Konoha: I, Naruto, Will Kill All Of You Today

Chapter 487 The End, Or A New Starting Point (Finale)

It doesn't matter whether it's fair or not.

While they were watching, a fierce battle between Ōtsutsuki Momoshiki and Uchiha Madara had begun.

The height of the lava giant created by Ōtsutsuki Momoshiki is no less than the complete Susanoo of Uchiha Madara.

The battle between the two giants is so thrilling.

Just the aftermath caused the earth to tremble, causing the people standing on the ground to stagger and unable to stand firm. They could only retreat backwards to avoid the center of the Uzumaki battle.

Only a few people present were able to withstand the impact and watch at close range.

And Naruto is undoubtedly the easiest one.

Naruto crossed his arms and watched the battle between the two from a high position.

The battle that shocked everyone was nothing more than that in Naruto's eyes.

His previous battle with Uchiha Madara was even worse than now.

Looking at this scene, Naruto suddenly realized.

Maybe the Ōtsutsuki clan he was originally afraid of were not that powerful?

At least, Tsutsuki Momoshi didn't feel threatened at all.

This race that continues to destroy civilizations one after another through the sacred tree in the universe does not seem so scary.

Then does he still need to continue to endure it?

Naruto felt like he didn't need it anymore.

He can show his strength to his heart's content, and even use the power of the Ōtsutsuki clan to counterattack the Ōtsutsuki clan's base camp.

Since Ōtsutsuki Momoshiki is able to reach the ninja world across vast distances through space ninjutsu.

Then Naruto can naturally do the opposite.

Just know where the Ōtsutsuki clan's headquarters is.

And this answer, only the following Ōtsutsuki Momoshiki can give him the answer.

So, Naruto took action decisively.


There was a loud noise, accompanied by a strong shock wave.

Ōtsutsuki Momo's lava giant fell apart, and Uchiha Madara's Susanoo was even pushed back.

Everyone was immediately shocked.

Who is it?!

Can you intervene in a battle between such powerful people?

They raised their heads and saw the powerful figure.


He is the only one in the entire ninja world who can do such a thing!

Everyone looked at Naruto in shock, but felt that Naruto's appearance was very reasonable.

"Hmph! Can't you help but take action?||?"

Ōtsutsuki Momoshi was not surprised by the collapse of the lava giant. After all, it was just a product of his using other people's ninjutsu to amplify it.

And after swallowing the Chakra fruit transformed by the Ōtsutsuki Jin family, Ōtsutsuki Momoshiki gained absolute confidence in her own strength.

He believes that no one can be his opponent.

Uchiha Madara saw Naruto take action and decisively promoted Susanoo.

"What do you want? This is my fight!"

But Naruto paid no attention.

Instead, he looked at Ōtsutsuki Momoshiki with an indifferent expression on his face, like an ant.

"Give you a chance and tell me where you are from."

Naruto's eyes made Ōtsutsuki Momo feel very stinging, and the flames of anger burned brightly.

As a proud member of the Ōtsutsuki clan, he was the only one who looked at others with this look in the past. When did it become others' turn to look at him with this look?

"Lowly primitive man! How dare you look at me like that!"

"I must kill you!"

However, before Ōtsutsuki Momoshiki could take action, he suddenly felt something was wrong around him.

Turning his head suddenly, he suddenly realized that he was surrounded.

Thousands of Narutos surrounded him.

Sky, ground, everywhere.

Uchiha Madara's expression changed, and he felt endless Chakra from these Naruto clones.

At this moment, he deeply understood that Tomorrow had never taken any serious action against him from beginning to end.

He finally gave up his inner thoughts, Naruto's strength was far beyond his imagination.

I don’t know how much better it is than the previous Sage of Six Paths.

Being surrounded by so many people, and they were all the same person, Ōtsutsuki immediately felt something was wrong.

But soon, this bad feeling came true.

Thousands of Naruto clones fly Gundam at the same time!

The perfect Susanoo appears, making everyone feel like they are in the land of giants!

That incomparably huge sense of intimidation, even Ōtsutsuki Momoshiki couldn't ignore.

He swallowed and said.

"Don't try to bluff!"

"I, I am a proud member of the Ōtsutsuki clan!"

Naruto smiled slightly.

"Really? I hope you can be more courageous next time."

The battle started quickly and ended quickly.

With the help of genjutsu, Naruto easily got the information he wanted from Ōtsutsuki Momoshiki.

Therefore, the useless Ōtsutsuki Momoshi was neatly eliminated by Naruto.

Subsequently, Naruto sent thousands of clones there as a precaution, and the Ōtsutsuki clan was wiped out.

And he himself began his ultimate goal.

Unify the ninja world and create a true utopian world!

Under his 'persuasion', everyone became extremely obedient.

After all, even the arrogant Uchiha Madara obeyed Naruto's orders.

Once the power was in his hands, Naruto immediately began his plan.

The first is to popularize ninjutsu education.

As well as breaking the barriers between the ninja clans, allowing the ninja clans to intermarry, allowing their blood to flow, instead of being isolated between the clans.

Then he promoted the strange plants he created, which greatly improved people's access to food.

At this point, no one will die of hunger anymore.

Under the close surveillance of Naruto's growing army of clones, no one could show the slightest bit of greed.

Although it was a form of force deterrence, Naruto did indeed make the whole world peaceful.

Even if everyone knows that when Naruto leaves, this peace will be broken.

But while Naruto was alive, no one would dare challenge his authority.

Except Naruto's old enemy Sasuke.

But to be honest, Sasuke is enough though.

But after all, it still can't match Naruto's cheating speed of improvement.

After all, Sasuke has only relied on hundreds of clones to increase his training speed until now.

But the number of Naruto's clones at this time has exceeded 10,000!

No one knows how powerful Naruto is now.

Because no one saw Naruto take action again.

°.々Really, the ninja world has become peaceful...Book

Uchiha Madara said this with a complicated tone.

It was different from his approach, but it truly brought peace.

He looked at Naruto beside him. It was this boy who had brought about this incredible change.

Naruto looked into the distance with a faint smile, his eyes seemed to take in all the prosperity in front of him, but he didn't seem to take it to heart.

Uchiha Madara asked.

"You've achieved Ultimate, what else do you want to do next?"

Naruto smiled lightly, looked up at the blue sky and said.

"Perhaps, to find a new starting point?".

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