
Hear Naruto’s words again.

Jiraiya and Tsunade didn’t know how to feel.

When Naruto was still a little ghost, he was actually able to become friends and partners with the nine-tailed demon fox in his body, and he could borrow the power of the nine-tailed demon fox to let the nine-tailed help him.

Doesn’t that mean…

Naruto has completely harnessed the power of the strongest tailed beast!

Become the so-called perfect human pillar force!?

Thinking of this, and then thinking of the choice Naruto had just given them.

Now, it seems that the scales of victory have completely tilted to Naruto’s side.

Last moment,

Tsunade and Jiraiya still didn’t think that Naruto would be able to successfully overthrow the three generations of Hokage.

However, he knew that Naruto had a thousand Kami Shinobi and a thousand Naka Shinobi, as well as the help of the Nine Tails.

Plus Kakashi.

Naruto couldn’t get it right,

It is also really possible to overthrow three generations of Hokage and become Hokage.

Of course, Tsunade and Jiraiya also knew that the main thing was probably the army of 2,000 people.

They hadn’t been in Konoha for a long time.

But for the case of Konoha.

They still have a rough idea.

In the entire Konoha Village, I am afraid that there are at most seven or eight hundred upper Shinobi, and more than a thousand middle Shinobi.

And Naruto,

There is a force to compete with.

In addition, Naruto’s own shadow-level combat power.

Naruto and the three generations of Hokage were already sitting at the same table at the moment.

At this moment, Naruto looked at Jiraiya and Tsunade, who were still silent, and he turned and walked back to the training ground.

Turning his back to Jiraiya and Tsunade, he said.

“I’ll give you time to think about it.”

“Before today’s deadline.”

“Make your choice.”

“Remember one thing, with or without your support, I will eventually succeed in overthrowing the three generations of Hokage.”

“So think about it.”

Looked at.

Jiraiya and Tsunade looked at Naruto’s back,

Watching him walk back to the training ground,

Prepare to continue your cultivation.

They all saw the determination in the people of Ming “Four Three Three” that could not be questioned by anyone!

There was no doubt that they all believed the actions that Naruto said.

At that time, even without the support of the two Konoha Shinobi, he would definitely start to act.

Kakashi on the side,

Watch Naruto continue to return to cultivation.

He couldn’t help but look at the silent Jiraiya and Tsunade on the side:

“Jiraiya-senpai, Tsunade-senpai, I have to advise you to carefully consider this choice.”

“I can give you a reminder.”

“The reason why Naruto firmly believes that he can successfully overthrow the three generations of Hokage.”

“It’s not because he has a thousand upper Shinobi, a thousand Middle Shinobi.”

“Nor because he has my support.”

“It’s the simplest truth.”

“Naruto, with power that you and I can’t even imagine, even the original adults who were known as the ninja gods back then, can’t reach at all!”

“It is precisely because of this, Naruto will definitely overthrow the three generations of Hokage at that time and become Konoha’s new Hokage.”

“At the same time for Konoha, and at the same time for the ninja world, open a new chapter, a new era!”

“Now before you.”

“It may be the only chance to join…”

Kakashi said nicely.

A look of confidence.

There doesn’t seem to be any concern about what comes next.

As he said in his words, Naruto’s overthrow of the three generations of Hokage, the biggest confidence is not those upper Shinobi.

It’s himself, that unimaginable terrifying power!

This is the moment.

Jiraiya and Tsunade were just immersed in the choice Naruto gave.

At this time, Kakashi heard a solemn reminder to them.

Especially as mentioned in the words, Naruto’s true strength was even more terrifying than what they had just seen.

About this.

Jiraiya and Tsunade couldn’t imagine that point.

It is not the confidence brought by a thousand upper Shinobi and a thousand Middle Shinobi.

Instead, it was Naruto’s own terrifying strength that Kakashi had to be shocked.

Jiraiya and Tsunade were silent facing Kakashi.

Naruto gave them a day to think about it today.

They intend to think about it today.

After all.

To choose between his own teacher and Naruto,

For Jiraiya and Tsunade,

I really had to hesitate.

But right now.

Kakashi looked at Jiraiya and Tsunade and said something that shocked them even more.

“Oh yes.”

“I think the two seniors should want to meet my Watergate teacher and Jiu Xingna’s mother.”

Kakashi said this.

Jiraiya and Tsunade were stunned.

Wait a minute!?

What Kakashi meant by this!?


Can they still meet Watergate and Jiu Xuna?!

No, it can’t be!

The fact that Watergate and Jiu Xina died that year,

But it spread throughout the ninja world.

Konoha couldn’t have falsified in this regard.

At the same time, if Watergate and Jiu Xingna had not sacrificed back then.

How could Naruto suffer that kind of treatment for three generations.

Kakashi saw the reactions of Jiraiya and Tsunade and knew what was going on in their minds.

He then tells Watergate and Sister Kuyukina how they were “resurrected”.


