Konoha: I, Naruto, Will Kill All Of You Today

Chapter 80 Patriarch! You Have To Think Twice! Don't Kill Naruto!

Hyuga Hiashi walked to the center of the dojo, looking like he was going to teach someone a lesson.

"Hinata, it's dangerous here, go and look around."

Naruto let go of Hinata's hand, letting her look aside.

He walked to the center of the dojo himself.

The two stood opposite each other.

Five steps away.

This distance is not close or far.

For masters, it's within seconds.

But Hyuga Hiashi has a huge upside.

He is an adult, with long hands-long feet compared to Naruto.

It is undoubtedly more advantageous in close combat.

"Be careful, Naruto-kun..."

Hinata had a worried look on her face, she clasped her hands tightly to her chest.

Tensions began to creep in.

The two people standing opposite each other stood in place, like two pine trees, motionless.

At this time.

Naruto blinked slightly.

This is the moment.

Hyuga Hiashi moved.

In an instant, he crossed the distance of five steps and arrived in front of Naruto.

Palms whistling and clapping, with palm wind and jets of Chakra!

This is Gentle Fist!

Jet Chakra from the acupuncture points of the palm to destroy other people's acupuncture points and block the flow of other people's Chakra.

This is the nature of Gentle Fist.

Naruto's expression was calm, his footsteps deviated, and he dodged sideways.

Hyuga Hiashi, however, guessed the precise steps at the same time.


Crack! Crack! Crack!

A few shots of Gentle Fist hit Naruto's body in an instant!

In the blink of an eye, the two had already completed a duel of several moves.

Relying on the advantages of height and arm length.

Hyuga Hiashi pressed on every step.

Naruto is losing ground.

"Mr. Naruto!"

Hinata exclaimed, covered her cheeks and dared not look.

"Hmph, is this what he looks like after boasting about Haikou?"

“It really makes people laugh out loud!”

"If you only have this level, just stay at home honestly and don't come out to embarrass yourself!"

Seeing that he suppressed Naruto, Hyuga Hiashi became even more merciless.

The movements of the hands are also more intensive and forceful!

Swish Swish Swish!

Intensive palm techniques shuttled in front of Naruto non-stop.

Every time, it almost brushes past the body!

"Hey! Look! The patriarch...he's fighting with someone!"

"who is it?"

"Looks like Nine Tails Jinchūriki! It's Naruto!"

"What happened! How did these two people start fighting!"

"Come and see!"

The Hyuga clan outside the dojo swarmed in.

All surrounded the two sides of the dojo, watching nervously!


I saw onlookers coming in one after another.

Hyuga Hiashi attacks more and more fiercely!

"What's the matter? Is this all you can do?"

"Didn't you just say that Gentle Fist is not good?"

"Then why do you keep dodging?"

With Chakra's fist. Crazy wipes on Naruto.

In Hyuga Hiashi's eyes, Naruto is trying his best to avoid his Gentle Fist at this moment.

Scared of being hit!

"I said Uncle Hyuga, don't you find it strange?"

at this time.

Naruto, who had been silent all this time, suddenly spoke.

"What's strange?" Hyuga Hiashi's face darkened.

"You have already punched more than 50 times, why didn't you hit a single punch?"

Like a stone falling into a lake.

for a moment.

Hyuga Hiashi's relaxed mood suddenly turned into panic!

Just thought for a moment.

His complexion changed drastically immediately, and his scalp was numb!


I have punched so many times, why didn't I hit once!?

Hyuga Hiashi's heart began to beat wildly.

He stared at Naruto in shock.


It was this inconspicuous glance that made his nervous heart almost stop!

Just now, Hyuga Hiashi always thought that Naruto was afraid of being punched, so he dodged wildly.

but now.

I found out by carefully looking at Naruto's expression.

He is so at ease!

Look relaxed and calm!

It's not trying to dodge with all your strength, but it's like breathing, avoiding those attacks naturally!

"This, how is this possible!?"

Hyuga Hiashi is like seeing a ghost!

He found that no matter how much he changed his punching style, he couldn't hit Naruto!

It wasn't his fist that grazed Naruto's body.

Instead, Naruto purposely let his fist brush past his body!

"What's the matter, is it just this little strength?"

Naruto laughed jokingly, and then, his eyes flashed.


Quickly counterattack with two palms.

With a strong force, Hyuga Hiashi's palm was spread out in an instant.

Hyuga Hiashi took three steps back and immediately pushed to stabilize his body without falling.

At this moment, the whole scene was silent.

Hinata, as well as those onlookers, all looked unbelievable!

"Just, what happened just now!?"

"The patriarch... was beaten back?!"

"I'm going! Naruto actually hit the patriarch!?"

"No! It must have been an accident just now! How could Naruto hit the Hyuga chief? It must have happened by luck!"

It wasn't just the onlookers who were shocked.

