Konoha: I, Naruto, Will Kill All Of You Today

Chapter 484 Do You Know What The Name Of Sage Of Six Paths Is?

Holding the Chakra fruit transformed by the Ōtsutsuki Jin family in her hand, Ōtsutsuki Momoshiki took a bite of it without any hesitation.

"Hey, hey, hey! This guy ate that thing!"

Fourth Raikage's eyes almost popped out of their sockets.

Terumi Mei said gloomily.

"Although I don't know what happened, that fruit was turned into a human being. If this person eats this fruit, isn't he eating a human being?"

Ohnoki's expression became even gloomier.

"Can't you feel it? The huge Chakra contained in that fruit!"

"This guy can absorb ninjutsu. He was already very difficult to deal with, but now I'm afraid he will be even more terrifying!"

Grandma Chiyo looked up at the sky and said.

"I wonder what happened in the sky? Where did these two guys come from?"

Terumi Mei said.

"I think his appearance is very similar to Uchiha Madara's current appearance. They are both very pale. However, this person's eyes are not Rinnegan, but white eyes. It's really strange!"

"And the Rinnegan is actually in the palm of his hand! The ability to absorb ninjutsu seems to be through his Rinnegan!"

Upon hearing this, Onoki's expression suddenly changed.

"Strange! So strange!"

Suddenly, other people's eyes were attracted.

Fourth Raikage asked in confusion.

"What's weird?"

Ohnoki stared at Ōtsutsuki Momoshiki and said.

"I've seen Naruto use Rinnegan's ability to absorb my Dust Release, but it's completely different from how this guy used it!"

"In other words, the way he uses Rinnegan to absorb ninjutsu has a different purpose from Naruto!"

"Naruto's only invalidates my ninjutsu, but he can absorb my ninjutsu. It's fine if it's just pure absorption, but what if it's more than just absorption?"

No one present is a fool, even Fourth Raikage, who is not very smart, understands.

"You mean, this guy absorbs ninjutsu and can also release our ninjutsu?"

Granny Chiyo said.

"It's just Ohnoki's speculation for the time being, but we must be vigilant enough."

"And after he came down, he faced so many attacks but had no intention of fighting back. It was also very strange."

Terumi Mei looked up at the sky and said.

"What is certain is that they must not have benefited from Naruto and Uchiha Madara."

"But why didn't Uchiha Madara and Naruto come down?"

Ohnoki shook his head and said.

"I don't know, but with Naruto's strength, nothing will happen."

"Uchiha Madara has been able to fight Naruto until now, and his strength cannot be underestimated.

In fact, Onoki had no idea at all.

The reason why Uchiha Madara was able to fight Naruto for such a long time was entirely because Naruto basically didn't fight back much, but mostly defended himself.

After all, Naruto was worried that if he struck too hard, he would directly kill Uchiha Madara.

Now that he has made up his mind to let Uchiha Madara work for him, he naturally cannot kill such an excellent employee.

And once you defeat Uchiha Madara, you will get an excellent subordinate who will not betray.

No worldly temptation could seduce Uchiha Madara into betrayal.

Naruto now stands at a high enough position that he doesn't need to worry about someone being able to catch up and surpass him.

And he will continue to improve.

Although the extent of progress is now somewhat weakened, it still means that he still has unlimited room for improvement.

Perhaps the only thing that could stop Naruto was his lifespan.

But he is only eight years old now, and there are still tens or hundreds of years in the future.

Even Naruto himself didn't dare to think how far he could grow in the future.


Granny Chiyo shouted.

After eating the Chakra fruit, Ōtsutsuki suddenly experienced a huge change.

What was originally a handsome young man suddenly turned into a weird shape.

The head grew crazily, and the two hard horns like rabbit ears on the head also became larger, and they no longer curved forward, but instead curved diagonally backward.

What erupted from the body was an extremely violent Chakra fluctuation. This was a Chakra fluctuation that Ohnoki and the others had never felt in their lives.

Even Naruto may not be comparable.

Indeed, the Chakra in Ōtsutsuki Momoshiki's body is almost endless.

But I have never learned ninjutsu, and the ways to use Chakra are also very limited.

That is the cost used to maintain the use of Rinnegan's abilities.

As for learning ninjutsu?

You can absorb ninjutsu through the Rinnegan and release it after multiplying its power several times. Why did Ōtsutsuki Momoki go to the trouble of learning it?

…Please give me flowers…

And with the endless Chakra in his body, Ōtsutsuki Momo can use rough methods to drive the natural elements to his disposal.

Because the Rinnegan ability is too easy to use, Ōtsutsuki Momoshi also relies too much on his own eyes.


The Ōtsutsuki Peach Rinnegan that ate the Chakra Fruit turned golden, and a golden Rinnegan grew on its forehead.

However, Ōtsutsuki Momoshi, whose strength had grown tremendously, was not in a hurry to fly up and destroy Naruto.

Instead, he focused his attention on the large number of ninjas on the ground.

Although he relied on the power of these people to improve himself, Ōtsutsuki Momoshi had no intention of being attacked by so many people.

Anyway, he absorbed a lot of power, not to mention that he also ate the Chakra fruit that Ōtsutsuki Kim became.


Now Ōtsutsuki Momoshiki's self-confidence is soaring, and she doesn't take Naruto and Uchiha Madara seriously at all.

So he doesn't mind getting rid of these annoying ants below first.

Anyway, for the sake of the fruit of the sacred tree, these guys will have to be dealt with sooner or later.

Upon noticing Ōtsutsuki's peach-like gaze, Onoki and others' expressions changed.

"No! He's going to take action!"

Terumi Mei rushed out, shouting.

"He must be stopped!"

Once this guy who exudes a dangerous aura is allowed to take action against the people below, I am afraid it will cause a very tragic tragedy.

Granny Chiyo looked up at the sky.

"What are Naruto and Uchiha Madara doing? Don't they sense the danger from this guy?"

What are Naruto and Uchiha Madara doing at this time?

They are chatting.

Just after Uchiha Madara defeated the Jin family, he noticed something was wrong and took the initiative to find Naruto.

"What's going on with these two guys? Why do they look so different from what I imagined? And they even have white eyes!"

"Are they related to the legendary Sage of Six Paths?"

Uchiha Madara really has too many questions in her heart.

Facing Uchiha Madara's series of questions, Naruto nodded calmly and said.

"They really have something to do with Sage of Six Paths."

"Do you know what the name of Sage of Six Paths is?"

Uchiha Madara was stunned. They only knew that the name Sage of Six Paths had been passed down. He really didn't know what the name Sage of Six Paths was. .

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