
This was exactly Sasuke’s ploy to lure the enemy deeper.

At the moment of being attacked by the big snake pill, Sasuke had made a plan for this explosive pill in his mind.

After the big snake pill move.

Sasuke fish lying on the ground jumped up,

The figure flies high into the air.

At the same time, he turned towards the big snake pill, took out several wind demon shurikens, and threw it at the big snake pill at great speed.


The wind demon shuriken instantly crossed the body of the big snake pill.

The purpose is not to hit the big snake pill.

Instead, control the big snake pill!

At this moment, the big snake pill immediately sensed several steel wires carried on the wind demon shuriken!

“This is the third sword of the Sharingan Windmill!” The big snake pill looked left and right, and was surprised in his heart.

Then, under Sasuke’s control, the steel wire of the wind demon’s shuriken trapped Orochimaru.

And trapped the big snake pill on the tree trunk and could not move.


The big snake pill is like an animal caught by a trap.

Still at Sasuke’s disposal.

Orochimaru saw Sasuke on the other side,

He looked surprised.

At this time, Sasuke did not have the slightest hesitation, immediately quickly sealed the seal, and took a deep breath.

Fire Escape !!

Dragon Fire Art !!

Sasuke said secretly in his heart.

In an instant, a long fire dragon was released from his mouth and went towards the big snake pill from the steel wire.

“Boom !!”

The terrifying dragon fire rushed out in an instant.

The condensed flames hit the body of the big snake pill without mercy.

The scorching high temperature immediately burned the big snake pill with a scream, and even penetrated the tree trunk behind him.

Even the steel wire on the body of the big snake pill,

It was also melted by this fiery flame.

A moment passed.

The dragon fire gradually dissipated.


Sasuke stood in place and watched quietly.

Sakura and Naruto on the side were also watching.

Then, the large snake pill whose face was melted easily broke free from the control of the melted steel wire.

He had felt Sasuke’s series of operations just now.

He had to say.

The guys of the Uchiha clan do all have their own talents.

You know, for ordinary ninjas, it is impossible to do this in the next ninja stage.


Orochimaru spat out the snake letter.

Licked his tongue.

A fierce light suddenly appeared in his eyes.

The desire for Sasuke is getting stronger!

“Sasuke, I really want to get you…”

Orochimaru looked at Sasuke.

At the same time, the seal in the hand was completed, and the neck suddenly extended wildly, becoming like a real long snake.

Travel at extreme speed in the air,

Attack Sasuke.

Seeing this, Sasuke didn’t understand what this guy was talking about when he wanted to get his own words.

But he didn’t want to get caught up with this guy.

At this moment, looking at the strange head that was speeding forward, Sasuke immediately broke out Chakra.

Dodged the idea of Orochimaru wanting to plant a spell mark on him.

The big snake pill saw that the blow could not be achieved,

Surprise flashed in his eyes.

I didn’t expect Sasuke to react so quickly.

But he didn’t stop.

The neck of the big snake pill continued to look like a long snake, shuttling between the tree trunks at great speed.

Track Sasuke’s body.

Sasuke jumped back and forth between tree trunks, dodging Orochimaru’s pursuit.

He thought this guy must be crazy.

At this time, Sakura on the side was a little worried when he saw this, and Naruto looked at Orochimaru’s behavior and knew.

Orochimaru this guy definitely wants to plant a spell mark for Sasuke.

But since it has come to this point.

There was no point in continuing to let Sasuke fight.

Although they can defeat the Great Snake Pill right here.

But obviously.

In this place where there is no audience and no stage, defeat the big snake pill.

Not meeting their needs.

Therefore, Naruto looked at Sasuke, who calmly dodged, and said, “Sasuke, stop playing, solve it.” ”

As soon as the words came out.

Sasuke understood when he heard this.

He stopped dodging and stayed on a huge tree trunk, waiting for Orochimaru.

And Orochimaru, hearing what Naruto said to Sasuke.

Did this mean that Sasuke had actually been hiding his strength?


Orochimaru said secretly in his heart.

Can’t help but want to dig out Sasuke’s hidden strength.


Orochimaru looked at Sasuke who was no longer dodging in front of him,

He decided to plant a spell mark on Sasuke first!

“Shhhhh Orochimaru opened the viper’s fangs, intending to bite Sasuke.


Right in this instant!

The chakra eyes in Sasuke’s eyes turned extremely quickly,

An extremely terrifying thunderbolt erupted from his hand!


The high-intensity electricity was like a thousand birds chirping in Sasuke’s hands.


Sasuke calmly said, dodging Orochimaru’s attack while retaliating.

Chidori instantly cut off the head of the big snake pill!


The severed head of the big snake pill fell to the ground and rolled out, leaving a long trail of blood.

See Sakura here!

I can’t help but be shocked by this!

It’s not that the scene is too bloody.

It’s that Sasuke’s strength is too surprising now.