Even Hyuga Hiashi, stared at his hands in fear.

"This, how is this possible!"

"That kid actually..."

He raised his head slightly in horror.

Hyuga Hiashi saw Naruto's face full of sarcasm, and was staring at himself with disdain.

"Is the Gentle Fist of Chief Hyuga only this level?"

"What a disappointment."

Naruto sneered.


Hyuga Hiashi's eyes widened, ferocious blood vessels spread all over his cheeks, anger and Chakra spurted out!

"Boy! Don't be too arrogant!"

Hyuga Hiashi immediately assumes the Gentle Fist stance.

Originally, he did not intend to use this trick.

But Naruto really deserves a beating!

Can't bear it!

The surrounding audience also exclaimed.

"No, that's not it! The patriarch... actually wants to use 64 palms!"

"It's too serious! Naruto is a kid!"

"Patriarch, stop! You'll kill Naruto!"

"That's right! It's just a lesson to the children, there's no need to be serious!

A group of people frantically discouraged.

Yet they don't know.

The more they dissuade like this, Hyuga Hiashi can only be more ruthless all of a sudden!

Because now he is not fighting Naruto alone.

Instead, in front of the entire family, he repaired an outsider!

If his performance is too bad, what is the majesty of the patriarch!

"As the patriarch of the Hyuga family, I will not allow anyone to defile Gentle Fist!"

"Little devil! I want you to pay the price!"

Hyuga Hiashi took a step under his feet.

In an instant, the Eight Trigrams pattern emerged.

This move can be said to be his strongest right now.

Only displayed when dealing with important enemies.

But today, he made an exception!

In order to teach this ignorant brat a lesson, this trick must be used!

"Naruto-kun! Hurry, run away!"

Hinata on the side.

Shouted out in horror.

0·Ask for flowers O…………

will be killed!

Father's Eight Trigrams64 palm will definitely kill Naruto!


Naruto at this time.

Facing the murderous Hyuga Hiashi, instead of running away, he stood there calmly.

next second.

He stretched his arms out in a strange posture.

This moment.

The entire scene, everyone, was stunned.

"Hey! This, this brat... what kind of posture is he!"

"Isn't that our Gentle Fist pose!"

"what's the situation!?"

"Could it be that he also knows the Gentle Fist method!?"

"how can that be!"

"Absolutely impossible! The Gentle Fist method is a secret art of our Hyuga family, and it will never be passed on!"

"Outsiders can't learn even if they steal it!"

"Is that a bluff?"

"But, it's not right! Look at Naruto's feet, it seems that the Chakra mark has begun to appear!"

The whole scene was shocked!

Everyone stared at Naruto with their eyes wide open.

And watching Naruto also put on a posture, Hyuga Hiashi couldn't help but be stunned.

There are too many similarities between Naruto's posture and his posture!


"This brat, is he trying to fool...

Hyuga Hiashi just thought so.

The expression on the face stopped abruptly!


At Naruto's feet, he began to appear in the Eight Trigrams figure.

This is a pattern unique to the Gentle Fist method!

He's not pretending, he really can!

"You, you kid! How can you use Gentle Fist!"

Hyuga Hiashi screamed in panic.

His face, forehead, and back were covered in cold sweat!

Naruto's expression is as immobile as a mountain:

"Didn't I say, your Gentle Fist is not very good."

"I was able to say this, of course, because it's already quite annoying."


Hyuga Hiashi flew into a rage!

"Don't think that the Gentle Fist method you stole from other places can be compared with the orthodox national boxing method!"

"See if I don't break you!"

The next moment.

Both sides rushed out.

The palms of the two turned into afterimages.

Intersecting quickly in the air!



The irritable Chakra raged wildly in the field, creating a violent hurricane!

Flying sand and rocks, leaves rolling!

Everyone was shocked by the violent confrontation between the two sides!


Hinata's eyes widened in fear, she was already dazzled.

The speed is too fast!

"Is this the Gentle Fist method of my lord father? It's amazing, but...

Hinata exhausted all the brain cells and couldn't think clearly.

It is such a strong orthodox Gentle Fist, Naruto actually fought back and forth with her father!


"how is this possible!?"


Hyuga Hiashi who fought with Naruto has a deeper experience!

Eight Trigrams64 palms, Hyuga Hiashi has already used it countless times.

Every movement has been deeply engraved in his body.

Even if you don't need to think about it, your body will do it automatically.

And the power is naturally unmatched!

Especially the Gentle Fist used by him, the patriarch, has almost reached the perfect state!

All the enemies he has encountered so far.

In the face of this move, he will only be beaten and retreated! He will fall to the ground! There is no power to parry!

However, Naruto at this time.

Not only perfectly resolved his Eight Trigrams64 palm.

You can even grab the gap and give him a few more punches!

At first I was overwhelmed, but became Hyuga Hiashi eight!.

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