Konoha: I, Naruto, Will Kill All Of You Today

Chapter 56 Scared Darui! Konoha's Brats Are All Crazy! ?

"Hey! There seems to be something moving."

A Cloud Shinobi pricked up its ears discreetly.

Darui frowned, and immediately waved his hand to signal everyone to hide in the bushes.

"Did someone discover it?"

"No, this place is in the suburbs of Uchiha. Generally speaking, people from Konoha will not come here."

Darui explained in a low voice.

"Maybe it's Uchiha's kid, let's see what happens!"

Several people continued to ambush.


Not long.

Two boys in the uniform of the Uchiha family came out from the grass.

"It turned out to be two children? Why did you run out so early?"

A group of Cloud Shinobi were a little surprised.

What the hell.

Isn't it just dawn at this hour?

Shouldn't ordinary little ghosts still be asleep on the bed at this time?

Why are these two children wandering outside?

"Maybe they came out to play. As far as I know, children in Konoha live a better life than children in other villages."

"That's right, these little ghosts in Konoha Village are extremely lazy and incompetent. I observed that before, their little ghosts hardly took classes seriously at school, not to mention learning Lightning Style and other skills like our Cloud Shinobi, they Even the most basic ninjutsu is fishing."

"Haha, if this continues, within a few years, Konoha's strength will be reduced to the bottom of the five major countries!"

"There is no need to send so many "077" people here. The children of Konoha Village can catch four or five of them if they come here at random!"

"That's right! These children have no resistance at all and can only be slaughtered by us!"

A group of Cloud Shinobi snickered to themselves.

They all think that Konoha's little devil is lazy and has no fighting power at all!

If you meet these Chunnin-level Cloud Shinobi like them, isn't that just a handy thing?

Maybe you don't need Jōnin at all, and you can take a few away with a block of bricks!


at this time.

"Hey, you two, how much weight can you carry today?"

A cold voice came from not far away.

The two Uchiha's imps who were locked just now stopped immediately and looked back at Sasuke.

"Already 8 pieces."

"10 tablets for me."

Sasuke nodded, then took out two lead plates from the scroll, and fitted them one by one.

"To be a Uchiha person is to be able to endure hardships more than others."

"Don't lose to them!"

The two nodded excitedly, and then installed the lead plates in a sensible manner.

Next, start your warm-up run.

See this scene.

A group of Cloud Shinobi were surprised and confused.

"Hey.....Hey, what's the situation? Didn't you say that the kids in Konoha Village are all playboys? Why do these three kids seem to be exercising!

One Cloud Shinobi expressed doubts, and the rest also nodded their heads, expressing their incomprehension.

"Uh... don't panic, these people belong to Uchiha after all, as the largest family, it is only natural that they work harder than others." Darui explained.

"Now what?"

"Squat here to find the target, and wait until it gets dark before doing it."

A group of people squatted obediently in the grass.

Ten minutes later.

Two more figures came running over.

"Damn Naruto, it's all because of him that I have to roll up now."

Chōji wore iron boots on his feet, and the lead plates on his body were clanging non-stop.

Inuzuka teeth clenched his fists, and said unhappily: "Damn! If it weren't for me, I would also want to practice the Body Flicker Technique stunt like Naruto [I don't want to get up so early to exercise even if I am killed."

Chōji: "That's right! I also want to teleport like him! Damn, when will I be able to practice it!"

The two ran and scolded.

Just like that, he ran straight in front of Cloud Shinobi's ambush.

After a brief silence.

"Hey, isn't this right? Why are there two more training brats?"

"Yes! And what about the equipment on them? Is that a weight!?"

"Bearing weight? No way! Those equipments must weigh tens of kilograms! They can actually run with them on their backs?"

A group of Cloud Shinobi were dumbfounded.

Two were sent away just now, and now two more are coming!

And looking at their clothes, it's not Uchiha's people either.

Didn’t you say that Konoha’s little ghosts are very lazy, why just squatted down, without warming their buttocks, and bumped into 4 people who came to do morning exercises!

"But, maybe it's because he wants to lose weight... Doesn't the one with the tattoo on his face look fat?"

Darui wiped his sweat and forcefully explained.

"I said, did Lord Raikage miss you? If these brats practice so hard, they probably won't be able to catch them casually!

There Cloud Shinobi made the point.

This time the Cloud Shinobi troops came to Konoha to arrest people, the assumption was that it would not cost a single soldier.

According to their intelligence, these little devils in Konoha have almost no fighting power at all.

All day long, he eats lazy food and wanders around.

Catching them is as easy as catching chickens!

but now.....…

Meet 4 people in a row, all doing morning exercises!

And, with loads!

In this way, their strength is not very clear!

"Don't panic, it's just that we bumped into them occasionally, there are so many little ghosts in Konoha, because some of them are not idlers.

"It's because we are lurking in the forest, so all the people we meet come to do morning exercises."

