this moment, Kakashi, Sasuke, and Sakura, the three of them, couldn’t help but look forward to this.

Followed by.

Naruto was ready to cast the Babel Basket.

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