Sasuke, who had just been in the inferior position, instantly solved the enemy after showing his true strength.

Naruto had no surprises.

This is not all of Sasuke’s strength.

And the big snake pill was not solved either.

After all, if the Great Snake Pill could be solved so easily, would he still be qualified to be called Konoha Sanshinu.

A moment later.

The big snake pill has been staying in place’s body,

It’s like a poisonous snake molting.

Conjure a brand new body that has not suffered any damage.

At the last moment when his head was cut off,

Orochimaru exhibited his unique stand-in technique.

Avoided a fatal attack.

Sakura couldn’t help but be surprised when she saw Orochimaru wrapped in slime.

This enemy is so disgusting…

Sakura said to herself.

The expression was a little lifted.

Sasuke was not surprised to see this.

Surprisingly, he had seen too much in Naruto.

A slightly more special stand-in.

Not surprising yet.

Of course, Naruto was even more unsurprised.

At this time, Orochimaru, who appeared in his real body, looked at Sasuke with a grim expression, and then looked at Naruto.

He never imagined,

Sasuke and his teammates were stronger than he expected.

Suppose you want to be unnoticed,

Planting a spell mark on Sasuke,

Now it seems impossible…

“Chidori …”

Orochimaru recalled the memories of the last moment.

I can’t help but marvel at Sasuke’s Chidori.

Kakashi that guy taught this level of ninjutsu to this group of imps so early.

Given the current situation.

Orochimaru decided to improvise on the spot.

Since you can’t plant the spell mark quietly, why not just kidnap little Sasuke first.

Anyway, that guy from Konoha even knew that he was coming.

But it is also absolutely impossible to cancel the Naka Shinobi selection exam.

His plan also went smoothly.

“Shhh…” Orochimaru spat out the snake letter, and a smile suddenly rose at the corner of his mouth, saying:


He slammed one hand on the ground.

The lines of psychic arts instantly spread across the trunk of the tree.

Then a huge white smoke exploded!

Beside the big snake pill, a large snake the size of a dragon suddenly appeared.

The eyes of the big snake were even bigger than the size of Sasuke and his people.

The size of their bodies is comparable to these already huge trees around them.

Seeing this, Sakura couldn’t help but exclaim: “Psychic beast, what a big snake!” ”

Sasuke was also surprised to see this.

However, he was shocked by the size of the big snake.

Naruto’s face was calm and unchanged.

Then, Orochimaru drove the psychic snake to launch a rapid attack towards Sasuke’s side.


The big snake instantly accelerated to form an afterimage.

Although the size is huge.

The speed is still quite frightening.

In an instant, a huge snake head descended on Sasuke’s head, and then directly opened its big mouth.

Another “boom”!

The psychic snake directly swallowed Sasuke’s whole person into his mouth!

Sakura couldn’t help but exclaim when she saw this: “Sasuke! ”

She thought Sasuke had been eaten by a large snake.

Seeing this, Orochimaru raised a smile at the corner of his mouth, intending to leave here with Sasuke.

If you drag it on, those guys from Konoha will come.

However. [ Read more novels for free on our website: ]

Naruto next to Sakura never changed color.

Because the next moment!

In the stomach of the psychic serpent, a sharp voice sounded: “Thousand birds sharp gun!” ”

With this sound,

A sharp thunder spear pierced out of the belly of the big snake.


This thunder spear slashed directly forward, and the sharp thunder suddenly broke through the belly of the big snake.

A figure jumped out of it.

This figure is no one else.

It was Sasuke Uchiha who had just been swallowed by the big snake.

At this moment, Orochimaru’s face was shocked, and he never expected that Sasuke would be able to kill the psychic snake in seconds.

To know.

The strength of this psychic serpent,

Definitely not inferiority,

It’s definitely not even something that Shangnin can easily handle…

And Sasuke, who is still Shinobi…

“Is this the genius of the Uchiha clan…” Orochimaru once again felt deeply in his heart.

At this time, Sasuke, who had escaped, stood on the trunk of the tree and looked in the direction of Orochimaru.

At this moment, he also deduced from the various signs in the battle that the enemy in front of him was the Great Snake Pill.

And not Orochimaru’s men.

Let’s not mention that this guy is far beyond the strength of others.

Let’s just say this big serpent of psychic.

Sasuke also knew about ninja psychic beasts.

The guy who channeled out the big snake is not the big snake pill, who else can be.

Of course, Sasuke also understood Naruto’s plan, and he did not expose Orochimaru’s disguised identity.

After all.

Their plan also requires the Great Snake Pill to act.

So Sasuke just said:

“Do you want to continue?”

“Someone is coming in a minute.”


Orochimaru heard this.

The pupils couldn’t help but shrink.

He didn’t know what Sasuke meant by saying that to him.

See through his disguise…

Orochimaru believed that Sasuke’s wisdom must have seen through this.

However, Sasuke certainly didn’t know his true identity.