"80% of the others are still sleeping."

Darui swallowed his saliva and stared firmly into the distance.

However at this time.

Two more figures approached.

"Hey, it seems to be two girls this time!"

Just after seeing those two graceful figures, Cloud Shinobi in the grass recognized it.

Boys and girls have different walking postures.

"How do you say it? You shouldn't be here for morning exercise this time, right?"

asked a Cloud Shinobi.

Darui nodded firmly: "Surely not, how could a girl wake up so early for morning exercises? It must be for a walk.


"Ino pig, I tell you! I can add 10 lead plates now! I am the most beautiful and sleazy female ninja in Konoha!" Little Sakura's voice was as loud as a cow, and a group of Cloud Shinobi could hear it from afar.

"Huh! It's only 10 pieces! I can catch up tomorrow! Don't think I will lose to your wide forehead!"

Ino was furious, and the two kept running, fighting each other while running.

Charge out from the front of the ambush again!

See this scene.

The entire Cloud Shinobi squad, collectively dumbfounded!

"Hey! Didn't you say that most of them are idlers? Why are these two also here for morning exercises!"

"And it's a woman!"

"Wait, didn't you guys discover something more important? The morning exercises of these brats, it feels like they are not practicing themselves, but comparing themselves with others!"

"Yeah! It's been adding lead from the beginning, and it seems like everyone wants more lead!"

"Is this involving each other?"

"What happened to Mu, Konoha!"

A group of people can no longer be calm.

I originally thought Konoha's little ghost heads were a group of soft persimmons, which could be taken away in a sack like little chicks.

But now, I met 6 people in succession, and all of them came out to exercise just after dawn!

And the intensity of the workout is insane!

It even turns on inward scrolling mode!


Darui opened his mouth wide in a daze, wanting to say something.

But at this moment.



A huge movement came from far and near..

Like an earthquake, and like a huge beast running wildly, the ground even began to tremble!

"Here! What happened!"

A group of Cloud Shinobi clenched their fists in a panic and buried their bodies in the grass nervously, not daring to move!

After a few seconds.

A boy wearing a green watermelon rind rushed forward.

Behind him, there were two large boulders with a diameter of about one meter.

Steel nails are driven into each stone, and then iron chains are passed through and tied to the legs.

He dragged two stones like this and ran through the forest!

"Damn! At this level, at this level, I can't catch up with Naruto!"

"Not enough!"

Xiao Li beat his legs in grief and anger, his tone was full of unwillingness and self-blame.

"Wait Naruto, I must surpass you!"

With that said, Xiao Li raised his spirits.

Dragging two stones again, he frantically ran towards the distance.

See this scene.

A group of Cloud Shinobi hiding in the grass, all of them were too scared to move!

They were stunned for more than half a minute, and when Xiao Li's figure completely walked away, everyone burst into violent exclamations!

"Damn it!!!!"

"This! What the hell is this! Just, was that person just now!?"

"Stones!? I read that right! That kid has two big stones tied to his legs!"

"What's the matter with Konoha and these brats? Are they all crazy? It's fine to use lead plates to carry weights, but now there are people tying stones to their legs!"

"Those two stones are more than one meter in diameter! He can still drag them!"

"Damn! These guys are monsters! Where did someone train like this!"

"Didn't you say that Konoha's little ghosts are lazy people? Why are they all training like crazy!"

A bunch of Cloud Shinobi, totally messed up!

After encountering 6 regular trainings in succession, the appearance of Xiao Li is like a blockbuster, directly refreshing their three views!

Lead sheet is ridiculous enough.

What the hell, you tie rocks behind your legs!?

What kind of stimulation was it that came up with such an extreme training method!

"Captain, we..."

Darui stretched out his hand, motioning everyone to stop talking.

In the current situation of 4.8, even he feels that he can no longer continue the task!


At this moment, Darui had only one thought in his mind!

For some unknown reason, the current information of Konoha Village is completely different from the information he received!

This village is full of danger!

Those little devils who are too lazy to work, I don't know what stimulated them, and now they are working hard to practice hard!

"The situation has changed, retreat first!"

Darui waved his hand.

Immediately command everyone to retreat.

But at this moment.

"Captain! It seems, it seems that someone is coming over again!"

A sentient Cloud Shinobi yelled in a low voice in the distance.

Darui immediately gestured to everyone not to move.

A group of people squatted nervously in the grass.

Staring intently into the distance.

As the distant scene got closer and closer, everyone's breathing changed from slow to rapid, and finally, they even stopped completely!

Because at this time, the one who hides everyone and walks over is none other than Naruto!

And Naruto's shape is similar to the previous Lee Locke.

They were all bound with iron chains and had things tied behind their backs.

It's just that Naruto has more things tied to his back than Lee Locke!

It's a mountain!

20 meters high and 10 meters wide, the whole body is a black rock mountain!

And Naruto, pulling the mountain, is running with sex!.

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