Watergate and Jiu Xuna two people,

I just came here with lunch made for Naruto.

At this moment, the figures of Watergate and Jiu Xingna once again appeared in the eyes of Jiu Laiye.

It also appears in Tsunade’s eyes.

The appearance of the two of Wave Feng Shui Gate and Uzumaki Jiu Yukina,

Exactly the same as back then,

It doesn’t seem to have changed at all.

“Water, water gate…!?” Zi Laiye’s eyes suddenly widened the boss.

Tsunade looked at Kuyukina,

I can’t believe it.

Dead people,

Resurrection before your own eyes!

“Jiu Yukina…!”

At this time, Watergate and Kuyukina looked at Jiraiya and Tsunade.

He greeted them with a smile.

“Long time no see, Jiraiya-sensei.”

“Long time no see, Tsunade-senpai.”

Then, Jiraiya and Tsunade had to believe that Watergate and Kuyukina had come to life.

Of course they know it.

This is not a true resurrection.

It’s just the Chakra body left by Watergate and Jiu Xingnai back then.

Then with the help of Naruto and the magical power of the Nine Tails in his body,

Returned to the ninja world in a special way.


In this way, I was able to see Watergate and Jiu Xingna again.

For Jiraiya, for Tsunade, I can’t help but be a little excited, I can’t help but miss a little…

They then exchanged pleasantries.

Reminisce about the past.

Old memories,

It came like a tidal wave.

After some pleasantries, Jiraiya and Tsunade also knew.

Both Watergate and Kyuyukina are extremely supportive of Naruto’s efforts to overthrow the three generations of Hokage.

Especially they also know that the three generations have done more harm to Watergate and their family.

This kind of harm,

It is not casual to forgive.

Nor are they outsiders qualified to forgive.

At this time, Tsunade saw that Naruto still had the support of his parents, and she suddenly made a decision in her heart.

“Count me in!”

“I’ve long been upset with those rotten old men!”

“Just let Naruto make Konoha look new!”

Tsunade is slightly excited!

See here.

Jiraiya watched as Watergate and Kyu-yukina also supported Naruto.

The hesitation in his heart before,

Swept away!

“Yo West!”

“Just do it!!”

Jiraiya is not an old stubborn, if the Hokage who will lead Konoha in the future is Naruto.


Konoha can have a brighter future!

Watergate and Kuyukina, as well as Kakashi, they see Jiraiya and Tsunade also supporting them.

They couldn’t help but rejoice.

Although said.

Even without the support of Jiraiya and Tsunade,

They will also act firmly.

But at that time, if you have to go against Jiraiya and Tsunade.

That wasn’t the scene all of them wanted to see!


Naruto, who was cultivating on the training ground, sensed the choice made by Jiraiya and Tsunade.

Naruto couldn’t help but raise the corners of his mouth, now he had all the advantageous advantages.

He now has a thousand upper Shinobi and a thousand Zhong Shinobi under him.

Among the ninjas, there are also a considerable number of ninja ninjas, who have a certain status in the family.

In a way,

He also has the support of the ninja clan.

At the same time, he also controls the economic lifeblood of Konoha Village.

All kinds of businessmen, all kinds of big bosses, all kinds of landowners, basically under his control.

And Kakashi,

And Jiraiya and Tsunade.

These are famous Konoha big names.

And three generations of Hokage. [ Read more novels for free on our website: ]

He has a direct subordinate to the Dark Division, he has the Sarutobi clan, and many ninjas loyal to Konoha to support.

There are also Shimura Danzo roots, Mito Monita, and Koharu and their respective families to support.

There are also three generations of Hokage’s prestige that is unmatched in Konoha Village.

Countless Konoha villagers regard the three generations of Hokage as ninjas who are truly qualified to dominate Konoha.

But ah…

For Naruto.

Whether or not it is supported by the villagers of Konoha.

It doesn’t matter at all.

Because, in Naruto’s vision of the future Konoha, the future ninja world.

There had never been this group, and until now, they had been discriminating against his Konoha villagers.

Right now.

The time to wait is coming!

At that time.

He will overthrow three generations of Hokage and dominate the new Konoha!

After that, he will take Konoha as his foundation, encroach on the world step by step, and finally unify the ninja world!

The world is the same!

That’s Naruto’s goal now!

A month passed quickly.

In the blink of an eye.

The last exam of the Joint Chūnin Selection Exam,

It’s coming.

This month.

Naruto cultivated the power of the Exterminator.

Sasuke strengthened his time to enter the Immortal Mode state.

Kakashi also consolidated the Thunder Lightsaber and White Fang Sword Technique.

Sakura has Tsunade’s return and begins to learn medical ninjutsu and strange power jutsu with Tsunade.

In just one month.

The strength of the seventh class has increased sharply.

And in this month.

The daimyos of other countries, as well as many other great people, came to Konoha one after another.