But I don’t know how, the big snake pill suddenly had an inexplicable feeling in his heart.

He felt that Sasuke seemed to know what he was going to do next.

Of course, Orochimaru also knows.

Sasuke had absolutely no conditions and no reason to know his actions.

But in the heart of the big snake pill, there was still a trace of uneasiness about the next development.


Orochimaru sensed the situation around him.

Noticing that several Konoha ninjas were already rushing over.

So the big snake pill could only suppress the thoughts in his heart.

One last glance at Naruto, then at Sasuke, spit out snake letters, and Senran said:

“We’ll meet again.”


The words fell.

The big snake pill directly and slowly integrated into the ground.

Sasuke, Naruto, and Sakura, the three of them, saw Orochimaru leave without blocking the action.


Sasuke sensed that Orochimaru had left completely.

He returned to Naruto and Sakura’s side.

“Is he that the guy?” Sasuke looked at Naruto without pointing it out directly.

Although he was sure that Orochimaru left.

But just in case.

Sasuke didn’t say it directly.

Naruto nodded to Sasuke.

It was not surprising that Sasuke could speculate.

Sakura saw Sasuke and Naruto talking in hiding, and suddenly connected in her mind.

“Is that guy!?”

Sakura realized later.

The great serpent of the psychic,

A trial that completely exceeds the level of Shinobi.

Isn’t this the big snake pill that they planned to be one of Konoha’s three Shinobi!

Naruto also nodded to Sakura.

“But don’t worry about that person now.”

“We have the Book of Heaven and the Book of Earth, let’s go directly to the central tower now.”


Sasuke and Sakura thought for a moment and nodded.


The seventh shift continued on the road,

Rush to the tower.

Not long after they left, several proctors from Konoha rushed to the place where the battle had just been.

They analyze the traces of the battle at the scene.

A terrible conclusion was quickly drawn.

There are guys who don’t belong to this exam,

Got involved.

And the identity of that person is in Konoha,

Now it can be considered a taboo existence…

The invigilator could not decide on his own, so he could only leave the Forest of Death first and report to the chief examiner Hongdou.


The episode of Orochimaru ends.

Naruto and their seventh class arrived at the tower smoothly.

Passed the Forest of Death exam.

Then, in a few days, people gathered the scrolls one after another, and arrived at the tower one after another to pass the exam.

Among them naturally include Hinata them, as well as Shikamaru them, Ninji them.

Finally, until the end of the exam in the Forest of Death.

There are a total of 21 candidates in seven groups,

Passed the exam of the Forest of Death.

But unfortunately.

Inside the tower.

The three generations of Hokage Ape Flying Sun Slash announced to all the examiners.

The third exam is to determine whether you have the qualification to be promoted to Naka Shinobi.

It is also an examination to highlight the strength of each country.

So there will be a lot of big names in attendance.

Don’t let the exam take too long.

Therefore, the current number of examinees must be reduced.

Now there are 21 people, but ten people must be selected from among them (Qian Lihao).

Therefore, Konoha urgently decided to open a qualifying tournament for the Chūnin Exam in the tower.

Only the winner,

to enter the final level.

At this time, the pocket, who is a spy, voluntarily withdrew.

That leaves exactly 20 people left.

20 people can form a ten-match test, and the winner advances to the next level.

At the moment, the last 20 people remained, and it was clear that no one wanted to be eliminated in the penultimate level.


The battle table for the qualifiers is out.

Sasuke Uchiha vs Bronze Armor.

In this battle, now Uchiha Sasuke won easily.

The next moment, Shino the oil girl vs Sark, and it was also the oil woman Shino who won the battle.

Then came Sakura Haruno vs Tenten.

As a result, the two men fought a draw, and the victory was not scored.

Both lost their qualification to win.

Then Hinata Ninji vs Hinata Hinata.

This battle, Hinata, under the influence of Naruto, is no longer as shy as in the original book.

Showed his strength.

Everyone was shocked by Hinata, who is usually easily shy.

In the end, with a slight advantage,

Defeated Hinata Ninji.

Many people were shocked.

Then there’s I Love Rowe vs Lee Locke.

Li Luo, although he also surprised those present, did not expect that his physical skills were also so powerful.

But I love Luo after all, I love Luo.

In the end, it was I who Iroh won.

Then there is Nara Shikamaru vs Kim.

With Shikamaru’s ingenuity, he defeated Jin after some calculation.

And by this time, it was finally Naruto’s turn.

Naruto’s opponent happened to be Kankuro Jie, who had previously had friction with the seventh class in Konoha Village.

As for the outcome of the battle.

Even if Kankuro’s strength as a puppeteer is good.

Unfortunately, he met Naruto.

Naruto directly hangs Kankuro to win.

Just when Naruto and they were doing the qualifiers.

Jiraiya and Tsunade, who Naruto had gone to find separately, returned to Konoha almost secretly.

Thanks to 1511, Nitao, Alice, 1520 for the monthly pass!

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