Konoha: I, Naruto, Will Kill All Of You Today

Chapter 41 Third Hokage Was Brought Into The Ditch

"What!? Master Hokage to guide?"


"Great! Everyone must practice hard!"

"I didn't expect to be able to be personally guided by Third Hokage, it's really great!"


A group of Xiaoqiang cheered happily.

And the Third Generation in front of the crystal ball.

At this moment, her expression was dull and confused!

As if being struck by lightning, sitting stupidly unable to move!

"What, what's going on!?"


"Let me guide? This, this has nothing to do with me!"

Third Generation has a big head!

I was still secretly happy just now.

This Naruto, there is no need to brainwash him with the will of fire, he can automatically work for himself.

I thought it was okay to hang on high.

Here sit and enjoy the harvest of Naruto.

But the result.

Rolling, rolling, rolling myself in again!

Let yourself be the guide?

How to guide yourself! ?

What the hell!

The techniques you use, even my Third Hokage can't!

Third Generation is heartbroken, really.

He also said that Naruto would not find trouble for him, but in the end, a big one came!

This is more difficult to deal with than the previous high standard street patrol!

Naruto's shuriken Technique standard is already here.

If he goes to guide, if it is lower than this standard, what is the prestige of his own Hokage?

How do other kids convince themselves?

And if you really want to bite the bullet... Are you kidding me, Naruto's shuriken technique, even if I bite the bullet, I can't do it!

too difficult!


go home.

Naruto meditated silently under the roof.

in the spiritual space.

Nine Tails squinted her eyes and complained silently.

"Naruto... why are you getting more and more black-bellied, kid?"

"You say that, you are deliberately forcing the Third Generation to embarrass itself!"

I have to say that Naruto's operations during the day really made Nine Tails look stupid.

You can roll it yourself.

Force your classmates to roll with you.

Actually got Third Hokage involved!

To know.

The ninja school is considered the lowest-level administrative unit in the village. The Third Generation has always been aloof, and it is impossible to come and show up in person.

But Naruto dug the hole for Third Generation with a few words!

Use a group of children to kidnap morally, forcing Third Generation not to come!

The key is.

If the Third Generation doesn't make any preparations, it will come directly.

Then there is only embarrassment!

This kind of operation of taking people into the gutter, and the ditch is still very deep, is too damaging!

Anyway, Nine Tails couldn't think of such a routine.

"Didn't I tell you not to eavesdrop casually?"

Naruto rolled his eyes.

"In the past, I didn't even care about what you did, but recently I feel that you have become more and more black-bellied. Sometimes I even wonder who is not to be seduced by whom..."

Nine Tails sighed silently.

In the past, Third Generation desperately brainwashed Naruto in his ears, telling him not to be bewitched by Nine Tails.

What the hell, it's fine now.

I didn't deceive anyone.

On the contrary, it was Naruto who bewitched the two of them!

"Third Generation had a very easy life, so it is necessary to increase the difficulty of work for him. It is also good for me to roll him up."

Naruto sat calmly in front of the cage, and then started playing chess.

"Then what if the Third Generation suspects you? The shuriken Technique you used today was under his surveillance the whole time. How do you explain it?" Nine Tails asked as he moved the chess piece.

"Don't worry, I've already prepared the answer."

"And after I told him, Third Generation not only couldn't find a reason to refuse, but also had to find a way to get more involved and jump into a deeper pit, do you believe it?"

"I'll sit here and wait for your operation..."

Not long.

Halfway through the Naruto and Nine Tails board.

Sure enough, the Third Generation came to the door.

And Naruto also exited the spiritual space immediately, and Nine Tails watched the show openly.

He wanted to see how Naruto brought Third Generation to a deeper pit.

"Grandpa Hokage! You are here!"

Seeing the exhaustion on Third Generation's face, Naruto suppressed a smile.

He knew that Third Generation must be in a state of anxiety.

Now I want to come over and persuade myself not to be so active in advocating him in front of my classmates.


Not long after entering the room and sitting down, Third Generation clarified its purpose.

"Naruto, I heard that you performed a very powerful shuriken technique in the ninja school today. Is this true?"

"Huh? Even Grandpa Hokage knows about this?"

Naruto feigned surprise.

Third Generation forcibly pretended to be very calm: "Well, Iruka comes to report to me every day. After all, Grandpa Third Generation is very concerned about your growth. By the way, Naruto, there is something I have always wanted to ask you. Where did you learn the art from?"

The previous multiple Shadow Clone Technique and Leaf Great Whirlwind, Third Generation still think that Naruto stole it from somewhere, or Nine Tails taught him.

But today's Shuriken Technique.

Good guy, Third Generation firmly believes that Naruto is probably guided by an expert behind him!

Otherwise, this kind of ultra-high-tech technique can never be learned just by teaching spells!

"You mean these ninjutsu?"

Naruto's eyes sparkle.

"This is actually taught by you, Grandpa Third Generation!"

Hear this answer.

Third Generation looked confused.

Teach him yourself?

To be honest, Third Generation thought about many possibilities before getting Naruto's answer.

Jiraiya, Nine Tails, Kakashi...

But never thought it would be the answer!

And, isn't that the hell?

When did I teach him ninjutsu?

Are you bullying me with dementia?

"Naruto, what do you mean? Grandpa Hokage didn't understand, I don't remember teaching you any ninjutsu..." Third Generation asked in surprise.

Naruto looked at the old face of Third Generation with a sincere face, and said very seriously: "It can't be said to be taught directly, but I learned it based on Grandpa Hokage's ninjutsu."


The puzzled expression on Third Generation's face became even more intense!

Naruto explained unhurriedly: "When I was in the village before, I heard rumors from everyone that the Third Hokage is the strongest Hokage, and the Shuriken Technique can be used superbly, and can throw 18 shurikens at a time. Enemies in all directions, even coming out of the ground, will be killed with one blow."

"I learned the Shuriken Technique based on these rumors."

"But I'm not talented."

"If you die, you can only throw 12 shurikens."

"There is still a big gap between the 18 shurikens of Grandpa Third Generation."

Naruto's words were sincere, and there was a trace of admiration for Third Hokage in his sincere tone.

It sounds exactly like the real thing!

And at this time the Third Generation.

The whole person has been completely, completely confused...

what's the situation! ?

Did he practice ninjutsu by listening to people tell stories?

There is such a thing! ?

It's outrageous!

And most importantly, who told this story TM!

What bullshit Third Hokage is the strongest Hokage, isn't this used to brag and brainwash students in schools?

Another time, you can throw 18 shurikens and shoot enemies in all directions.

Pure fart!


It is simply nonsense!


Although Third Generation had a smile on his face at this time.

But in my heart, a hundred thousand grass mud horses galloped by!

If the person who made up the story was standing in front of him now, he would have passed away with a slap!

Tell you to make up!

Now I can't get off the stage!

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