In Konoha village at this time,

An extremely prosperous, lively scene: 0

Many Konoha villagers saw people from other countries coming to Konoha.

Their faces were full of pride, as if they had seen poor relatives come to their homes.

This day.

It was the day of the third and final exam.

In front of the huge exam venue.

It was full of Konoha villagers who came to watch, as well as people from other countries.

They are under the management of Konoha ninjas,

Enter the venue in an orderly manner.

Of course, there are also many Konoha ninjas who come to watch the game on this day.


Inside the exam venue.

Naruto them, those who took the exam,

Already standing on the circular examination ground.

The seats in the surrounding venues were filled one after another.

At the same time, the third generation of Hokage and the fourth generation of Wind Shadow also sat down.

The third generation of Hokage looked at the fourth generation of Wind Shadow and said politely: “The road is long, it is really hard for you.” ”


The fourth generation of wind shadow responded:

“Where there, it’s better to hold it here.”

“Even though you are young, if you want to travel far, I am afraid you will have to eat it.”

“It’s better to choose the fifth generation earlier.”

The four generations of wind shadows alluded to it in words.

Seeing this, the three generations of Hokage certainly heard the irony in the words of the fourth generation of wind shadows.

As a third-generation Hokage for so many years, he has long developed a good attitude of being indifferent.

The third generation of Hokage smiled:

“Hahaha, don’t always think of me as an old man.”

“I want to work for another five years.”

For another five years,

At that time, Asma’s strength and seniority will almost be able to take over his position as Hokage.

And at the same time, another five years,

Naruto can grow up completely.

Assists Asma as Hokage.


Thirty years in the future of the fifth Hokage,

It’s all from their ape flying family.

At this moment, when the fourth generation of wind shadow saw the plan of the third generation of Hokage, he had no expression on the surface.

But in my heart, I couldn’t help but sigh.


“It was this greed of yours that led to everything and led to the next development.”

The Great Snake Pill disguised as the fourth generation of wind shadows secretly said.

You know, he himself is now fifty years old.

And the three generations of Hokage Ape Flying Sun Slash, who was his teacher, were now about to turn seventy years old.

For a ninja,

As we age,

The strength will also gradually decrease.

The big snake pill was very skeptical, and the strength of the current teacher was probably less than half of his peak.

Plus the teacher’s greed for profit, for power.

Three generations of Hokage,

It has long been not a competent Hokage.


Orochimaru will make today’s Konoha collapse plan!

He wants Konoha to be in the ashes of destruction,


After some pleasantries.

Konoha, who was standing in the center of the field, was particularly tolerant – he didn’t know about the fire genma.

Seeing that the time has come,

Seeing that the three generations of Hokage and the fourth generation of Wind Shadow have been seated,

Seeing that the daimyos had also sat down.

Watch the audience fill up.

He then looked at everyone present and announced:

“Distinguished guests, thank you for gathering here to participate in the Chūnin Selection Exam jointly held by our Konoha and Sunahide villages.”

“The following is the official selection competition for the candidates who pass!”

I don’t know what Huo Genma said.

2.6 Official selection competition begins.

The first matchup was,

Konoha Shinobi Nara Shikamaru vs Sand Hidden Shinobu Temaru.

This showdown, as happened in the original book, Temari’s wind escape level is very good.

But Temari still didn’t beat Shikamaru’s scheme.

Shikamaru showed amazing wisdom,

Through strategy, he defeated Temari, who was ostensibly stronger than him.

The showdown also won cheers from the audience.

The second showdown will be played by the players,

Konoha Shinobi Hinata Hinata vs Konoha Shita Ninja Uzuka Ya.

They are members of the same squad and are most familiar with each other’s routines and strengths.

According to normal circumstances, Inuzuka and his ninja beast Akainu cooperate tacitly and have excellent strength.

But under Naruto’s influence, help.

Hinata’s strength,

Completely surpassed the original self at the same time.

In the end, Hinata Hinata with superb soft boxing,

Defeated Inuzuka Ya.

Victory was obtained.

This battle also allowed the audience to see the power of the Hyuga family.

Then, the third battle came.

And this battle is exactly Konoha Shinobi Uzumaki Naruto vs Sand Hidden Shinobi Ai Luo.

At this time, both Naruto and Iroh jumped to the examination room from the high platform where the examinees were waiting.

They stood on the field.

Face to face with each other.

In the middle stood the chief examiner, who did not know the fire.

The next showdown,

It’s the real highlight of today’s exam!

Orochimaru, disguised as the fourth generation of Kazekage, sees the planned Iroh come on the field to deal with Naruto.

On the one hand, he expects me to love Luo’s performance.

On the one hand, I also look forward to it,

That teammate Naruto who was with Sasuke,

What kind of strength does it have…

Of course, at this time, Orochimaru did not forget and secretly sent a signal to his subordinates in the venue.

Keep them ready at all times.

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